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we can make a better guru (dark ally of the Queen).

Angel lazy:

"Where?" In the mountains?

The General's wife:

"Why not?"

He (comedian), thought to himself: "Twice the same roles

plays are tired of playing, and besides, it's stupid. And they are still too lazy to be

wise. Well, let them suffer. We made the choice ourselves. I have to go

to come out from behind the Desk. »

Looks at the next guru at the table. Others have already started

I think the glass is already here. There is no order to report any more. Same

evening. He watches the glass dance around in the chair

another piece of glass. There is another chair next to it. Sitting in a chair

glass, the Conversation:

Referring to the comedian:

"Did you have something to report today?"


"Not yet. - to myself: "When you suffer, then you

will give you the details. But you can't change anything. In the meantime, you

others will do it. »

PostScript. The will of the weak-willed. Decide for itself. Much

they realized it that night. The rest is later. But it was too late.

Who chose a role in a suicidal play-get it

accordingly the final.

He (the comedian) left that night at midnight. In headphones played

the song "You're all watching". His headache was gone. His conscience

as clean as possible. As for those six, they became

each other's executioners. Who started the game, he finishes it. And


everything is a verifier. Before talking to his Queen

2 months left. Fog, midnight, silence. Empty city streets,

when you can be alone with yourself. And it seems that for

you're being watched. Or don't you think so?

Chapter 6. Meeting in the forest.

Between the worlds.

He: "Some business trips to the human incarnation

length. Although, what is it for eternity? One moment. What is he doing here?

6 more people are waiting for the final. Seven is already awake. Before the date

departure is not far away. By the standards of eternity. In the meantime orders

continue. He seemed used to living between worlds. »

And here's his house in the fog. And something is clearly walking in the woods.

Someone else's projection, in someone else's dream. He won't run for long. He

goes in pursuit. And by shooting someone else's projection, burning it,

he notices a movement in the fog in a nearby clearing.

Goes to see what's going on. And surprised

watching the scene.

Scene in the forest.

Red Riding hood walks across the clearing. Angel with wings.

Cat's sly look from under modestly lowered lashes.

She has a beautiful figure. Horns, tail-witch

A schoolgirl. A wolf meets her.

"Little red riding Hood, I'll eat you."

"Are you sure, wolf?"

And, taking out a gun, one shot kills the wolf.

Approaching the corpse:

"I'll make a good fur coat out of you."

He admired: "you Never know what's really going on

takes place in this forest. »


"Who's here?" - holding the gun at the ready, looking around.

Ringing silence.

He, looking at the corpse of a wolf, and behaving like a Cheshire cat,

walking around in circles around her. He remembers what happened to the wolf.


"Poor wolf! He just wanted to meet you, and you told him

a nightmare. Poor thing!


- Well, where are you? Let's talk…

"Everywhere and nowhere. By the way, delicious pies. What, from your grandmother

did you?

He had already stolen the pies from her basket.

By the way, was it delicious?

She, having looked in karzinka and finding that they are not there, stopped pretending to be a prude. Angel with

horns, with a tail. All in leather, on the whip, holster

gun's. Because of the fluffy hair.,

the seats are covered with a corset. In the eyes of - excitement.


Prude! I wonder what you look like in the material world




You scratch me behind the ear, like a wolf-right behind the ear.


She is in shock: "Strange dreams Sees a cat in

mirror. the cat seemed to disappear into thin air. Thoughts about


"I have Silence, fog.


She clearly knew that the cat from will soon appear in the material

world. And she'll make him see little red riding hood. She became

to change the day became calmer, explore the surrounding and

understand yourself

It ended up on someone's as a toast. Newly married couple

his friend. People may be good, but the fact of the matter is that

good. Means, will as have all bodies on, alcohol,

vanity. And all the formalities that were invented to force

behave sane, turn inside out. In general,

as always. You look and see how many plays, how many pieces of glass,

how many roles-Tragicomedy. Parents in most cases

they sell children. And the crowd of all traders - themselves a product for the dark

Morality instead of conscience. And then, he's surprised:


OPA in the hall comes she, along with her friends and sees it.

After exchanging glances, she sits down next to me. She recognized him.


they recognized each other. She's studying what you look like.

- You know, this is how I imagined you.


What are you doing here?


"I should have come."


- Yes, so how long will you be here?


- Half an hour.


All right, and then we'll go to a cafe where we can relax



- Nicely.

He (thought to himself): "to Meet her at someone else's wedding-what is it

can it mean? My own, in another incarnation. Still

one piece of paper in the Personal history folder."

They left the wedding half an hour later together on a motorcycle,

How long they will be together will be decided by themselves. Saying goodbye to

crowd. Chapter 7.

It stands empty in a large city with a view of the sea.

city. This is not an apartment, but a person who wants to deceive him

himself and his friend. Came to a big city for a million, and

they were trapped. Including they can lose their own

heads. What does he feel? He remembers his life. Extreme

incarnation in another business trip, at the moment he

is at a crossroads: move for millions and lose

spirituality, or be content with what you can earn yourself.

Life will give such an opportunity, only to move.

Thoughtfully, He has already figured out how to get out of this situation.

So, what has he achieved so far? Things are done, karmic

the knots are untied, this is freedom. Not in a big city. In the morning

they'll be gone. Phone calclass="underline" "we are Going, we are going", that Calls

the most familiar. With which they found themselves in the tone of history. On the way

they stopped at a cafe. The second floor of a large hypermarket on the road.

Everything is for sale, or almost everything. He has a headache from noise and fatigue.