"Is the wounded courier going to make it?"
"They say so."
"I heard his name is Octavio."
Bradley nodded.
Mike leaned toward him and spoke softly. "Do you feel a division of loyalty?"
"Division? Between what and what?"
"Your department and your working relationships south of the border."
Bradley shook his head and smiled but he couldn't stop the jolt of adrenaline that went through him. "Mike, you're an idiot."
"Oh, but I did manage to help you and Ron get that product south last year, now, didn't I? In fact, without me, our friend Charlie would have found you out. Without a doubt. So instead of being a deputy right now, you'd be an inmate somewhere-and I don't mean in your wife's band. It's totally different on the other side of those bars, I can assure you. So don't call me names, Bradley. It makes you look shortsighted and mean-spirited. The sooner we can become totally honest with each other, the greater things we can do."
Bradley said nothing. Rat, he thought. Terriers. He sipped his drink and glanced out at the singer, then looked at Finnegan. Mike's mouth was tight and concern lined his forehead.
"Mike, I've been wondering about something. I don't think we met for the first time at the Viper Room last year. I'd never seen Owens before then. But I'd seen you. I'm sure of it now."
Finnegan's blue eyes twinkled. "Well, now that you bring it up, I'd like to let you in on something-you and I first laid eyes on each other when you were less than a year old. I was acquainted with your mother. But I kept my distance as you grew up."
Another shot of adrenaline ran through Bradley, this one cold and sharp. "How come you never told me that?"
"A time for everything and everything in its time."
"Talk to me."
"I introduced your mother to your father."
"To give you a chance at magnificence."
"What shit."
"Really? I'm extremely proud of the way you came out."
"My father is selfish and unaccomplished. The only skill he ever developed was the seduction of women. Then he exploits them."
"But he was also strong and smart and charming and utterly without morals. The perfect partner for a"-Mike cupped his hand to Bradley's ear and whispered-"Murrieta!"
"Then let me be perfectly honest with you, Mike. All the Murrieta stuff I told you in the Viper Room that night was bullshit. Like I've got an outlaw's head in a jar. Like I'd tell you, a complete stranger, if I did. Well, I don't have his head. I don't know what got into me."
"I do. That night you were overstimulated by your proximity to Erin. You were throwing off sparks. I mean that literally-your thoughts were sparking and dying, sparking and dying. Like fireworks in the sky. Now, Bradley, if I'm within thirty feet of a person having clear, strong thoughts, well, I can hear them. And I can see what that person is imagining. It's a gift, most of the time. But things can get a little cacophonous sometimes, if I'm in a crowded bar for instance. I've learned to isolate the thoughts and concentrate on what I need to know. But anyway, Bradley, you were not in control of your own thinking. You were only capable of reaction to her. I've seen that before, young man. It's love with obsession in it. It's the grandest love of all. And one of the most entertaining qualities a man or woman can have."
Bradley stared at Mike, thinking, Fuck you, Mike. You hear me now?
Finnegan sighed and looked out toward the stage.
"Okay, Mike, you must be right. I was not in control of my own thoughts. Why else would I make up a story about having the head of an outlaw in a jar?"
"You are proud of the head, as well you should be."
"All lies."
"Made the whole thing up."
"Bradley? Can I tell you something?"
"Anything you want."
"The head you have is not Joaquin's. It belonged to Chappo, who rode with Joaquin's horse-gang. Harry Love killed five of Joaquin's gang that day at Cantua Creek, including Chappo. Harry chose the most frightening and dramatic head and collected it as evidence of his own heroism. Joaquin was fair-skinned and blue-eyed and his hair was light brown. This is not an uncommon combination in his native Sonora, where the Spanish influence is strong. He wore his hair long. He had a lined and soulful face for a man so young. He stood six feet three inches. He was a charming and even-tempered man until his wife, Rosa, was raped. Joaquin's English was very good, having grown up near the border and working his early life in gringo company. El Famoso was struck by two bullets that day at Cantua Creek-one bounced off the vest that Owens delivered to you as a wedding gift."
Bradley felt his breath shorten. He looked long and hard at the little man.
"From you?"
"And Owens, of course."
"I'm running out of things to feel about you, Mike."
"Then stop feeling and listen-the other bullet went through the back of his thigh. We used kerosene to clean it out. It was not fatal."
"You must take me for a complete fool."
"I'm trying not to."
"You don't know anything. You make it all up."
"I rode with Murrieta. Briefly."
Bradley started a smile but he couldn't finish it. "Then when did he die?"
"Twenty-two years later, in eighteen seventy-five. He was fifty-five years old. I was privileged to attend the funeral."
"Where did he die?"
"In El Salado, where he was born. He lived out his life quietly, adored and protected by the villagers. He was well-off from his robbing and horse thievery. I was able to visit him there."
"Why didn't you tell my mother about the head not being his? There was nothing about this in her journals. She wrote hundreds of pages about herself and about Joaquin, but there was nothing about him living out his life in Mexico. Nothing about his blue eyes and fair skin and light brown hair."
Mike reached into his blazer pocket and handed Bradley a leather-bound book. Jones opened it and recognized his mother's beautiful handwriting. The date on the first entry was July 14, 1991, and on the last entry March 23, 1992.
"I eventually told her, of course," said Finnegan. "We must operate on the basis of truth. It's all in the journal. She was delighted that Joaquin turned out to be even more mysterious than his legend made him out to be. She was fried with excitement, to be blunt. Later I took this book from her. I apologize to you for the theft. Though I have to chuckle when I say this: She was changing your diaper when I bagged it. Your unrepentantly useless father and I were killing off a bottle of vodka. He went to get a fresh lime and I just dropped that little book into my pocket."
"Something told me that I would need to make an impression on you someday."
"I'm not impressed. You just gave her the same bullshit you're giving me. Riding with Murrieta. Only she believed it."