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263, 266-68, 272 and Petrograd Soviet, 90, 175, 189, 313

and preparation for insurrection, 212,

221, 222, 225 and Preparliament, 201-2 and reaction to July days, 19, 31-32, 47-50

in seizure of power, 278, 279 Sixth Congress and, 83, 85, 86 Stalin compared with, 66 Trubetskoi, Prince Grigorii, 127-28 Tsentrobalt (Central Committee of the Baltic Fleet), 30, 48, 143, 157, 237, 306

Tsentroflot (Central Executive Committee of the Navy), 148

Tsereteli, lraklii, 23, 36, 174 and defeat of Kornilov, 131, 148 and Democratic State Conference,


and formation of new Provisional

Government (Aug.), 158 and Provisional Government, xxvii,

26, 55, 161, 164, 165, 320n and reaction to July days, 68, 321n Turgenev, Ivan, 7 Tyrkova, Ariadna, 40, 91

Ulianov, Maria, li, 1, 33 Unemployment, shortages resulting in,


Union of Cossack Troops, 105 Union of Landowners, 95 Union of Metalworkers, 141, 221 Union of Officers of the Army and Navy, 95, 105, 117, 119, 127, 156, 331n

Union of Railway Workers, 142; see also Vikzhel

Union of Saint George Cavaliers, 95,

105, 156, 331n Uritsky, M. S., 181, 203, 204, 234, 250, 326n

Vainshtein, S. L., 130 Veinberg, Gavril, 67, 68 Verderevsky, Adm. Dmitrii, 154, 284, 287, 289

Verkhovsky, Gen. A. I., 103, 114, 150,

154, 216, 265, 335n-36n Vikzhel, 142, 308-10 Vinokurov, Vasilii, 64, 217-19 Vishnegradsky, A. I., 106, 114, 115 Vishnevetsky, Nikolai, 47 Voinov, Ivan, 47, 266, 324n Volia naroda (newspaper), 19, 20 Volodarsky, Moisei, 74, 77, 326n and garrison crisis, 242

and ineffectiveness of government

repression, 64, 68, 69 in July uprising, 9, 12-13, 319n leftists defended by, 90 and Lenin's campaign for

insurrection, 192-93, 197-200 opposes Lenin in July, 60, 61 in preparation for insurrection, 221 and reaction to July days, 33 in seizure of power, 279 at Sixth Congress, 86, 88 Volodin (chairman of sailors' committee), 228

Wade, Rex, xxxiv Washington, George, xl "What We Need" (Stalin), 252 Wilhelm II (Kaiser of Germany), 27, 201, 256

Winter Palace, in October seizure of power, 274, 278, 280-91, 295, 298-301, 305 Workers

Bolshevik strength among, xlv-xlviii,


defeat of Kornilov and Red Guards,

139-49, 152, 339n district soviets and, 78-79, 81-82 economic situation of, xliii-xliv insurrection and Red Guards, 211, 219

in July uprising, 1-3, 5-7, 9-12 and new Provisional Government (Aug.), 154-55, 159, 160, 166, 167, 340n

in October uprising, 261-63, 265,

266, 269 opposing new Soviet government,

306, 308-9 political behavior of, xxxv, xxxvii-xxxviii, 343n

in preparation for insurrection, 215—19, 224

rail, under martial law, 106 and reaction to July days, 28—30,

52—54, 63—65, 70, 78 and rise of Kornilov, 105—7 in seizure of power, Red Guards, 274,

277, 280, 300—301 See also Soviets Workers' control, 169, 303, 318n Workers' Section (Petrograd Soviet), 2, 90, 105

World War I, see Russian army; Russian

military units; Russian naval units Woytinsky, Vladimir, 42, 99, 167 in garrison crisis, 226, 227, 229—31, 244

in seizure of power, 302

Yagoda, Genrikh, 72

Zakharov, A., 269—70 Zarudny, Alexander, 55 Zavoiko, Vasilii, and rise of Kornilov, 98, 100—104, 122—23, 126—27, 332n

Zhakov, Mikhail, 253, 254

Zhivoe slovo (newspaper), 17—18, 35, 36,

40, 215, 248, 250, 325n Zinoviev, Grigorii, 239, 312, 316n, 344n

charges against, 55—56 and Congress of Soviets, 190, 292 and defeat of Kornilov, 132 and Democratic State Conference, 177

in July uprising, 12, 320n and Lenin's campaign for insurrection, 191—92, 203—8, 345n, 346n

in new Soviet government, 309, 310 and October uprising, 272 opposes Lenin in July, 60 in preparation for insurrection,

212—14, 216, 217, 221—23, 347n and reaction to July days, 19, 30—38,

44, 57 and seizure of power, 279 Stalin compared with, 66 Znamensky, Sergei, 163 Znamia truda (newspaper), 213, 347n