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Ted whipped off the belt and handed it to her.”

“I hope it’ll support your weight.”

They both knew what she was planning. But Ted’s belt was narrower than Daniel’s. On the other hand, Sarit was much lighter than Daniel, so that might just even the odds. As Daniel had done a moment ago, she threw the buckled end of the belt over the cables, grabbed it when it came over on the other side and took the same leap of faith into the void and slid down the cables, ignoring the abyss below.

Landing on the roof of the cable car, she saw that the trap door on the roof of the cabin was still open, so she lowered herself in feet first and dropped to the ground. So involved were Daniel and Bar Tikva in their fight, that they didn’t notice her. Only the little boy did. through his tears. She went over to him and gave him a hug and whispered in his ear.

“Don’t worry. I’ll stop the bad man.”

Then she spun round and delivered a vicious kick to the back of Bar Tikva’s head. But because of his rapid flurry of punches delivered to Daniel, his position changed just as it connected and it thus had less than the intended lethal effect.

It did however momentarily stun the big man, forcing a temporary abatement to his action. He spun round and was indignant to see that it was a woman who had struck him and that the little boy was smiling at what he had just witnessed, even through his tears. Fuming with rage Bar Tikva half turned to face her. Daniel grabbed the treasure bag and swung it at the big man. But Bar Tikva merely grabbed the bag with both hands and wrenched it away from Daniel, who had to release it in order to keep his balance.

At that point, Sarit got another idea. Smiling at Bar Tikva and almost taunting with her face and a wiggle of her hips, she positioned herself between him and the open door. Putting on an exaggerated form of her Irish accent, she smiled again and said: “Beaten by a woman eh? And a Shiksa at that? I guess that spells the end of the Jewish people.”

She knew from the look on his face that she had pressed the right button. Here was a man who was obsessed not only with the primacy of his father’s interpretation of the Bible and the sanctity of the Talmud but also the ethnic purity of the membership of the religion. But she wondered now, in this final split-second, if she had the speed and the agility to pull it off. Yes or no, however, it was too late to go back now. Incandescent with rage, he charged at her, still holding the treasure bag. Just as he was almost upon her, she twisted her hips and dropped to the ground sideways, planting her legs in front of his path.

But he avoided her by the adept expedient of taking a long stride and leaping over her. Then to avoid going through the open door, he rolled into a ball and landed in the corner of the cable car. They came to their feet simultaneously, but now — with the element of surprise lost — it was bar Tikva who had the advantage. He hooked an arm round Sarit and got her in a head lock, dragging her to the open side door. But Daniel — whose senses were still reeling from the avalanche of Bar Tikva’s blows, was not going to let the big man succeed.

He launched himself at Bar Tikva and delivered his own flurry of blows to the head, like a boxer working out with a punch bag. Bar Tikva released his grip in pain stepped back, intending to rally his reserves and come back at Daniel. But Daniel never gave him the chance. He lowered his head, lurched at Bar Tikva and with an almighty body charge sent the big man sailing out of the cabin and into the abyss, dropping the treasure bag in midair as he fell.

However, by giving it his all, the forward momentum proved too much and he found himself hanging out of the cabin head first, with only Sarit on his legs, preventing him from falling. Somehow he managed to find the upper body strength to raise his torso, reach back and grab on to one of the doors with his fingers. He felt as if the digits would snap as he applied pressure and slowly pulled himself back into the cabin.

Chapter 89

Sarit was cradling the little boy in her arms when they returned to the top of the plateau. She had used the walkie-talkie to get the cable car operator at the base station to send them back up to the top. Returning the child to the parents was the first priority. But as she looked over at the doctor, she realized that the news about the man who had been shot was not good.

More soldiers and border guardsman were arriving at the base and Sarit had notified Dovi Shamir, who was now liaising with SHaBaK. The arriving cable car brought border guardsman and some ambulance crews to deal with the formalities at the top, although both Shalom Tikva and the cable car operator would almost certainly be pronounced dead at the scene.

The people on the plateau were told they would have to wait until the bodies were removed before they would be allowed to leave. This was deemed preferable to having them effectively walk past the body by the cable car. But some of the ambulance staff checked over the older people of the plateau to make sure they were all right and more help and first aid would be waiting when they went down to the tourist centre below.

In the meantime, their details were being taken as they may be needed to give witness statements as this was now a criminal investigation. Sarit was allowed to go down already because of her Mossad ID and she was able to take Daniel and Ted with her, on her guarantee.

When they got to the bottom, they were allowed to go, unimpeded, to the place where Bar Tikva had fallen, although not to approach the body, which was being examined in situ by a pathologist from the coroner’s office. Instead, they looked around for the treasure bag, which he had been holding in his hands when he sailed out of the doorway of the cable car. But, interestingly, it was nowhere to be found.

They started looking round, widening their search in ever increasing circles, but to no avail.

“Where the devil could it be?” asked Daniel, frustrated by this turn of events. Ted looked at him chidingly, putting him on the defensive. “Look I don’t care about the treasure per se, Ted. It wasn’t ours anyway. But the inscription… the fact that the treasure was here.”

“We can still back up our case with the parchments and the translations.”

Daniel knew that Ted was right. Even though the ketuba was lost forever and preserved only as a digital image, without the original parchment — and even without Boudicca’s treasure — they still had the Temple Mount Parchment and the Domus Aurea Parchment. The Vatican would cooperate with them on that. It wasn’t some deep, dark secret that threatened the Roman Catholic faith. And contra to HaTzadik’s paranoid fears, it didn’t threaten the Jewish religion either. Rather, it would add to the sum of human knowledge and spread further light on the history of Judeo-Christian monotheism throughout the west.

Yet it was frustrating. The ketuba and the Boudicca treasure would have completed the picture. But instead, they had been thwarted by the skulduggery of Bar Tikva.

Sensing his mood, Sarit approached Daniel and put a comforting hand on him.

“It isn’t necessarily lost for good. When we do a proper search with metal detectors and gravitometers, it’ll probably show up under a few inches of wind-swept sand. It fell from quite a height don’t forget. It could easily have got embedded below the surface.”

Daniel smiled weakly. He would have preferred to search the area personally until he found the treasure. But that wouldn’t be very practical. Within a short time, a helicopter had landed and Dovi Shamir had turned up at the scene. He gathered Sarit, Daniel and Ted around him and told him that they had to go with him to a secret location to make their formal statements.

Chapter 90

“The El Al desk is over there,” said Daniel, pointing.