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O. N. Znamenskii, Intelligentsiia nakanune Velikogo Oktiabria (Fevral— Oktiabr 1917g.) (Leningrad, 1988).

Barbara Evans Clements, Bolshevik Women (Cambridge, 1997).

M. A. Babkin, Dukhovenstvo Russkoi pravoslavnoi tservi i sverzhenie monarkhii (nachaloXXv.-konets 1917g.) (Moscow, 2007); P. G. Rogoznyi, Tserkovaia revoliutsiia 1917goda (Vyshee dukhovenstvo Rossiiskoi Tserkvi v bor'be za vlast' v eparkhiakhposle Fevral'skoi revoliutsii (St. Petersburg, 2008).

Donald J. Raleigh, Revolution on the Volga: 1917 in Saratov (Ithaca, NY, 1986); Orlando Figes, Peasant Russia, Civil War: The Volga Countryside in the Rev­olution, 1917—1921 (Oxford, 1989); N. N. Kabutova, Vlast'i obshchestvo v rossiiskoi provintsii: 1917god v Povolzh'e (Samara, 1989); I. V. Narskii, Zhizn v katastrofe: Budni naseleniia Urala v 1917—1922 (Moscow, 2001); Peter Holquist, Making War, Forging Revolution: Russia's Continuum of Crisis, 1914—1921 (Cambridge, 2002); Sarah Badcock, Politics and the People in Revolutionary Russia: A Provincial History (Cambridge, 2007); Aaron Retish, Russia's Peasants in Revolution and Civil War: Citizenship, Identity, and the Creation of the Soviet State (1914-1922) (Cambridge, 2008); and V. P. Sapon, Ternovoi venets svobody: libertarizm v ideologii i revoliutsion- noipraktike rossiiskoi levykh radikalov (1917—1918gg.) (Nizhnyi Novgorod, 2008).

Lutz Hafner, Die Partei der linken Sozialrevolutionare in der Russichen Rev­olution von 1917—1918 (Cologne, 1994); Ziva Galili, The Menshevik Leaders in the Russian Revolution: Social Realities and Political Strategies (Princeton, NJ, 1989); S. V. Tiutiukin, Mensheviki: Stranitsy istorii (Moscow, 2002); and Michael S. Melan- con, The Socialist Revolutionaries and the Russian Anti-War Movement, 1914—1917 (Columbus, 1990).

Oliver H. Radkey, Russia Goes to the Polls: The Election to the All-Russian Constituent Assembly 1917 (Ithaca, NY, 1989); L. G. Protasov, Vserossiiskoe uchredi- tel'noe sobranie: Istoriia rozhdeniia i gibeli (Moscow, 1997).

Irving Howe, Leon Trotsky (New York, 1978), Baruch Knei-Paz, The Social and Political Thought of Leon Trotsky (Oxford, 1979), Pierre Broue, Trotsky (Paris,

1988); Barbara C. Allen, Alexander Shliapnikov: Life of an Old Bolshevik (Chicago, 2017), Richard Abraham, Alexander Kerensky: The First Love of the Revolution (New York, 1987), V. P. Fediuk, Kerenskii (Moscow, 2009), S. V. Tiutiukin, Aleksandr Kerenskii. Stranitsypoliticheskoi biografii (1905—1917); G. Z. Ioffe, "Beloe Delo," GeneralKornilov (Moscow, 1989); Melissa Kirschke Stockdale, PaulMiliukov and the Quest for a Liberal Russia, 1880-1918 (Ithaca, NY, 1996).

Richard Stites, Revolutionary Dreams: Utopian Visions and Experimental Life in the Russian Revolution (New York and Oxford, 1989); Frederick C. Corney, Telling October: Memory and the Making of the Bolshevik Revolution (Ithaca, NY, 2004); Orlando Figes and Boris Kolonitskii, Interpreting the Russian Revolution: The Language and Symbols of1917 (New Haven, CT, and London, 1999); and B. I. Kolonitskii, Simvoly vlasti i bor'ba za vlast': Kizucheniiupoliticheskoi kul'tury rossi- iskoi revoliutsii 1917goda (St. Petersburg, 2012) and "Tragicheskaia erotika": Obrazy imperatorskoi sem'i v gody Pervoi mirovoi voiny (Moscow, 2010).

