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"No, only a list of Israeli doctors."

"Too bad. Okay, I can call one of my buddies, have him do a little legwork for me. Anything new from your end?"

Daniel told him about the call from Amsterdam.

"Hmm, interesting," said Gene. "A world traveler."

"The wounds on the Amsterdam victim matched our first one. Yet ours duplicates the American pattern. To me it seems like he used Amsterdam as a dry run, Gene. Preparing for something big, here."

"Something personal," said Gene. "Fits with the anti-Semite thing." Silence. "Maybe that island med-school roster will speed things along."

"Yes. I'd better go now, see if the wire's arrived. Thanks for everything, Gene. When I hear more I'll let you know. When are you moving?"

"Right now. I was just out the door. You sure this is necessary?"

"I'm sure. Your phone bill's already enormous. If you won't let me compensate you, at least use my phone."

"Who compensates you?"

"I'll put in a requisition form; eventually they'll reimburse me. Explaining you would be harder."

"All right, but I already gave my hotel room as the mailing address to half the departments I spoke to. Someone's going to have to be checking all the time to see if something comes in."

"I'll do the checking-you do the phoning. Laura's expecting you. She's cleared the desk in her studio. There'll be sandwiches and-"

"Drinks in the refrigerator. I know. Lu and I were over for Shabbat lunch. Shoshi made the stuff herself, showed me how she wrapped it all in plastic. They're all planning on going out for ice cream tonight. Call soon-you might still catch them."

"Thank you for the tip. Shalom."

"Shalom," said Gene. "And Shavua tov." The traditional post-Shabbat wish for a good week.

"Where'd you learn that?"

"Your kids have been educating me."

Daniel laughed, fought back the loneliness. Said, "Shavua tov." Wishful thinking.

Talking to Gene made him want to call home. Laura answered the phone with tension in her voice.

He said, 'Shavua tov. Sorry I haven't called sooner-"

"Daniel, the dog's gone."


"Dayan's gone, run away. He didn't get out this afternoon, so Shoshi took him for a walk in the park. She met a girlfriend, started talking, and let go of the leash. When she turned around, he'd disappeared. The two of them looked all over for him. She didn't want to come home, is locked in her room at this moment, hysterical."

"Let me speak to her."

"Hold on."

He waited for a moment. Laura came back on, said, "She's too upset or ashamed to talk to anyone right now, Daniel."

"How long ago did it happen?"

"Right after Shabbat."

Over an hour ago. No one had called him.

"He's never done this before," said Laura. "He's always been such a coward', clinging to your pants leg."

No pants leg to cling to for a while, thought Daniel.

"How are the boys?"

"Uncharacteristically quiet. Mikey even tried to kiss Shoshi, so you can imagine what it's been like."

"He'll come back, Laura."

"That's what I think too. I left the lobby door unlocked in case he does. We were planning to go out for ice cream, but I don't want the poor little guy trotting up and finding us gone."

"Gene will be over soon. As soon as he arrives, go out-it will be good for all of you. In the meantime, I'd check with the Berkowitzes on the second floor-Dayan likes their cat. And Lieberman's grocery-Shoshi takes him by there regularly. Lieberman gives him chicken scraps."

"The Berkowitzes haven't seen him and he wasn't hanging around near the grocery. I just got off the phone with Lieberman-he's home, not opening until tomorrow at ten. I asked him to check for Dayan when he comes in. How'm I doing, Detective?"

"Aleph-plus. I miss you."

"I miss you too. Anything new?"

"Some progress, actually. Far from solved, but the net is tightening, bit by bit."

She knew better than to ask for details, said, "You'll get him. It's just a matter of time." Then: "Will you be home tonight?"

"I'm planning on it. I'm waiting for a wire from overseas, will head home as soon as I get it. Where will you be going for ice cream? I can pick up Gene-maybe we can catch you."

Laura laughed. "What are the chances of that?"

"Just in case," said Daniel.

"Just in case, I thought Cafe Max. The boys took long naps-they might be able to handle the late hour. If not, we'll eat on the run, maybe drop in on your dad." Laura's voice broke. "I feel so bad about that little dog. I never wanted him in the first place, but now he's become a part of us. I know it's not important compared to what you're dealing with but-"

"It is important. When I get out of here, I'll drive around and look for him, okay? Was he wearing his tag?"

"Of course."

"Then, one way or another, we'll find him. Don't worry."

"I'm sure you're right. Why would he go and do this, Daniel?"

"Hormones. He's probably feeling romantic. Probably found himself a girlfriend-a Great Dane."

Laura laughed again, this time softly. "Put it that way, and I don't feel so sorry for him."

"Me neither," said Daniel. "I feel jealous."

Gone, all three charts.

Predictable. Boring.


He though about it and stretched his grin until it threatened to split his face, visualized his face dividing in two and reconstituting. Mytosis-wouldn't that be something? Two superior Aryan Schwann-hemi-faces rolling over Kikeland like nuclear mace balls, churning up the soup, steamrolling the scum

Three charts, big deal. They probably thought they had a fucking bible, but they were limited thinkers, predictable. Let it lull them into a false sense of superiority.

Meanwhile, he'd be creative. The key was to be crea-

Stick to the plan, but allow for improvisation. Float above the scum-sump, trading identity for triumph.

Clean up afterward.

No doubt they were watching.

No doubt they thought they had it all figured out.

Like Fields had, so long ago. Grand Prix BoJo, all the real science girls.

All his little pets, now purified, part of him.


Pet names, private identities. Remembering them made him hard.

Gauguin Girl, washing clothes by the river when he found her. Hi!

Voodoo Queen, talking gris-gris and mojo and other ipooky jive in the light of a wet, yellow Louisiana moon. Taking him to the cemetery, trying to come on evil. But fading without struggle, just like all the others.

Pocahontas. Trading it all-for powdered trinkets.

Jugs. Twinkie. Stoner. Kikette. Still, white shells lying emptied, explored. All those welcome holes the ultimate memory picture. All the others. So many others. Pet names, limp limbs, last looks before fading to final bliss.