"Hello Tommy," he greeted. "I was just working on tomorrow's schedule-"
"What's going on?" Tommy interrupted. "How come all the lights are on?"
"Mr. Beaumont was here earlier," he explained quickly. "He was in the strangest of moods. I've never seen him like that before. He was smiling and-"
"Smiling? Around players?" Tommy asked incredulously.
"Yes, he was as happy as a kid for some reason, like he was in love or something. I don't know. But he gave everyone the night off."
"You're kidding?"
"Nope. He just left a few minutes ago. Most of the guys left right after him."
Tommy shook his head unbelievingly, then turned to Paulette. "Oh well, this looks like a lucky break for us, huh?"
She smiled sweetly, knowing what he was thinking by his wide grin and shining brown eyes. "Maybe we can pull off to the side of the road now?" she teased.
"What was that?" the little bald man asked. "Pull off what road?"
"It's just a private joke," Tommy explained. Then asked, "What's the workout schedule for tomorrow?" hoping he would have the morning free to be with Paulette.
"You won't have to come in until one o'clock if you can check Rudy tonight," he said. "He's in the gym with Cassidy doing light weights."
"How's his knee look to you, Red?"
"It seems strong, and he's been doing the exercises you ordered."
"Any swelling today?"
"No. Not that I could see. You could check it now if you want. It would save you a trip all the way here tomorrow morning."
"Yeah, I guess so." He turned to Paulette and asked, "Would you be interested in seeing the inside of a trainer's gym?"
"I'd love to if it wouldn't take too long," she said, then added softly, but loud enough for Red to hear, "I want to put something in my oven."
"You bake at night?" Red asked curiously.
"It's something I just started doing," she answered lightly, looking at Tommy. "Everything comes out so fresh and looooose!"
Red scratched his head as he watched them walking toward the back of the building. She's so pretty, he thought, and so crazy! Baking at night, indeed!
Tommy followed her up the stairs to the gym door, watching her soft ass swaying invitingly beneath her short skirt, thinking of her marvelous saucy manner and direct approach to life, knowing he was going to be in her tight bottom again before this night was over.
He caught up to her at the top of the stairs and opened the door for her, allowing her to enter the plush gymnasium.
"A lot of people think that football is just the playing on the field," he told her, coming up beside her. "But football games are won through exercise and hard work, doing things as a team. All the parts have to fit, each man has to be in top form, that's why we have so much specialized equipment here."
She looked around to the gleaming stainless steel contraptions, beginning to understand the extremes professional athletes must go to stay in shape.
"Over here," he said, leading her to a series of pulleys and weights, "is where the linemen build their neck and back muscles. And this," he added, pointing to a complicated set of levers and adjustable pedals, "is a traction unit for leg development." He looked at her strangely for a moment, then suggested, "How about it? Would you like to try it out?"
"You're kidding!" she gushed, backing away a step. Then seeing he was perfectly serious, she added, "I couldn't! I'm not dressed for it!"
"I'll adjust it so it won't be too strenuous. It'll be fun. C'mon," he said, patting the leather seat, coaxing her with a big confident grin.
"That's silly," she said, taking a step closer. "What if someone comes in?"
"With the exception of Mr. Beaumont, I'm the boss around here, Honey. You don't have anything to worry about when you are with me."
She looked uneasily at him, unsure whether she should or not. Then shrugging, she said, "O.K.," taking a step toward him and sitting timidly in the seat.
"Here," he said, kneeling before her and slipping her tiny feet into the metal gripping shoes that fastened securely over her ankles, "this is how it is done." He patted her knee and smiled. "Sit back and lift your feet around me."
She brought her legs straight out in front of her, one on either side of him, watching with amused eyes as she caught him looking up her dress.
"Now," he said smoothly, placing his hands on the insides of her thighs, "the idea is to get your legs to spread as wide as possible."
She watched him push her legs apart, seeing him swallow tightly as he rubbed his fingers along her soft thighs.
"What are you smiling at?" she asked playfully.
"I'm wishing you weren't wearing panties, that's all," he said huskily, gently squeezing the soft meat above her widely parted knees.
"What would you do if I wasn't wearing panties?" she teased.
He quickly unstrapped her foot and said, "Why don't you slide them down and find out?"
"Why don't you," she challenged, "slide them down and show me?"
"O.K., young lady, I'll do just that!" Without waiting, he slid his hands up her dress and grabbed her panties at her sides, pulling them down to her ass. "Uh-hem," he said, tugging softly. "You are going to have to raise your sweet ass, my dear."
"Yes dear," she answered sweetly, hitching herself up and allowing him to slide the panties around the soft curve of her ass and down to her knees where he deftly lifted her foot through them, letting her panties dangle from her other leg as he strapped her foot back in the retaining metal shoe and brought his glistening eyes back to her exposed pussy.
"You have a beautiful cunt, my dear," he sighed, kissing her on the thigh. "I am going to enjoy this," he added breathlessly, bringing his mouth quickly to her wide gash and darting his tongue full length into her gaping hole.
"My God!" she gushed, startled at the intensity of his attack, then, feeling the clamoring of her clitoris, she wiggled further down in the seat to meet his probing tongue. Hot shivers caressed her tummy, sending rosy flashes of delight into her yawning cunt, instantly responding to his long fiery tongue reaming the tender lining of her soft cunt, his face pressing hard against her open slit, rubbing his face into her as he frantically dug for more of the sweet taste of her, the intoxicating woman scent of her.
"Damn!" he said suddenly, backing away, his nose and chin shiny. "I want more of that!" He got up quickly and made an adjustment on the levers behind her, then came around in front and raised her legs to his shoulders so her tender ass was just barely touching the seat.
"Tommy!" she gushed up at him, her legs held wide, her wet pussy wrenched open and unprotected. "Stop!"
"Shhh!" he hissed, bringing his finger to his lips and smiling at her predicament. "You are under my power now," he leered at her jokingly.
"Tommy!" she whispered fiercely. "What if someone comes in?!"
"Then," he shrugged helplessly. "I guess they are going to catch me eating you." He laughed and dropped to his knees before her, quickly French kissing her squirming cunt full on the lips and darting his tongue along the length of her splendid crack, even tickling her puckered asshole with his feathery tongue before gently tugging at her scarlet labia with his soft lips, nibbling at her teasingly.
Her mind was afire with torrid images of his huge cock smashing into her, spearing her with its magnificent hard length. The delicious agony his flicking tongue caused her, firing her eager loins with smoldering passion, coupled mightily with the strange and exciting fear of being caught so open and helpless.
She trembled with dreaded anticipation, her small cunt responding hotly, her mind flashing brilliant pictures of herself being watched, of showing herself brazenly to a body of men, strangers, all wanting her, all with huge hard cocks, all pressing forward to fill her with miles of throbbing cock!