Edward Acton, Rethinking the Russian Revolution (London, 1990); Jonathan D. Smele, ed., The Russian Revolution and Civil War, 1917-1921: An Annotated Bibliography (London and New York, 2003) and Jonathan D. Smele, The 'Russian' Civil Wars, 1916-1926: Ten Years That Shook the World (New York, 2016); Marc Ferro, La Revolution de 1917: Octobre, naissance d'une societe (Paris, 1976); Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, The February Revolution: Petrograd, 1917 (Seattle and London, 1981); V. I. Startsev, Krakh Kerenshchiny (Leningrad, 1982); Manfred Hildermeier, Die rus- sische Revolution 1905-1921 (Frankfurt-am-Main, 1989); S. V. Leonov, Rozhdenie sovetskoi imperii: gosudarstvo i ideologia, 1917-1922 (Moscow, 1997); Christopher Read, From Tsar to Soviets: The Russian People and Their Revolution, 1917-1921 (Ox­ford, 1996); Vladimir P. Buldakov, Krasnaia smuta (Moscow, 2010); V. P. Buldakov and T. G. Leont'eva, Voinaporodivshaia revoliutsiiu: Rossiia 1914-1917gg. (Moscow, 2015); Rex A. Wade, The Russian Revolution, 1917 (Cambridge, 2005); Dominic Lieven, The End of Tsarist Russia: The March to World War I and Revolution (New York, 2016); Joshua Sanborn, Imperial Apocalypse: The Great War and the Destruc­tion of the Russian Empire (Oxford, 2014); and Mark D. Steinberg, The Russian Rev­olution, 1905-1921 (Oxford, 2017).

Among the most important of these documentary works are some forty-four volumes on the major non-Bolshevik parties during the revolutionary era: Politiches- kiepartii Rossii konetsXlX-pervaia tret'XX veka: Dokumental'noe nasledie, published by Rosspen (Moscow, 1996-2005). Particularly germane to the focus of The Bolshe­viks Come to Power is B. D. Galperina, O. N. Znamenskii, and V. I. Startsev, eds., Petrogradskii sovet rabochikh i soldatskikh deputatov v 1917godu, T. 1-4 (Leningrad and Moscow, 1991-2003), and a compendium of documents prepared by T. A. Abrosimova, T. P. Bondarevskaia, E. T. Leikin, and V. Iu. Cherniaev, eds., Peter- burgskii komitet RSDRP (b) v 1917godu: Protokoly i materialy zasedanii (St. Peters­burg, 2003). However, with the exception of the latter, critical documents relating to the Bolshevik Party during the revolution have not been republished, notwith­standing that Soviet era compilations of them are universally acknowledged to be distorted and incomplete. Two especially useful reference works are P. V. Volobuev,

A. S. Velidov, E. G. Gimpelson, V. P. Danilov, V. V. Zhuravlev, V. I. Miller, A. P. Nenarokov, A. I. Razgon, Iu. Iu. Figatner, M. N. Khitrov, and L. K. Shkarenikov, eds., Politicheskie deiateli Rossii 1917: Bibliograficheskii slovar' (Moscow, 1993), and V. V. Shelokhaev, V. P. Buldakov, N. D. Erofeev, O. A. Zumarin, S. V. Kuleshev, V. V. Kriven'skii, A. Iu. Morozova, I. S. Rosental', and A. K. Sorokin, eds., Politiches­kie partii Rossii konets XlX-pervaia tret'XX veka: Entsyklopediia. (Moscow, 1996).

Mark D. Steinberg, ed., Voices of Revolution (New Haven, CT and London, 2001).

See V. Iu. Cherniaev, Z. Galili, L. Haimson, B. I. Kolonitskii, S. I. Potolov, and Iu. Sherrer, eds., Anatomiia revoliutsii. 1917god v Rossii: massy, partii, vlast' (St. Petersburg, 1994).

Edward Acton, Vladimir Iu. Cherniaev, William G. Rosenberg, eds., Crit­ical Companion to the Russian Revolution, 1914—1921 (Bloomington, IN, 1997). An updated Russian-language edition of this important work has finally appeared; see E. Akton, V. G. Rozenberg, and V. Iu. Cherniaev, Kriticheskii slovar'Russkoi revoliutsii: 1914-1921 (St. Petersburg, 2014).

Francois Furet and Mona Ozouf, A Critical Dictionary of the French Revolu­tion (Cambridge, MA, 1989).

Richard Pipes, New York Times, December 12, 1976.

Richard Pipes, "1917 and the Revisionists," National Interest (Spring 1993): 68-79.