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“I told you all I’m telling you.”

“That Danny’s your grandson?”

“You’re goddam right. We never knew it, Belle and I, for twenty years, that Kady was ours, until Danny came, and we seen the butterfly. Then we knew.”

“So Belle two-timed me even before she left.”

“The way you treated her why not?”

“I loved her. What more did she want?”

“Yeah, you loved her. If she’d go to church three times on Sunday and pray every night and look at your sour face all the rest of the time, you loved her. Well who she loved was me. Because she liked a good time. And me, I had a banjo.”

“That was something, wasn’t it?”

“To Belle it was. You bet she two-timed you.”

He called for more water, and I gave him some, and he cussed me out, and began calling Kady every dirty name he could think of. “She hated Danny. She hated him because his father walked out on her, and she’s been so proud and stuck-up she couldn’t stand it she was just a girl like anybody else. But I loved him.” And then, after a while: “Belle was going crazy from fear I would spill it to Kady whose child she really was, and if I did, she would hate Belle. So that was late afternoon, and Belle caught the bus, to come up here and kill me. If it had been morning she wouldn’t have done it. The fever, it came on as the day wore on. It made her crazy. After she come in my shack that night, and I knew she was going to die, I thought I’d wait till that was over, and then come out with it. It was all I had to live for. Why should I keep my mouth shut? Why should I give a hoot how Kady felt? She never cared how I felt. But Belle knew what she could do with me. She got me to come over there, just before she died, after you left and Kady left and they took Danny away, and promise I’d never say anything to Kady about it. So that’s what I done. I give up the one thing I wanted in life, to please a woman that was dying, and that I loved. But I made up my mind, if I had to give it up, you’d give it up too. You weren’t going to be happy with something that was mine. So I got Ed Blue’s gun, and I’d have killed you, Jess. That’s the only thing I’m sorry for, that you got me first. But by Jesus Christ, I’m going to take it away from you, that one thing that you want. I never promised not to tell you, and now I’m letting you have it. There’s not one drop of Tyler blood in Danny, and you’ve just been making a fool out of yourself to think there is. Come here, you samsinging bastard, and let me spit on you.”

I put his jumper over his chest, crossed the arms over his back, and tied them up tight. Then I used them for a handle and began dragging him.

“Stop it! That hurts!”

“It won’t, much longer.”

“Where you taking me?”

“You’ll see.”

I drug him to the shaft, and when he saw what I was going to do he began to scream. I slung him in, and he screamed clear to the bottom, but stopped when he hit. I slung Mort’s rifle in after him, and stepped back in case it would go off. When it didn’t I picked up my own gun and climbed down. He was at the bottom, all crumpled up, beside the bricked-in fireplace of the still. I tied the jumper on him better, lit the lamp, and began dragging him along the tunnel. But when I came to the first of the old entries I turned off, and began dragging him over the jagged rock that had fallen down, and it was the hardest work I ever did in my life. But it felt good, too, to know he was dead, and I had killed him, and I was going to put him where he never would be found, and nobody would ever remember he had been on this earth. I drug him at least two hundred feet. Then there was a swag, and I threw him in. Then I climbed back to the timbered tunnel, went on back to the shaft, took a bucket, scraped up some dirt and put it in, poured in some water, and mixed up some mud. Then I took my fuse, caps, and dynamite, stuck them in my pocket, and went back to the swag with them. The first blister that was hanging down on the other side, between the swag and the worked-out part of the mine, I cut off half a stick of dynamite, made a mudcap against one of the hanging pieces, stuck the dynamite in with a cap in it and six inches of fuse. The blister between the swag and the timbered drift, I made another mudcap, with a foot of fuse. Then I went in, lit the short fuse, scrambled to the next one and lit it, and stepped around to the angle of the timbered tunnel to wait. Why I had done that, I wanted those shots not to fire at once, and then I could check that they both went off. Sure enough, here came the first one. Then I almost dropped dead, because I had forgot the rifle.

I ran to the shaft mouth, got it, and coming back I ran sidewise like a crab, the way you have to do in a low tunnel. Smoke was pouring out of the tunnel, but I crawled in there and gave the rifle a pitch. Before I got to the timbered drift the second shot went off, and blew me right up against the rib. Then I was glad I had had to make the second trip in, for the rifle. Because by going in there I had seen what I’d always have been worried about. That powder had blown down the top until the tunnel was blocked up solid with rock, both sides of Moke, so it would take a hundred men a month to get in there, even if they could ever guess what they were digging for. Mr. Moke Blue could just as well have been at the bottom of the sea, so far as anybody in this world could ever find him.

When I got to the creek I took the empty shell out of my gun, threw it in the water, and put a fresh one in the chamber. Then I cut a switch and peeled it, and rammed a piece of my handkerchief through the bore, to clean it, so it hadn’t been fired since it was loaded. Then I went down and pitched it on the truck and started over to Blount, to tell Wash what Moke had told me. I was already halfway over there, before it came to me what it meant, if what he said was true.

She wasn’t my daughter any more!

Chapter 11

I cut my lights, ran in behind the old filling station again, and hid the truck like I had before. I crept on up the road without making any noise, and the first thing I did was look in the barn and the stable, and all the stock was inside, but they weren’t bellowing or anything, and that meant they’d all been fed and the cows milked. I crept on up to the house and peeped in the front room. I peeped in the back room and Jane was there, with Danny in her lap, but no sign of Kady. Pretty soon Danny began to cry, and when Jane bent over him and began to rock him I saw she was crying too. “Little baby, that’s always been treated so bad! Ever since his first day on earth he’s been put on and stolen and left all alone and kicked around. Don’t cry, little boy. Don’t you mind a bit, my little Danny. I’m here. I’ll always be here, and I’ll always love you no matter what your mother does or your father does or anybody does.”

It made a lump come in my throat, but I went down to the truck and got in and drove to town. When I got near the White Horse I parked, and went to a window and looked in. She was there, like I knew she would be, dancing with a man I had never seen, and plenty drunk, by her looks. I rubbed my hands on my coat, to wipe off the sweat, and went inside. I didn’t pay any attention to her. I went to a booth and sat down. When a waiter came I ordered a drink and when he brought it I took a sip. Pretty soon I could feel her standing beside me. “Well this is quite a surprise.”

“Oh. Hello, Kady.”

“What are you doing here, Jess?”

“Just having me a corn and Coca-Cola.”

“Since when did you take a drink?”

“Sometimes you need it.”

“When, for instance?”

“Like when you expect to give a girl away, at her wedding, and she runs out on you and leaves you holding the bag there at the church and don’t even come around to tell you why, then you feel like you could drink quite a little.”