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Beth-Abz's eyestalks pivoted in the pattern that Teldin interpreted as equivalent to a shrug. After a few long moments, the creature spoke again, changing the subject drastically. "If you ever find the Spelljammer," the beholder said, "you should be aware of an important fact. According to the tales of my clan, there are false nations, not of the true ideal, aboard the great vessel. You should beware their perversion."

The Cloakmaster didn't answer immediately. From Djan and Julia he'd learned a little about the fierce, genocidal hatred that existed between different beholder nations, each of which considered itself "of the true ideal," while all others were "perversions." Keeping that in mind, he stripped Beth-Abz's comments of their more dire-sounding overtones. An interesting fact still remained-if it was fact, and not a baseless rumor, he reminded himself. Apparently there were beholders aboard the Spelljammer. Beth-Abz was right, that was something Teldin was glad to know. He drew breath to thank the eye tyrant for the knowledge.

But Beth-Abz was speaking again. "What will you do when you captain the Spelljammer, Teldin Moore?" it asked quietly. "Is that still your intention?"

Good question, Teldin thought. He shrugged, trying to find a way to put into words his doubts, his confusions.

Again, the beholder didn't wait for him to speak, but continued, "Will you then become the over-Krezt?"

"The what?"

"The over-Krezt," Beth-Abz said calmly. "Is that your desire?''

"Tell me what a Krezt is, and maybe I can answer you," the Cloakmaster suggested.

"The Krezl is a figure from ancient religious myth among those of my nation," the beholder explained. "Few clans of the nation Gurrazh-Ahr still hold to the ancient words that tell of the Krezt, but clan Beth is one of those. The ultimate aboard my hive mothers ship ensured that all of the clan learned of the prophecies."

Teldin leaned forward, fascinated despite himself. Even though Beth-Abz had been very open in the past about the day-to-day realities of life in a beholder hive, it had said nothing whatsoever about more spiritual issues. "What prophecies?" he asked.

"It is said that the Krezl will come forth and put an end to the wars of the form, melding the disparate nations into one." The creature "shrugged" with its eyestalks. "Since this would require the nations of the true ideal to allow those of perverted form to survive-which is obviously anathema to many-most of my nation ignore the prophesies, or dismiss them as distortions. Those who disbelieve the prophesies jest that the Krezt must have the mightiest ship in space," Beth-Abz continued dryly, "since only by defeating all of the nations, true and false, could the Krezt bring peace to the universe.

"So is that what you intend to do as captain of the Spelljammer, Teldin Moore?" the eye tyrant asked. "To use it to defeat all of the warring races of the universe, and thus bring them to peace? To be the over-Krezt who pacifies not one race but all? Is that your intention?"

Teldin turned away, suddenly unable to meet the globular creature's multiple gaze. It wonders about the grand scheme that I'm following, he thought, the ultimate agenda that guides my actions. It wonders what universe-rocking plans I've got in my mind.

How can I tell it that I don't have any plans past finding the Spelljammer?

"Would you be the over-Krezt?" Beth-Abz pressed.

"I haven't decided yet," the Cloakmaster said uncomfortably. "I'm still thinking about it."

Chapter Ten

Even the longest voyage eventually comes to an end, Teldin reminded himself, and this one was no exception. The crystal sphere boundary of Vistaspace was fifteen days behind them, and Garrash was no more than five days ahead. From this distance, the mighty world appeared as nothing more than a point of ruddy light, occasionally tinged with a brighter yellow that had to come from its fire ring. Even the Cloakmaster's spyglass wasn't sufficiently powerful to resolve the fire world into a visible disk.

They'd been fortunate, the Cloakmaster knew. By sheer luck, the point at which they'd penetrated the Vistaspace crystal sphere was relatively near-on a cosmic scale-to Garrash. If the planet's orbital plane had been oriented differently, or if the world were at a different point along its orbit, their voyage would have been fifteen days or more longer.

Throughout the voyage, Teldin had used the amulet regularly to keep tabs on the Spelljammer-not every day, but at least every few days. The results had been inconclusive. Since that first time, the great ship's perception hadn't included anything as distinctive as Garrash and its fire ring. Each time he'd used the amulet, Teldin had seen nondescript views of star-studded blackness-obviously wild-space, but within which crystal sphere? Conceivably, the patterns of the stars might have given some idea-at least confirmed that the vessel was still within Garrash's crystal sphere-but the Boundless didn't have a detailed starchart of Vistaspace on board.

Still, Djan had pointed out, the fact that Teldin had never once seen the Flow seemed to hint strongly that the Spell-jammer hadn't yet left the sphere. The Cloakmaster wasn't as firmly convinced as his half-elven friend. After all, he knew from his reading at the Great Archive that the manta-shaped ship seemed able to complete in a day or two voyages through the phlogiston that would take any other vessel weeks. Yet, he had to admit, the odds of finding his quarry still in Vistaspace rose with each observation.

Of course, as Djan had stressed to him several times before, crystal spheres are almost inconceivably huge. Large though the Spelljammer may be on the scale of ships, and even of worlds, considered on this scale it was a very small needle in a very large haystack. Thus, actually locating the Spelljammer could turn out to be a task in and of itself.

Julia and Djan had both agreed with him that the best place to start was in the vicinity of Garrash itself, however. At least that was a recognizable "landmark" in the vastness of the void.

From his cabin, Teldin heard Julia "make" eight bells-sounding the ship's brass bell in the stern-indicating the time. The beginning of the forenoon watch, he thought. That put the time at about eight in the morning, according to the groundling clock. He hadn't been awake long, and he had yet to make an appearance on deck. He'd long since lost his farmer's habit of rising early, and he'd been getting up progressively later recently as he'd gone to sleep well past four bells in the bottom of the night watch-past two in the morning. That'll change, he told himself firmly. I'll make it change. Yet still there was some part of his mind that cast doubt on his resolve.

He reached above his head, pressing both his forearms flat against the overhead, feeling the muscles of his back and legs stretch. His stomach felt like a fist clenched around emptiness, and the stretch only intensified the sensation. Breakfast, he thought.

The four sailors sitting in the saloon just aft of his cabin greeted him politely. Nothing was cooking in the galley-he was between meals, after all, too late for what the crew still called dawnfry and too early for highsunfeast-but the cook had left out a plate of cold meats, pickled vegetables, and a sliced loaf. Teldin built himself a hand meal, which he munched as he headed out onto the main deck.

Djan called a cheery, "Well met," down to him from the afterdeck as Teldin emerged from the forecastle. He waved back and started to head aft to join him.