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“You see that as a problem?” Muriel kissed her again and rolled off so she could sit up.

“I didn’t say it to make you mad,” Shelby said, draping herself on Muriel’s back.

“I’m not mad at you, just at fate.”

“How do you mean?”

Muriel smiled when she felt Shelby’s lips on the back of her neck. “Nothing important, just something Cain once told me about safe havens.” Fate was indeed a cruel bitch, thought Muriel. She’d finally found the woman who stirred her in every possible way, but was also the one person in the world in whom she could never confide--—not without life-changing consequences.

“You think this won’t work, don’t you?” Shelby asked.

“For once I don’t have all the answers, but I do know what I want. The real question is, can I have it without one of us turning our backs on something we hold dear?”

Shelby sat next to her and took her hand. “Don’t you mean someone? I’m not asking you to betray Cain. All I’m asking for is what you can give me. It’s enough.”

For now, thought Muriel, but didn’t voice the words. She only nodded and followed Shelby to the bathroom for another shower. The impossible had happened, she thought as she watched the sway of Shelby’s hips; she’d fallen in love with a woman who’d taken an oath to destroy her family. She’d never voice the words “I love you,” either, and that was the cruelest fate of all.

Chapter Nine

Five black limousines turned into the Piquant, and Cain frowned as the pack of paparazzi got their cameras ready. They were almost as bad as the feds.

She and Emma emerged from the first car, both laughing when the wall of guards ruined any good shots. Muriel and Shelby, in the second car, nodded to them as they arrived and stood beside them, waiting for the others. The only person the photographers truly recognized got out next on Remi’s arm, and they started shouting Susan’s name. Ramon, Marianna, Mano, and Sylvia followed them, and in the last car were Dwayne, Steve, and their wives.

“Emma, you look stunning,” Remi said as they walked in together. “And that’s a beautiful dress you have on, Susan.”

“What dress? You mean the strings hanging over her tits and ass. That’s a dress?” someone said.

“Thank you. You’re looking dapper yourself tonight. Maybe once this is over we could go somewhere more intimate?” Susan asked as she hung from her arm.

“Let’s see what the night has to offer, shall we?” Remi said as they entered the packed ballroom a floor up. “Good turnout, but maybe it’s just the crab puffs.”

“The drinks are on me, so shall we?” Cain said, guiding Emma to their reserved table.

“Let’s give ourselves thirty minutes, then we’ll get this over with since I know you love big crowds as much as I do,” Remi said to Cain. “Guys, meet me at the bar in twenty,” she told Dwayne and Steve.

The purchase of Gemini was a joint venture, but Remi and the guys would be the front men on the project, which was how Cain had wanted it set up. With the acquisition of the studio, she’d found the perfect business to account for all the money she made, since moviemaking had a lot of accounting loopholes. Most important, she trusted Remi to keep her investment safe.

“I’ll gladly dance with my wife while you do all the heavy lifting on this one,” Cain said, taking Emma’s hand. “Ramon, Marianna, join us?”

Remi left her date talking to a director and couldn’t believe her luck as she neared the bar. She took in the vision in the black dress who sat nursing a drink and appearing bored with the whole process, and her curiosity grew. “Hello, stranger, come here often?” she whispered into Dallas’s ear.

The low voice made Dallas visibly shiver. “My, but black is definitely your color,” Dallas said. “Love the tux.”

“Flatterer. I must agree on one thing though, Ms. Montgomery. Black is definitely my color,” Remi said, looking from the top of Dallas’s head down to the black pumps. “You’re a vision. I can see why the movie was named Lady-killers. Are you here alone or is that just wishful thinking?”

“No, Bob’s around here somewhere pumping the flesh.”

“Not a flesh pumper yourself?”

“Actually, I’d much rather be people watching in the French Quarter, but these gatherings are necessary in the industry if you don’t want to be passed over. Hopefully this guy won’t be too long-winded and we can slip out of here early.”

Remi had opened her mouth to tell Dallas to go home and do just that, when the voice she remembered from the plane boomed in her ear. “I thought I told you to stay away from her, pervert. You could ruin her image just by standing next to her,” Bob said as he wrapped a proprietary arm around Dallas’s waist. “Get lost.”

Remi was about to comment he needed to have the jacket and the pants of his tuxedo let out some, but decided not to waste her time.

“Dallas, it was nice seeing you again. I’ll do what I can about any long speeches.” With that Remi turned and disappeared into the crowd.

“Bob, that was rude and unnecessary.” Dallas pulled his arm away and wondered what her new friend meant by her long-speech comment.

“Looking after my property, babe. Can’t have people thinking ill of you, can we? Look, the program’s starting. Let’s move where we’ll be noticed.” Bob pulled her off the barstool and started pushing people out of the way to get closer to the stage.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen and distinguished guests. I’m Robin Burrus of Gemini Studios, and I’d like to welcome you to our simple gathering tonight to welcome our new CEO.

“I’ve known Remington Jatibon for quite some time and am glad to see a Jatibon finally take the reins of the main offices of Gemini. This is a family who’ll work tirelessly until we dominate the moviemaking industry. Remi, I know you’ll do your parents Ramon and Marianna proud. Please help me in welcoming Remington Jatibon.” He turned and hugged Remi when she stepped on stage, patting her back several times before letting go.

When Remi turned to face the gathering Bob hissed, “What in the hell is she doing up there?”

Dallas felt weak for a moment and uttered, “Oh, dear God, I’m screwed.”

Lisa, standing behind them, answered Bob’s question first. “She’s up there because, Dickey, that’s Remi Jatibon.” Then turning to Dallas she said, “Not yet, sweetie, but we’re working on it.”

“Thank you, everyone, for coming out tonight. I won’t keep you long since someone just reminded me how people feel about long speeches.” Her eyes cut to the right of the stage and met Dallas’s. Remi shrugged and smiled. Dallas crossed her arms and frowned slightly in return obviously not happy with her lie of omission as to who she was.

“Starting Monday, a new era will begin at Gemini. My team and I intend to build upon the great work you in this room have already done since the inception of the studio. Together we’ll succeed in making Gemini better and more progressive than anyone else in the business.

“Through your craft you’ll be present at many of our audience’s first dates and first kisses. You’ll touch people in ways you might not even realize. Our job is to help you continue to make the magic that has brought us to this point. My door is always open if any of you ever need my assistance.” Remi looked back toward Dallas and smiled again.

“In closing, I’d like to introduce the new management team for Gemini Studio, Dwayne St. Germaine and Steve Palma.” Remi waited for them to join her. “Thank you all for coming and good night. Please stay and enjoy the food and drink, and we look forward to Monday.”

The inevitable press to the stage came, swallowing them as they stepped off of it. When they emerged, Dallas saw a striking woman take Remi’s hand and figured she was Remi’s date for the evening. “I’ll be lucky to get cast as a stand-in extra now.”