Capricorn γ— Carroll, Lewis a Casanova J-J. ß— castle, semiotic x Centaurus x Chairman (of hour) ϑ— Chaitwantee, Saroja γ+ Chatman, Catherine ϑ— Charib, Vittoria ϑ Charles ϑ— charming scatterbrain x Chaucer, Geoffrey x Chomsky, Noam γ Christ, Jesus γ+ Chronos a— Circe ß Claire ϑ— Clarissa x Cleopatra ϑ— Clèves, Prince de ϑ— Clèves, Princesse de x Clèves, gentilhomme de ϑ— Coma x Commandatore, the ϑ— Corpus, the x Creon ϑ— cummings, e.e. ß Cygnus x dancing hoops, the a— Dame, Notre γ Dante, Alighieri γ— daughter, king’s x David, King x Death a+ Defoe, Daniel γ— Deleuze, Giles ß+ demagogue, the short plump ϑ— Derrida, Jacques ß Dickens, Charles x Diderot, Denis ß+ Dievushkin γ— Disparue, Albertine x Donatello ϑ— Doreen ϑ+ Dostoievski, Fedor ß— Doyle, Conan γ— Dryden, John γ Eco, Umberto ß+ Eliot, George x Eliot, T.S. γ+ Eminence grise γ— Emperor ϑ— Empson, William x Enzo x Eros a+ Eteocles x Eurilochus γ— Excalibur x Faber, Marie ϑ— Fataliste, Jacques le a— Father x femme-enfant x femme fatale x femme reine x Faustus, Dr. γ+ Fèvre, Jean-Marie ϑ— Fitzgerald, Edward x folk, the ß+ Freud, Sigmund ß— Freya x Frobenius, Leo x Frye, Northrop γ— Gaia, alias earth a— Galliard, Robert ϑ Gemini ϑ— Genette, Gérard ß+ gentleman, the verbal x Gimble, Oliver ϑ— Gioconda, la γ— Giovanni, Don, alias Juan γ+
God x gods γ Gogol, Nikolai ß— Gombrowicz, Witold γ+ Gonne, Maud x Graves, Robert x Greimas, A.J. ß+ Guinevere ϑ+ Gulliver ß+ Haimon x Hamlet ß Hawthorne, Nathaniel ϑ+ Hegel, G. W. F. a Heidegger, Martin γ Héloise x Héloise, la nouvelle ϑ— henchman, lanky ϑ— hero, the ϑ— Hjelmslev, Louis x Homer x Hubert ϑ— Husserl, E. γ— idyll, the ϑ+ Institution, the ϑ— Irigaray, Luce x Isabel ϑ— Iseult ϑ Isherwood, Christopher ϑ+ Isis ϑ Jakobson, Roman ß James Henry γ— Jocasta, Queen ϑ+ Jones, Eliza ϑ Jove x Julian x Julien (St) le Pauvre γ Kaplan, Myra γ+ Karamazov, Dmitri γ Keats, John x Kermode, Frank x Kreutzer, Professor ϑ— Kristeva, Julia ß+ La Bocca, Professor x Lacan, Jacques ß+ lady, the linguistic x lady, of the left ϑ+ Lancelot ϑ Laretino, Stavro x La Tour, G. de x lawbearer, the ϑ— Leporello ß— Lévi-Strauss, Claude γ+ Littlebrown, Professor ϑ— Littlebrown-Fitzjohn, Claire ϑ— logos, hmo γ— logos, unvoiced x lover of the moment a+ Maddy x Maeterlinck x Maître, le γ+ Malatesta, Paolo di γ Mallarmé, Stéphane x Mandel, Michael ϑ man with blue guitar, the a man from Porlock, the γ Manzoni, Alessandro x Marco x Marcuse, Herbert a— Marika x Marner, Silas x Marx, Karl a+ Master marksman of moment γ— Masters, Christopher x Masters, Veronica x Maurice ϑ— Mélisande ϑ— Medaware, Dr. Gregory ϑ— Mercury γ Merteuil, Mme de ϑ+ Midas, King ϑ–
Milton, John x Miriam ϑ— mistress of the moment a+ Molière γ Moses x Mother x Musset’s Muse x Narrator(s), the x Newman, Francesca ϑ Ngu-Rey, Professor Chou ϑ— Nourennin, Ali ß+ Novello, Ivor x Odysseus ß+ Oedipus, King x Olaf ϑ— Oliver ϑ— Orion ß— Orpheus x Oscar ϑ— O’Shaunessy, Kathleen x Ottavio, Don x overhead projector γ— Pamela ϑ— Pankhurst, Mrs. γ+ Paris Telephone Exchange x Penelope ϑ Phaedrus γ— Phallusman, the a+ Philanthropos, Professor ϑ— picaroon, the a— Plato ß— Pleiades x Polanska, Renata ϑ— Polenta, Francesca da a Ponte, L. da a Pound, Ezra ß prince disguised as poor younger son x princesse lointaine x Propp, Vladimir ϑ— Proust, Marcel x Pygmalion γ— Quipu γ Ra ϑ Racine, Jean ϑ— Rachmaninov, Sergei x Ram, the x Rastier, Francois γ+ Rastignac ϑ— Rustaveli, Choto x Ruwet, Nicolas ß Sade, Marquis de ß+ Sand, Georges x Santores, Armel x Santores, Mrs. see Toren ϑ Saussure, F. de γ— Scheherezade a— Scholasticus, Homo ϑ— second pair of eyes a— Semeiosis, Professor ϑ— Shakespeare, William ß Shandy, Tristram ß+ Snoopy a Socrates ß— Sophisto, Professor ϑ— Sophists, the ϑ— Sordello, di Mantovana x Soul, book of the x Stein, Gertrude ϑ— Sterne, Laurence x Stevens, Wallace ß+ Stradiver, Paul ϑ— Streisand, Barbra ϑ Student Body, the a+ Su Fu, Lin x