The Boudoir No. 4
(Continued from page 94)
At this moment a regular old swell came upon the scene, and offered half a sov, as a prize in addition to the wager.
"I won't show for less than a quid," said the policeman, going on leisurely with his grinding, as he had evidently passed the crisis at the moment his arse was slapped by the soldier.
"Lend me your bull's-eye then, and I will give the quid just for a spree; but I'm damned if I don't have a good sight. I'd give?500 for a genuine cock-stand for once, its so long since I had one. A fine p — k just drawn from a swimming c — t is the most glorious sight in the world."
The bobby handed up his lantern to the old swell, who at once turned its glare full on the policeman's arse, standing rather behind as he did so, and even stooping a little, to throw it well underneath, and enjoy the luscious sight, as they still went on with their f-g.
"Here, my boy, lend me your cane, and I'll make him feel nice," said the old swell, tipping the guardsman a bit of gold.
"Right, your honour!" replied the soldier, taking out a penknife and splitting the end of the cane up so as to divide it into a lot of thin ends.
Quite seven or eight persons were now round the f-~g pair, as the gent commenced to lay on the bobby's brawny rump.
We could hear the stinging cuts and see big weals rise at each impact, which made the plucky fellow bound, and almost groan in pain, but in two or three minutes, it might have been less, he grew intensely excited, ramming into his girl (who evidently enjoyed it) with long, lunging strokes, as she clasped him convulsively, returning a heave of her buttocks for every home thrust.
The red weals looked as fiery as possible, for a network of lines all over the blushing surface, and little drops of blood were just beginning to ooze from the abraded skin, when they both seemed to again come together in a perfect frenzy of excitement.
"Now, bobby, show up, before you lose that fine stiffness, see, the guardsman has got himself ready!" exclaimed the old swell, suddenly turning the bull's-eye on the soldier, who had been masturbating himself as he enjoyed the sight, but he was nowhere in the show by the side of the tremendous truncheon which the policeman exposed as he withdrew it with a plop, all glistening with luscious moisture from the girl's yet clinging and longing crack.
The bobby had his quid, and the old fellow walked off, as we supposed, to grope the soldier, who went with him.
Betsy and Sarah drew our hero to a quiet seat, where all three spent quite another hour in f-g, groping, and kissing, till at last Charlie was milked as dry as a stick, and reluctantly bade them good night, with promises of another rendezvous in a day or two.
A Night in St. John's Wood It would be too tedious to relate all the luscious little incidents that occurred to Charlie with Fanny or Mrs. Letsam, or even to describe more of his frequent visits with his cousins to the three pretty milliners of Store Street.
Things went quietly for a time, as the three chums were agreed to save their coin for one grand spree, when pere Mortimer would be out of town, and never know if they stayed out all night. This was to be a grand winding-up orgie, preparatory to serious study, when their term began, as all three really wished to prepare themselves to get on in after life in some good profession.
When the day arrived Charlie was to meet his cousins or rather call for them in Bloomsbury Square, about 10 p.m.
"There's some mischief on to-night, I guess," said Fanny, who had helped him to put on his overcoat. "Mind where you go to, Charlie, dear; those cousins will take you to see girls, and God only knows what you may catch!" as she threw her arms round his neck, and almost sobbed with vexation.
"Why can't you come back and have poor little pussey, you pretend to be so fond of, instead of sleeping out as you say you are going to do?"
But he released himself as kindly as possible from the loving embrace, for fear his rising p — k should lead him to give way to her endearments, and spoil him for the spree on hand.
"You'll get tipsy, and perhaps be locked up," she said with a pout, as he skipped downstairs.
He found Harry and Frank quite ready to start, and all three walked off in the highest possible animal spirits. They walked along Oxford Street and down Regent Street, so as to get into Coventry Street just as the theatres and music halls had dispersed their audiences to swell the usually crowded thoroughfare. A bevy of students were creating a disturbance, and hustling everyone off the pavement, bonneting the policeman, and behaving very roughly, even to delicate girls who might get in their way.
"Oh, do protect me, and see me safe through the crowd!" said a sweet, pretty well but modestly dressed girl about seventeen; those students always frighten me so!"
"There's three of us, and well see you safe. Where do you want to go?"
"My brougham is waiting by Swan and Edgar's, in Regent Street; if you will see me so far, I shall be so obliged."
"And no further?" enquired Charlie.
"Well I didn't like to be so forward; besides, you would not like to leave your friends," she said, quietly.
"Take us, too," said Harry; "have you no lady friends you could ask to join the party; you must know a couple of pretty girls, for we want to make a night of it."
"Quick, then; or we may lose them. If not engaged I promised to call before twelve at Blanchard's for two young friends and drive them home; you will be delighted if we find them; and I am pleased enough with my partner," she said, pressing Charlie's arm, and looking archly in his face, with an expression which spoke a whole volume of voluptuousness.
The brougham was quickly found and ordered to pick them up at Blanchard's. As they walked the short distance to the corner of New Burlington Street, Charlie inquired of his charming companion, if she was prepared with supper at home, and finding her resources at that late hour not quite adequate to a party of six, they secured a large game pie, bottle of champagne, brandy, amp;c, at the restaurant, as soon as they had made sure the young ladies were there; then calling for two bottles of fizz, they wetted the acquaintance before starting off in the brougham for Circus Road, St. John's Wood.
Three more exquisitely charming girls could not have fallen to their lot than Clara Seymour, and her companions, Alice Morris and Lena Horwright, the latter an expecially voluptuous creature, as will be seen in the sequel.
At length it was closing time for the restaurant, and they embarked on the voyage to the north-west, it being as much as they could all do to squeeze into a brougham only intended for four.
Jehu was in a hurry to get home, so that the clock striking one saw them at their destination, but short as the journey had been the girls managed to rack off a spend from their gentlemen, who enjoyed a delicious grope in the dark, as they jolted along.
Miss Seymour lived by herself in a neat little cottage residence, which had a coach-house and stable attached, Lord Cursitor, her chief patron, allowing her?150 a year to keep a man, horse, and carriage. A rather demure-looking middleaged servant ushered the party into the house, and showed them into a good-sized elegantly furnished front parlour, which opened by folding doors into Clara's own bedroom, to which the ladies at once retired, leaving the three young gentlemen to themselves for a minute or two.
They were evidently high-spirited girls, to guess from the laughing and joking which seemed going on between them in the bed-room, and presently a succession of gurgling rills could be distinctly heard when they used the pot-de‹hambre to relieve their slightly distended bladders.
Charlie rapped at the folding doors, saying, "I wish you ladies would lend us your spare chamber, we're simply bursting for relief."