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The Queen's guardian angel. White priest of Atlantis. And the king

(1st reptiloid) in the small hall. Alone.


What about the Queen and the General's wife? Because your too lazy too

messed up the situation.


"They will be responsible for everything ... without knowing why." In the earth

embodiments. - disappears.

The king, seeing the General's wife in his mind:

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were going to be killed."

Tables are set, and guests are sitting at tables in the halls. The men in the positions in

ambush, behind double walls. Arrows are already pointed through the loopholes

at the guests at the tables. The angels behind the clouds are waiting for the signal. Combat

the white mages in the cordon are waiting for the signal. Everyone is waiting for the signal to fight.

A singer in a clown mask appears in front of the guests. White mages, in the role of

waiters in clown masks. Including suicide bombers in the Palace,

waiting for the signal to fight.

The singer sings a sad song. Silence. Then the laughter of the dark ones.

The dark ones didn't laugh for long. In the next moment, a violent attack began.

battle. All the dark ones were eliminated. The king called the carpet room

bombing the entire city. Especially the Palace. From the cordon and with


What did he feel when he saw it all? The whole city is on fire.

palace. Even the walls of the small hall in which it is located are burning.


The king was waiting for his executioner. The rustle of wings behind him.

In surprise:

"The Queen?"


"Why?" - in shock.


"I'm good, I'm good…

The Queen puts a knife in the king's heart.

The king falls, but does not die. A dark ally appears

Queens without disguises. The Queen woke up late. Dark

an ally kills the Queen. And the king cuts off the dark one's head

ally. With a knife from his heart in one hand and a sword in the other:

- Royal gift.

One, two, three, turning into a crow, flies away in the mirror. In

a song sounds in the air:

"Once a moment, twice a moment, death is coming for you, and not for you."

you never know what's next for you. That's your whole life.

Scene 6. Two angels


city, two angels stand and watch what's left of

cities. Guardian angel of the Queen and the king, no longer disguised,

Take them away, they didn't Wake up. I'll find you myself.


These days, the cafe plays the song "You all watch", He and she

they watch them dance in the hall, and He gets out and gets on the bike. On

there are 3 empty cups on the table. There were two people at the table, and She made her own

she left the cafe. Created a family and lived and

happy life. He got on the bike and drove off. ride on empty

night road. Nearby, as if from nowhere else a motorcycle.

Full moon. He knows who's on the bike. They had a race

on an empty road. There is a flash of light at one of the intersections. Nothing

not remain. The tracks of the second motorcycle appeared out of nowhere,

so and in nowhere, in fog.

Once she, the Queen, had a dream. She goes into the burned-out!

the Palace, and there's an army of white magicians in full force. All with angelic

wings and the king among them. Phrase:

- And the Queen... I was waiting for you.

In the next moment all together in the form of ravens, then

glowing balls that flew into a Flash of light. Nothing is

left, Silence.


One day in a small town in a children's hospital

doors began to open by themselves. The children came out of the wards themselves.

Adults did not notice anything, and children saw a circus performance

in the fog. Children 11 gifts. Not in the morning

they believed the children, holding the same gifts in their hands. They were watching! And

did not understand the phrase: "Warrior of the spirit, Wake up!"

Chapter 5.

At the gates of Eternity.

When a person refuses to hear the message through a messenger, to

when the messenger is already dead, others appear.

They will no longer report anything. They will carry out the sentence.

The Bulletin is a period of time. And then-free will. He has enough to do

suffices. After that, either black teachers or friends come. So who

looking for light, he may be blinded by the light. "Friends" also glow,

and they can send pseudo-gurus. And in fact, everyone who refuses

be aware, turn into glass. Was born a man, became

thing. By choice. Known history. When

the message is reported, as a rule, look at the messenger, but do not see it,

they don't even see themselves.

Part 1. Gingerbread house.

In the false mirrors of the shadow realm even your own

the reflection is not yours. People love fairy tales. Magic, Abracadabra, where

you don't have to do anything, let alone do anything. Glass in the crowd leads

acting like a centipede. Each of the legs runs in its own direction, making

his business. As a result, 40 legs separate it, and the job is not done. No

nothing worse than unfinished business. And life needs a result: what

done, not what you did. As a result, the soul is divided into parts and

false mirrors appear. If a person, looking for help, is looking for

Abracadabra, refusing to accept reality and its responsibility

for their own lives, there are gingerbread houses. In

which of the people begin to take energy, 2 friends.

Part 2. Ghosts of the past.

A year before the conversation in the cafe. To a small southern town near

the "guru" arrived in the mountains. Two enlightenments for the price of one. Buy

only with us! In fact, it's time to choose. And gingerbread

the house gathered those who have to make this very choice.

The delay time for mistakes will soon pass. Who wakes up, who doesn't

Wake up-free will.

When he saw the guru, he recognized him. And besides, I remembered

whole history. And he keeps quiet about it. The order to act has not yet been issued

done. The recipients have not yet been determined. And act without

orders-doubtful by results. But he decided

go to the mountains with the crowd. What for? Crowd - to dance like

glass dolls near the guru, he-to rest. Many have left

on day 3, away from gurus of all stripes. And no longer appeared in


gingerbread house. And he's one of them. When will the order be issued

act, he will be told what to do.


In a year.

Gingerbread house. Evening. There will be a religious holiday in the morning.

The date of the message deadline will come in the morning. And then, who won't Wake up,

those will be handled by other "friends". It's nothing personal. The choice made

ourselves. 6 people from the show gathered at the round table

comedian's. Comedian of the seventh, the wife of the General, General, the angel-

the Queen's Keeper, the white priestess - his wife, the black witch, and

glass is another guru. Conversation at the table:

Black witch:

Let's organize something in the mountains ourselves. After all and themselves