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the air above the ball. And everyone looks tired. The image on


Near the city of Bely in the mountains-3 prisons disguised as

hills. Prisoners are dark magicians, friends are dark allies.

Guarded by angels. Disguise-white mages. And they dance in that

the moment of your own death. And on them the army is rushing down the slope

dark. Very large. At the same time the outbreak occurs. And all 3

hills with prisons, with prisoners, with an army of dark ones are burning.

A flash of light from edge to edge. it was light as day. White

the Magi (the angels) have caused the fire. It's nothing personal. Service.


- Gather the troops! They will answer for it.

The year before that. They caught one black magician and four of them

same, weaker. And when they were presented to the king, of course, the king

ordered them to be beheaded and burned. Queen of pride (I am good)

tried to save the black mages. The Queen's dark allies

killed the same night. Like the four black magicians. The fifth left.

When the black mage returned with a new army of dark ones, they were burned

the black magician of the village and the ravine where the Queen herself came from

Cold, mud, frost, knee-deep snow. Military operations are everywhere.

In the gorge, women and children locked outside are burned alive in houses,

aged. The king was caught in 3 ambushes, and still destroyed the army

dark. And killed that black magician. And in the middle of it all

saw the Queen, How did she get there? When she confessed that she

she did something, something happened to her. Military councils under the Queen

are no longer conducted. She wanted to stay good, so she started

consider dark ones light, and Vice versa.

Scene 2.

A king in a Wild City in the guise of a pre-killed dark mage,

in the blacksmith shop. - black magician (blacksmith).


"Is the order ready?"

Black magician:

- Ready. Only need to pay.

King to himself: "What?... "in surprise out Loud:

"Where's the product?"

Black magician

Outside the city, at the gate.

King, cutting off the head of a black magician with one blow:

- Who reports this, selling such a product?

General, crow (I-th pilot


"It's done.


"Did you take the weapon?"

"They took it at the gate." The dark city is surrounded.

Dark - in the first chain of environment. Then


The dark city is destroyed in a moment. And burned.

During the fog, in a strange silence in which everything is alive

got away from the city, there was a flock of crows. In the fog

there are sounds of something being done. When on time

stopped being so thick, the dark ones still don't see that

so, near the city there were three circles of a cordon. In the third -

installations of mass artillery fire, at one time by

signal clouds of arrows from all lines of the cordon cover the city.

Burning and killing everything in its path. Who from dark managed

to Orient, were finished off by the first line of a cordon. When

dark allies entered the city, destroying everything in their path, carpet

the bombardment from the sky burned everyone who was in the dark city.

General and king in the 2nd line of the cordon.

Happy day ... it's time to go home!

Scene 3.

Feast of the dead.

A fog descended over the entire Kingdom. In which everything is not what it is

it seems. The dark ones and all those associated with evil are called to the feast. Who's calling?


The night before. In the small hall of the Palace there is a two-way staircase,

leading to the Palace temple of light, and in this hall the white magicians are having fun.

This is their last feast in that incarnation. The next night they

they will be dead. The king and the white mages

angel of light. They

masked. Just to look into their eyes is scary. They remember

their loved ones who were burned alive in the gorges. What are they thinking?

They are already dead. Death in battle might free them from the Terran ones

embodiments'. At some point, the temple door opens. Room

filled with light. There are 6 glowing figures on the stairs. The king and

white mages kneel, leaning on their swords.

"Those who are about to die greet you!"

Ringing silence. The door closes, the light disappears. All fly to

their fighting positions in the form of ravens. Death in battle them, can be,

will give the rest.

The king goes to the Queen to dance with her

the last tango in the full moon on the background of mountains in the fog. This is goodbye. And

forgiveness for her betrayal. It was ordered to be removed a year ago. He

refused to become her executioner. But he won't be with her. Last tango -

dancing in the air on swords. In the fog, swirling to the music. He

I tried to reach her, but it's too late.

In the morning all over the country - the destruction of the dark everywhere. On

place, dark mages and dark allies indiscriminately. Went to

every house, destroyed everyone who got caught. Civilian

through cordons, corridors is taken out of the city. The city is taken in

a double cordon.

In the Palace, double walls are made with loopholes for shooters in

ambush. In order to shoot the guests of the Banquet. Meanwhile,

everywhere, in the city and across the country: double cordon, corridors,

mages with dogs. Checking on each other. Dogs are trained to react

on the guests». On whom there is a reaction-is destroyed on the spot. Cordons,

checks, go to every house. Dark mages are destroyed everywhere.

Fun. And while the king and his men "have fun". Projection

the king in the Palace helps in organizing the holiday. To wife

I didn't guess anything.


This pridet?


"He will come

At this moment, the king cut off the head of the same guest.


"Will he come?"


"And he will come."

In the evening, only the guests who were sitting in the Palace remained alive

at the table. Temporarily.

Scene 4.

The Queen, the General's wife (2nd reptilian pilot) , and the dark priestess

"on the verandah, in the Palace.


We will stop at the altar in the evening (an idol for human beings


The General's wife:

"We'll get something first." (thoughts to myself: "You were told

take them away»)

Never come out. Dark allies attacked and the guards were killed.

The idol has a dark priestess and a dark ally of the Queen.

On the idol is the bound wife of the General. Evening.

Dark ally:

"You want power?" Kill who you love. No other way.

The dark priestess:

- But though…

And kills the General's wife. In the next moment, all the dark ones are gone.

idols are slaughtered. The Queen's dark ally is gone.

Scene 5.

Performance of a comedian.