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'OK, are you going to tell me what's wrong?' I asked.

She'd been staring into space for several minutes. It wasn't like her to be so withdrawn, especially when we hadn't seen each other for weeks. 'Hmm? Oh, sorry, I was miles away.'

'I know. What is it?'

'Nothing. Really, I'm just a bit preoccupied.' She smiled, trying to brush it off. 'Come on, let's get the dishes cleared away.'


She set down the plates with a sigh. 'Promise me you won't do anything.'

'Why, what's happened?'

'Terry Connors called round a few nights ago.'

I hadn't seen or spoken to him since Dartmoor. 'Terry? What for?'

'He said he was in London and thought he'd drop round to see you, but… Well, I got the impression he already knew you were away.'

I felt something cold spread through me. 'Go on.'

'There was just something… off about him coming round like that. I could smell he'd been drinking, but why didn't he phone first to make sure you were in? I made him a coffee but he made me feel… uncomfortable.'

'How do you mean, uncomfortable?'

Kara's face had flushed. 'Do I have to spell it out?'

I realized I was gripping the edge of the table. I made myself let go. 'What did he do?'

'He didn't do anything. It was just the way he acted. I told him he should leave but… Well, he asked if I was sure that's what I wanted. He said… he said I didn't know what you got up to while you were away.' She picked up her wine glass, then put it down again without drinking from it. 'Alice woke up then and shouted downstairs asking if you were back. I was actually relieved. It seemed to shake him up, and he left.'

My vision was starred as though I'd stood up too quickly, even though I hadn't moved. 'Why didn't you tell me?'

'You were knee deep in a grave in eastern Europe. What good would that have done? Besides, nothing actually happened.'

'Jesus! He just came here and…'

'David, calm down.'

'Calm down?' I pushed my seat back, unable to keep still any longer. 'What he said about me… It isn't true.'

Kara stood up and came over. She touched my face. 'I know that. Terry just thinks everyone's like him.'

'How do you mean?'

'You must know what he's like. The affairs?'

'Affairs?' I repeated stupidly.

She gave me a quizzical smile. 'Seriously? You didn't realize? I don't know why Deborah's stayed with him as long as she has. She told me she gave up hoping he'd be faithful years ago; now she just wants him to be discreet. I got the impression that's why Terry had to transfer out of London. He was having an affair with someone he worked with, and it turned messy.'

That was news to me. But it explained the tension the last time the four of us had gone out. Even I hadn't been able to miss that.

'Why didn't you say anything before?' I asked, putting my arms around her.

'Because it was none of our business, and I didn't want to make things awkward. Not when you had to work with him.'

Not any more. Kara leaned back to look at my face.

'Promise me you won't do anything stupid.'

'Like what?'

'Like anything. Just let it go. Please? He's not worth wasting time on.' She slid her hands around my lower back. 'And I really don't want to spend any more of your first night back talking about Terry Connors.'

Neither did I. So we didn't.

But I couldn't forget about it altogether. Terry had gone to my home intending to seduce my wife. If that wasn't bad enough, he'd tried to make her believe I'd been unfaithful to her. Just thinking about it made me light-headed with anger, but I told myself not to do anything for a few days, to give myself a chance to cool down.

I lasted until the following afternoon.

I was easing myself back into work after the Balkans trip and had arranged to finish early anyway. The plan was for me to collect Alice from school, but my fury at Terry had been festering overnight. I stewed over it for a few hours before phoning Kara at the hospital.

'Sorry about this, but can you pick Alice up later?'

'I suppose so. Why, has something come up?'

I was already regretting calling her. Kara's hours were part time and flexible, and she often switched to help out colleagues. But this was our daughter, and I'd only just got back from a trip. I should be focusing on what was important, not charging off to confront someone like Terry Connors.

'Look, it doesn't matter. Forget it.'

'No, it's OK. I was only staying for a staff meeting anyway, so I'm glad of the excuse. 'A wariness entered her voice. 'Why, what's happened?'

'Nothing. Let's keep things-'

I was about to say 'as they were', but there was a commotion in the background down the line. I heard raised voices and the banging of heavy doors.

'Sorry, I'm needed,' she said in a rush. 'I'll collect Alice, you can explain why later. Bye.'

She broke the connection before I could say anything. I lowered the phone, feeling shallow. I made up my mind to call her back later and say I'd pick up Alice after all. I left it half an hour but when I tried her line it was engaged. And already I was starting to think about Terry again, letting a head of anger build up against him. There didn't seem much point in bothering Kara when she was obviously busy, and by now she'd probably made arrangements anyway.

Instead I phoned Terry.

I wasn't even sure he'd answer if he saw the call was from me. But he did. His voice sounded as cocksure and breezy as ever. 'David! How're you doing?'

'I want to see you.'

His hesitation was only slight. 'Look, I'd love to meet up, but things are a bit hectic right now. I'll give you a call when-'

'Would you rather I wait for you at your house?'

I'd no intention of involving his family, but I wasn't going to let him brush me off. This time the pause was longer.

'Something you want to say?'

There was, but I wanted to do it in person. 'I can be in Exeter in a few hours. Name a place.'

'I can save you the trip. I'm still in London. I'll even buy you a pint.' His tone was condescending. 'It'll be just like old times.'

I willed myself not to lose my temper as I went to meet him. He'd suggested a pub in Soho, and when I walked in I saw why. It was obviously a police watering hole: most of the clientele had the indefinable swagger of off-duty officers. The place was decorated for Christmas, the same faded streamers and baubles they'd obviously been dusting off for years. Terry was at the bar, laughing with a group of men. He excused himself when I went in. The usual smile was on his face, but his eyes were watchful.

'Want a drink?'

'No thanks.'

'Please yourself.' Glass in hand, he propped himself comfortably against a table. 'So. Where's the fire?'

'Stay away from Kara.'

'What are you talking about?'

'You know what I'm talking about. I don't want you at my home again.'

He was still smiling, but a flush spread up from his neck. 'Whoa, hang on a minute. I don't know what she's said but I didn't know you were away-'

'Yes, you did. The mass grave was all over the news; it didn't take a genius to work out I'd be over there. That's why you didn't phone first, because then you wouldn't have an excuse to go round.'


'You even tried to make her think I'd been seeing somebody else. Why the hell would you do that?'