"Go in the garden and get some yourself." She says:
"Stop reading out loud. You're splitting my ears." We go on reading. She asks:
"What are you doing there, lying on the floor for hours without moving?"
We continue our immobility exercise even when she throws rotten fruit at us. She says:
"Stop being so quiet, you're getting on my nerves!"
We continue our silence exercise without answering.
She asks:
"Why aren't you eating anything today?"
"It's our fasting day."
Our cousin doesn't work, doesn't study, doesn't do exercises. Often she stares at the sky, sometimes she cries.
Grandmother never hits our cousin. She never swears at her either. She doesn't ask her to work. She doesn't ask her to do anything. She never speaks to her.
The Jewels
The same evening our cousin arrives, we go and sleep in the attic. We take two blankets from the officer's room and lay hay on the floor. Before going to bed, we look through the holes. In the officer's room there is nobody. In Grandmother's room there is a light on, which doesn't happen very often.
Grandmother has taken the oil lamp from the kitchen and hung it over her dressing table. It's an old piece of furniture with three mirrors. The one in the middle is stationary, the other two move. You can adjust them to see yourself in profile.
Grandmother is sitting in front of the dressing table, looking at herself in the mirror. On her head, over her black shawl, she has placed something shiny. Around her neck hang several necklaces, her arms are covered with bracelets, her fingers with rings. She is talking to herself as she contemplates her reflection:
"Rich, rich. It's easy to be beautiful with all this. Easy. The wheel turns. They're mine now, the jewels. Mine. It's only fair. How they shine, how they shine!"
Later, she says:
"And what if they return? What if they want them back? Once the danger is over, they forget. They don't know what gratitude is. They promise the moon and the stars, and then… No, no, they're already dead. The old gentleman will die too. He said I could keep everything.… But the girl… She saw everything, heard everything. She'll want them back, that's for sure. After the war, she'll claim them. But I don't want to give them back, I can't. They're mine. Forever.
"She'll have to die too. Then there'll be no proof. No one'll be any the wiser. Yes, the girl will die. She'll have an accident. Just before the end of the war. Yes, it will have to be an accident. Not poison. Not this time. An accident. A drowning in the stream. Hold her head under the water. Difficult. Push her down the cellar steps. Not high enough. Poison. There's only poison. Something slow. Small doses. An illness that eats away at her slowly, for months. There's no doctor. A lot of people die like that in wartime for lack of care."
Grandmother raises her fist and threatens her image in the mirror:
"You won't be able to do a thing to me! Not a thing!"
She sniggers. She takes off the jewelry, puts it in a canvas bag, and stuffs the bag in her straw mattress. She goes to bed, we do too.
Next morning, when our cousin has left the kitchen, we say to Grandmother:
"Grandmother, we have something to tell you."
"What now?"
"Pay close attention, Grandmother. We promised the old gentleman to look after our cousin. So nothing will happen to her. No accidents, no illnesses. Nothing. Or to us either."
We show her a sealed envelope:
"Everything is written here. We are going to give this letter to the priest. If anything happens to any of the three of us, the priest will open the letter. Do you understand, Grandmother?"
Grandmother looks at us, her eyes almost shut. She is breathing very heavily. She says very quietly:
"Sons of a bitch, a whore, and the devil! Cursed be the day you were born."
In the afternoon, when Grandmother goes off to work in her vineyard, we search her mattress. There is nothing in it.
Our Cousin and Her Lover
Our cousin is becoming serious. She doesn't bother us anymore. Every day she washes in the big tub we bought with the money we earned in the cafés. She washes her dress a lot, and her underpants too. While her clothes are drying, she wraps herself in a towel or lies in the sun with her underpants drying on top of her. She is very brown. Her hair covers her to her buttocks. Sometimes she turns over on her back and hides her breasts with her hair.
Toward evening, she goes off to town. She stays longer and longer in town. One evening, we follow her without her knowing.
Near the cemetery, she joins a group of boys and girls, all much older than us. They are sitting under the trees smoking. They've also got bottles of wine. They drink straight from the bottle. One of them keeps watch by the side of the path. If someone comes, the lookout sits quietly and whistles a well- known tune. The group disperses and hides in the bushes or behind the tombstones. When the danger is over, the lookout whistles a different tune.
The group talks in whispers about the war, and about desertions, deportations, resistance, and liberation.
According to them, the foreign soldiers who are in our country and who claim to be our allies are in fact our enemies, and those who will be here soon and win the war are not enemies but on the contrary our liberators.
They say:
"My father has gone over to the other side. He'll come back with them."
"My father deserted when war was declared."
"My parents joined the partisans. I was too young to go with them."
"Mine were taken away by those bastards. Deported."
"You'll never see them again, you know. Me either. They're all dead now."
"You can't be sure. There'll be survivors."
"And we'll avenge the dead."
"We were too young. Too bad. We couldn't do anything."
"It'll be over soon. They will be here any day now."
"We'll be waiting for them in the Town Square with flowers."
Late at night, the group breaks up. Everybody goes home.
Our cousin leaves with a boy. We follow her. They go into the little lanes around the castle and disappear behind a ruined wall. We can't see them, but we can hear them.
Our cousin says:
"Lie down on me. Yes, like that. Kiss me. Kiss me."
The boy says:
"You're really beautiful! I want you."
"Me too. But I'm afraid. What if I get pregnant?"
"I'll marry you. I love you. We'll get married after the Liberation."
"We're too young. We must wait."
"I can't wait."
"Stop! You're hurting me. You mustn't, darling, you mustn't."
The boy says:
"Yes, you're right. But touch me. Give me your hand. Touch me there, like that. Turn around. I want to kiss you there, there, while you touch me."
Our cousin says:
"No, don't do that. I'm ashamed. Oh! Go on, go on! I love you, I love you so much."
We go home.
The Blessing
We have to go back to the priest's house to return the books we've borrowed.
The door is opened by an old woman again. She lets us in and says:
"Father is expecting you."
The priest says:
"Sit down."
We put the books on his desk. We sit down.
The priest looks at us for a moment, then says:
"I've been waiting for you. You haven't come for a long time."
We say:
"We wanted to finish the books. And we've been very busy."
"And what about your bath?"
"We have all we need to wash ourselves now. We bought a tub, soap, scissors, and toothbrushes."
"With what? Where did you get the money?"
"With the money we earn playing music in the cafés."
"The cafés are places of perdition. Especially at your age."