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‘How can I convince you to part with the Book of Dreams?’ he asked gently.

‘Your Excellency, Count Gerard is still the owner of the Oneirokritikon. The book is only on loan while I translate the text.’

‘And will you return it to him when you have completed the work?’

‘I will.’

The wali was silent for several moments, then in the same soft, even tone he asked, ‘But you will keep your copy of the translation?’

‘Yes, I suppose so.’ The answer seemed obvious.

‘Then you accept that you have the right to allow a copy to be made.’

Too late, I saw the trap that I had fallen into.

Husayn’s voice took on a more urgent edge.

‘That book belonged to my people for generations. It is written in our language and in our script. Wise men studied it. Rulers consulted it.’

I thought quickly. Rather than offend the wali by stubbornly denying him the book, I should use it to my advantage.

‘Your Excellency, I am willing to allow a copy to be made, but on two conditions.’

Husayn leaned forward into the lantern light and there was a hint of a smile on his pink lips. ‘Name your price.’

‘I intend to give my servant his freedom. I want you to appoint him to a position in your court. If Osric later chooses to return to his own country, you will assist him in doing so.’

The wali reached forward and selected a dried fig from the bowl.

‘Easily done, and what is your second condition?’

I took a deep breath.

‘You must tell me what Count Ganelon discussed with you privately on the day that we left the others and took the direct route to Zaragoza.’

Slowly and deliberately Husayn sank his teeth into the fig, closing his eyes as he savoured the flavour. He swallowed and then asked, ‘Why is that so important to you?’

‘It may help me understand who my enemies are,’ I replied.

Husayn finished eating the fig, picked up the silver ewer and began to trickle water over his fingers.

‘Ganelon offered to advance my interests on his return to Karlo’s court,’ he said calmly, using the Saracen name for the Frankish king.

I was not entirely shocked. Hroudland had often spoken of Ganelon’s double-dealing.

‘What reward does he expect?’ I asked.

‘Money, of course. Naturally I accepted his proposal, though I told him that the amount would depend on results.’

‘How did he react?’

‘He asked for a down payment of five hundred dinars when I got back to my treasury in Zaragoza. He needed a note — he even had a document ready for me to sign — in which I promised to pay over the money.’ Husayn dried his hands on a towel and there was a low popping sound in the dark. The wali was cracking his knuckles. He spoke casually, as if talk of treason was an everyday occurrence. ‘Ganelon said that the down payment would help him to dispose of a rival at court and increase his influence as a royal councillor and that would therefore also be to my benefit.’

I already knew the answer, but I asked anyway.

‘Did he say who this rival was?’

‘Karlo’s nephew. Ganelon intends to lay evidence before the king that his nephew offered to betray the Frankish army in return for my silver.’

‘But that is absurd!’ I burst out. ‘The king’s nephew, Count Hroudland, is too far away. He’s been appointed the Margrave of the Breton March. How can he have made such an offer to you?’

Somewhere in the city a dog barked, and was answered by another. There was a furious storm of barking as other dogs joined in. When silence returned, the wali spoke quietly.

‘The note I signed for Ganelon says that you would collect the five hundred dinars. It does not mention on whose behalf. I did think it odd, but I presumed Ganelon wanted to keep his role secret.’

Now I was truly stunned. I believed what the wali had just told me. Hroudland would know nothing of the deceit until the moment he was summoned before the king and asked to defend himself against a charge of treason. Then it would be his word against Ganelon’s, and Ganelon would produce the note from the Wali of Zaragoza as evidence. No wonder Ganelon had been keen for me to go with the wali; Gerin would confirm that I had chosen to leave the other Saracens and ride off directly to Zaragoza. I was known as Hroudland’s close friend and confidant, and the king would accept that I had acted as a go-between. I tried to think clearly.

‘You seem dismayed,’ Husayn said. There was a note of genuine concern in his voice.

‘The person whom Ganelon seeks to destroy is a decent and honourable man. He does not deserve such treachery,’ I said.

‘A close friend of yours?’

‘Yes, that too,’ I said. I was heartsick to think that I had been selected as the instrument of Hroudland’s downfall.

‘Had I known, I would not have signed that document,’ the wali murmured. He watched a small, white moth circle the flame in the bowl of scented oil. When it had fluttered away, he continued in a comforting tone. ‘Surely Karlo will not condemn his nephew out of hand. He will cross-examine all those concerned and that will be your chance to speak up for your friend and establish the truth.’ There was a brief pause, and then he added meaningfully, ‘If you are still alive.’

The image of the dead slinger rose before me. It would have made sense for Ganelon to have me killed once Gerin had seen me ride off with the wali. If the king thought to ask what had happened to me, it would be presumed that I had stolen the five hundred dinars and run away. As long as I remained alive, I was the single flaw in Ganelon’s scheme.

At that moment I knew I had to avoid Ganelon and reach Hroudland and warn him of his danger.

Husayn seemed to have read my thoughts.

‘I can arrange for you to join your friend. It will mean a sea journey, possibly a difficult one as this is a stormy season.’

There was another upsurge of barking as the city dogs again challenged one another. I shivered despite the warmth of the carpet underneath me as I thought of another sea voyage.

‘I accept your offer,’ I said. There seemed nothing else I could do.

There was a gleam of gold in the darkness, the light from a lantern reflecting on the brocade of his gown as the wali shifted position. His manner became businesslike and brisk.

‘Good. It will take a few days to make the necessary arrangements for your trip. In the meantime my scribes will make a copy of the Book of Dreams so you can take the original with you and return it to Count Gerard.’

‘You are very gracious, Your Excellency,’ I said. ‘Men like Ganelon are dangerous. My friend Count Hroudland describes him as a reptile.’

The wali gave a low, grim chuckle.

‘I’ll know how to deal with him. Country people say that Zaragoza is so well favoured that a bunch of grapes suspended from the ceiling remains sweet for six years, and no article of dress whether it is wool, silk or cotton is ever eaten by moths.’ His gown rustled as he rose to his feet. I also stood up and he came forward and took hold of me by both elbows. Looking into my eyes, he said, ‘The country people also claim that in Zaragoza scorpions lose their sting, and snakes and other reptiles are deprived of their venom.’

He released his grip and stepped back as a body servant silently appeared behind him and settled a cloak across his shoulders. Then he turned and strode away, passing in front of the line of lanterns, the cloak swirling out behind him, as he went back inside the house. His grey-haired steward materialized out of the darkness and led me back to my own rooms. This time he did not lock the door behind me.