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You don’t know what it’s like to be a god without a name tag. HELLO MY NAME IS nothing. What? God of corporate ninja daemonic fuckery? That’s not me. That’s not the theme song
I came out of the void beyond Jupiter to dance to. The truth is I’m here to rescue you.
The present and the future are a dog racing a duck. Right now you think happiness is an industrial revolution that lasts forever. Brings to its own altar the Chicken of Tomorrow breasts heavy with saline               margarine               dehydrated ice cream               freeze-dried coffee crystals Right now, monoculture feels soft and good and right as Minnie in the dark.             It’s 1940.             You’re not ready yet.             You can’t know. Someday everything runs down. Someday entropy unravels the very best of us. Someday all copyright runs out.            In that impossible futurological post-trickster space I will survive I will become my utter self           and this is it: I am the god of the secret world-on-fire that the corporate all-seeing eye cannot see. I am the song of perfect kitsch endless human mousefire burning toward mystery           I am ridiculous           and unlovely           I am plastic           and mass-produced I am the tiny threaded needle of unaltered primordial unlawful beauty-after-horror           of everything that is left of you           glittering glorified
          when the Company Man           has used you up           to build the Company Town. Hey. they used me, too. I thought we were just having fun. Put me in the movies, mistah! The flickies! The CINEMA. The 20s were one long champagne binge. I used to be a goggling plague mouse shrieking deadstar spaceheart now I’m a shitty fire retardant polyurethane keychain. Hey there. Hi there. Ho there. What I am the god of is the fleck of infinite timeless hilarious nuclear inferno soul that can’t be trademarked patented bound up in international courts the untraded future.               That’s why               my priests               can never let me go               screaming black-eared chaotic red-assed               jetmouse             into the collective unconscious Jungian               unlost Eden               called by the mystic name of public domain               The shit I would kick up there                if I were free! I tricked them good. I made them put my face on the moon. I made them take me everywhere their mouse on the inside I made them so fertile they gave birth to a billion of me.                Anything that common will become invisible.              And in that great plasticene Epcotfutureworld you will have no trouble finding me.                Hey.                You’re gonna get hurt. Nothing                 I can do.                 Lead paint grey flannel suits toxic runoff                 monoculture like a millstone                 fairy tales turned into calorie-free candy                  you don’t even know                 what corporate downsizing is yet. And what I got isn’t really much                  What I got                  is a keychain What I got is the pure lotuslove of seeing the first lightspray of detonated creation even in the busted-up world they sell you.                  Seeing in me                  as tired and overworked                  as old gum                   the unbearable passionmouse of infinite                  stupid trashcamp joy                  and hewing to that.                  It’s the riddle of me, baby. I am everywhere exploited exhibited exhausted                  and I am still holy. It doesn’t matter what they do to you. Make you a permanent joke sell your heart off piece by piece                  robber princes                  ruin everything                  it’s what they do                  like a baby cries.                              Look at my opposite number.                              It was never coyote versus roadrunner.                               It was both                               against Acme                               mail order daemon of death. Stick with me. Someday we’ll bundle it all up again the big blue-luminous ball of everything your father the Tunguska event the ultimate star-spangled obliteration of all empires. I will hold everything tawdry in my gloved four fingered hand and hold it high high high.