The visitor’s attention turns immediately to higher things such as Poulet sauté, Forestières, Macédoine de légumes, Riz Pilaff, Poire Belle Hélène, Fromage/Biscuits, Café over the ugliness of the modern capital that recedes as the plane rises swiftly to an outside temperature of thirty-nine degrees and the gods have left this land says Siegfried now the boss. They have their exits and their entrances over blue gulfs blue mountains and through slatted shutters in white cubic rooms where the white bathroom door flanks the pink painted built-in cupboard to the left and stands ajar, letting in too much light from a high window on the wall blue-tiled all the way up and the curved edge of the blue bidet. According to legislation into effect you may not take the antiquity out of the country. Wherever particular people congregate, you tap your cigarette more often than necessary into the chromium ash-tray on the round metal table.
— You never smoke it to the end. Just as you get at once on first name terms with everyone and promptly forget their surnames. So why don’t you marry me after all these years?
— You know why.
— Oh that. The Vicariato di Roma. I can’t think why you bother can you?
— No. Not any longer. But after all these years as you say one might as well see it through.
— To an unsuccessful conclusion? Then what?
— Well, one way or the other.
The men who fill the café sit transfixed by the flickering local variation in the presentation of opposed viewpoints on every aspect of an instant world through faceless men who have no doubt acquired faces for them as their arch-priests of faits-divers exploding into OMO! Le plus fort contre la saleté! But what difference does it make?
— How can one tell, until it has made it?
— If it makes it.
— If it does.
Une différence non marquée dérivant du marqué par une absence qui signifie eine Abwesenheit die etwas bedeutet, etwas anderes als ordered. Do you agree? Did you want to test by means of engagement? Or will you take me as you find me we’ll have fun. Wejście/Wyjście. What difference does it make? In/out, up/down, container and contained. To go in you have to go out, up, down and vice versa. Pupate, pupate? Que cherchez-vous madame? Ah, l’ascenseur. Au fond à gauche.
Sometimes however the number on the key drops to fifteen from four hundred and twelve so that the smattering of the mouthpiece can proudly utter piętnaście unless onbeş, depending on the size the time the place and whether or not the bathroom faces the built-in cupboard in the entrance passage with no window only a ventilation shaft. Sometimes it faces the door of the room occupying a space in width not length and its own window on the same side as the picture-window with or without balcony on the street the sea the mountain. Here it faces the bed the double bed but sometimes two separate or longwise foot to foot along the left wall or the right even. Single rooms seldom have a shower or bath or private loo, only a biddy and a washstand on one leg white pink blue yellow or fixed to the wall with a thick metal tube protruding underneath but curving up again behind not always visibly however, depending on the place the time the theme, whether the hair gets washed and set with rollers in the hotel room or at the hairdresser friseur coiffeur kuaför frizer peluquería through signs with hands low here high at the back in coils, whether some languages for example divide their genders into animate and inanimate while others less primitive into andraic with a flat shoe or male figurine on the door and metandraic which covers objects animals of both sexes and women. Madame désire? OMO. Voici, Ah, un plus petit. Très bien. Madame désire encore quelque chose?
Leider haben wir keins. Die Apotheke, geradeaus dann links. Und haben Sie noch einen Wunsch?
So that the bells in endless crash-permutations on eight unimaginative manipulated notes endlessly permutate over the greenish drizzle from the distant belfry way off beyond the little door. Un cottage? Que voulez-vous dire, un cottage? In Wiltshire where stones talk to themselves and the greengrocer says of an old cauliflower did you want it for eating love? And anything else love instead of Madame désire encore quelque chose or Haben Sie noch einen Wunsch. What do you mean, for eating? Oh just my little joke sweetheart. An old lady she wanted mushrooms once and I said did you want them for eating and she said no for frying. So the phrase stuck love not to worry it’ll all look the same in a hundred years as I always say it’ll all come out in the wash. Do you want to create our own home? Do you like children? Saith the book, the phrase-book saith. And the shadow of the yellow pelmet cuts across the top of two vertical parallel lines themselves cut through by two horizontal lines thrown on the white-washed wall from the small criss-crossed window under the thatched roof, forming a large dièze the key of G for example on a non-existent stave but bent by the wall that slopes at that point up to the oakbeam ceiling in the master-bedroom or vessel of conception empty of master-music or conception or whatever wing means under which he has taken her auburn blonde svelte and dark to their conferences, commissions, congresses, conventions, walking down the airplane steps blue yellow orange white. It all depends on the theme the time the place the climate, whether Pernod for instance, Jerez-Quina Cinzano slivovitz turning his money endlessly over and over before paying as the waiter waits, the guilder francs pesetas zlotys krone half-crowns clinking or crinkling quietly, the only music endlessly permutating on eight unimaginatively manipulated notes over the greenish drizzle. Do si la sol fa mi ré do, do la fa ré, si sol mi do, do si la sol fa mi ré do, do la fa ré, si sol mi do crash permutating through the distant brain way up beyond the yellow curtain and behind no doubt a little door.
Vicariatus Urbis Tribunal — Romana (seu West Monasterien). Nullitatis Matrimonii. The copy of the petition printed on thick paper lies on the blue table-cloth where darker blue towers cathedrals domes and palaces form rows with WIEN repeated at intervals under each row and a plump prancing knight CAROLUS der VII in the alternate row beneath the crumbs of toast the buttery marmalady plate the empty yellow cup the yellow Melita coffee-pot. The hands lie quite still over the blue table-cloth, forming a squat diamond-space with the thumbs pressing towards the body the other fingers touching like a cathedral roof. Under the table the ankles cross over each other to close the circuit. Ci troviamo di fronte ad un autentico dramma dell’ agnosticismo con tutti gli ingredienti storici filosofici e sociali di siffatto lieber Gott get the dictionary elemento determinante la involuzione in atto nella nostra civiltà.
The petition flowered by the Avvocato to the Sacra Rota lies on the blue table cloth with darker blue towers cathedrals domes and palaces and Carolus VII plump and prancing on a horse a little bit beyond the smattering acquired with scallopine di vitello campari soda dove la toeletta in fondo a sinistra between the enormous wings and the bells endlessly permutating on do si la sol fa mi ré do do la fa ré und so weiter weiter gehen over the greenish drizzle distantly beyond the little door.
1. I luoghi. Slowly now. The places: La Francia, la Germania, e soprattutto la Britannia, la dolce Inghilterra dai prati prati? smeraldini emerald or greenish drizzle cosparsi sparse, no scattered di case e di castelli con lamponi lampoons? e rododendri nei ben pettinati giardini pettinated gardens con i caminetti al cui fuoco fire? in the lanes? che dolci conversazioni serali what sweet evening conversations? proprio come nelle scene appropriate scene a noi familiari della narrativa da Dickens a Somerset Maugham: Lirrechur, eh? Tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty luogo dove esplose il divorzio tra uomo e Dio, tra libertà e Redenzione, e dove pertanto gli effetti ne maturavano the effects do not mature, prima che da noi, nel crepuscolo delle anime in the twilight of the soul.