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I considered this.

"I acknowledge the logic of her beliefs, Rahk, though I do not agree that they are accurate. For this reason, I will listen to your theory.

"I will ask, however," I continued before he could speak, "that you pause first and reconsider its importance. Bypassing the chain of command, particularly in the field, can have long-lasting and undesirable aftereffects and should not be taken lightly. Are you sure your theory's impact justifies such a risk?"

Rahk thought for several moments before responding. I waited patiently.

"I am, Commander," he said at last.


"It has to do with our sleep patterns."


"Yes, that and our eating habits."


"Historically, Tzen of all castes have gone into Deep Sleep between periods of activity. This was necessary to ensure minimal consumption of food and other resources.

"This has changed with the advent of the new technology. Food and space are plentiful on the colony ships, and space travel has placed an ever-increasing number of planets at our disposal. As a result, the necessity of Deep Sleep has become obsolete. In fact, with the exception of the sick or injured, the only time a Tzen is required to undergo Deep Sleep is when traveling in a transport ship to attack a new planet."

"I am aware of all this, Rahk," I interrupted. "Proceed with your theory."

"It is my contention that Deep Sleep performed a function beyond simple conservation of resources. There is a replenishment of body cells which takes place during sleep which is necessary for a Tzen to function efficiently."

"A replenishment of what?" I asked.

"Allow me to rephrase that, Commander. The body and mind of a Tzen experience fatigue in prolonged use, similar to a weapon which is fired at full force for an extended period."

"I assume you are referring to the blasters as opposed to our traditional hand weapons."

"Yes, I am. Now just as a blaster must be allowed to rest to function normally, a Tzen must sleep to rejuvenate mind and body."

"I am not sure I understand your analogy, Rahk," I communicated. "Every blaster has two specific rates of use: the maximum rate, and the maximum sustained rate. The maximum rate is that rate a weapon is capable of firing at any given moment at full force. Firing a weapon at that rate will give a great amount of energy for a short time, but after that time the weapon will malfunction. There is also, however, the maximum sustained rate. This rate is lower than the maximum rate, but if used at that rate, the weapon can function indefinitely, at least theoretically. If your analogy is correct, then it should be possible for a Tzen to function at a maximum sustained rate forever without sleep."

"That is correct, Commander. However, there is some question as to what that maximum sustained rate is. It is my contention that we normally function at a level well above our maximum sustained rate. As such, unless a schedule of regular periods of sleep is established and enforced, I fear we will find that we are functioning at less than peak efficiency."

I pondered this.

"How does our feeding pattern enter into this?"

"The cells require certain-" he lapsed into thoughtful silence for a moment. "I'm sorry, Commander. I am unable to think of a simple way to explain it. I am unaccustomed to speaking to Tzen not of the Scientist caste. I will have to ask that you simply believe me when I say that, like sleep, a certain regular intake of food is necessary."

"And you say you are unable to prove this theory?"

"Not to Tzu's satisfaction. It would require extensive testing of Tzen from all castes both before and after sleep to determine their relative effectiveness. For at least cursory proof, however, I would like to point to the performance of our current team."

"What about the performance of our team?"

"Few if any of the team have slept since our arrival on this planet. I feel this is beginning to show in our performance, specifically in the Warriors' difficulty in dealing with the Spider. I feel a continued decline in our effectiveness could be disastrous, particularly as the insects will undoubtedly become more efficient as our stay here grows longer."

"You are convinced the Insects will give increased resistance?" I asked. I was not eager to comment on the performance of the Warrior caste.

"I have been examining the reports of your first expedition, Commander. As a result, I am of the opinion the Empire is underestimating the intelligence of the Insects."


"When you first were forced to crash land, the Leapers would not venture under the trees, yet your account of Ahk's death specifically references the Leapers' attacking while under cover of the forest. This in itself indicates an alarming adaptive ability. Later, however, you describe in great detail how the Leapers laid an ambush for you and your two companions. This cannot be ignored. In an amazingly short time, the Leapers had not only recognized the Tzen as an enemy, they were actively mounting countermeasures. They were not merely pursuing you on chance encounters, they were actively hunting you. Also, remember we are speaking of the Leapers, a species rated as being less intelligent than the Ants."

He stopped, suddenly aware he was being carried away with his emotions. Composing himself, he continued.

"Based on these observations, I feel it is not a possibility, but a certainty, that as the mission progresses, we can expect increased difficulties with the Insects. For this reason, I recommend that the team be encouraged, if not required, to get as much sleep as possible...now, while they are able. We will need every Tzen operating at peak efficiency soon."

Despite my skepticism, I was impressed by his arguments.

"I will take your recommendations under consideration, Rahk," I said.

I was sincere in my promise, and planned to implement his plan as soon as I had consulted with my staff. Before I could, however, something occurred that forced me to change my priorities.

I was in conference with Horc concerning the priority of the Technicians' assignments when I noticed something.

"Horc," I said, interrupting his speech, "all the skimmers are here. "

"Yes, Commander."

"But isn't there a patrol out?"

"Yes, Commander. They declined the use of a skimmer."


"I was not consulted in the decision."

Breaking off the conference, I sought out Zur.

"It was the team's decision, Commander," he informed me. "As the destination for their patrol was less than two kilometers beyond the Defense Network, they decided to walk the distance rather than utilize the faster but less stable means of transport afforded by the skimmers."

"Who is on the patrol?"

"Kor and Vahr, escorting Tzu."

I approved of the use of veteran Warriors on such a mission, but still felt uneasy.

"Without a skimmer, we do not have, visual contact."

"That is correct, Commander. I pointed this out to them, but they stood by their decision. They have, however, been keeping regular contact by booster band."

"Contact them and confirm their status."

"But they aren't due to contact us for-"

"Contact them. If they complain, tell them it was on my orders."

"Very well, Commander."

He slipped on his booster band. I waited impatiently. I wondered if I was misusing my authority as Commander to quiet my own fears, but discarded the thought. I had learned as a Warrior not to ignore my instincts, and seldom had I experienced misgivings as strong as I experienced when I learned the patrol was out without a skimmer.

"They are not responding, Commander."

"Contact Horc and have him get two flyers ready. You and I are going to-"