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Whatever I think may be said by me,

For the general tells us the word is free.


True-that he said so I fully agree,

I was standing by. "The word is free-

The deed is dumb-obedience blind!"

His very words I can call to mind.


I know not if these were his words or no,

But he said the thing, and 'tis even so.


Victory ne'er will his flag forsake,

Though she's apt from others a turn to take:

Old Tilly outlived his fame's decline,

But under the banner of Wallenstein,

There am I certain that victory's mine!

Fortune is spell-bound to him, and must yield;

Whoe'er under Friedland shall take the field

Is sure of a supernatural shield:

For, as all the world is aware full well,

The duke has a devil in hire from hell.


In truth that he's charmed is past a doubt,

For we know how, at Luetzen's bloody affair,

Where firing was thickest he still was there,

As coolly as might be, sirs, riding about.

The hat on his head was shot thro' and thro',

In coat and boots the bullets that flew

Left traces full clear to all men's view;

But none got so far as to scratch off his skin,

For the ointment of hell was too well rubbed in.


What wonders so strange can you all see there?

An elk-skin jacket he happens to wear,

And through it the bullets can make no way.


'Tis an ointment of witches' herbs, I say,

Kneaded and cooked by unholy spell.


No doubt 'tis the work of the powers of hell.


That he reads in the stars we also hear,

Where the future he sees-distant or near-

But I know better the truth of the case

A little gray man, at the dead of night,

Through bolted doors to him will pace-

The sentinels oft have hailed the sight,

And something great was sure to be nigh,

When this little gray-coat had glided by.


Ay, ay, he's sold himself to the devil,

Wherefore, my lads, let's feast and revel.


The above-Recruit, Citizen, Dragoon.

(The Recruit advances from the tent, wearing a tin cap

on his head, and carrying a wine-flask.)


To father and uncle pray make my bow,

And bid 'em good-by-I'm a soldier now.


See, yonder they're bringing us something new,


Oh, Franz, remember, this day you'll rue.

RECRUIT (sings).

The drum and the fife,

War's rattling throng,

And a wandering life

The world along!

Swift steed-and a hand

To curb and command-

With a blade by the side,

We're off far and wide.

As jolly and free,

As the finch in its glee,

On thicket or tree,

Under heaven's wide hollow-

Hurrah! for the Friedlander's banner I'll follow!


Foregad! a jolly companion, though.

[They salute him.


He comes of good kin; now pray let him go.


And we wern't found in the streets you must know.


I tell you his wealth is a plentiful stock;

Just feel the fine stuff that he wears for a frock.


The emperor's coat is the best he can wear.


To a cap manufactory he is the heir.


The will of a man is his fortune alone.


His grandmother's shop will soon be his own.


Pish! traffic in matches! who would do't?


A wine-shop his grandfather leaves, to boot,

A cellar with twenty casks of wine.


These with his comrades he'll surely share.


Hark ye, lad-be a camp-brother of mine.


A bride he leaves sitting, in tears, apart.


Good-that now's a proof of an iron heart.


His grandmother's sure to die with sorrow.


The better-for then he'll inherit to-morrow.

SERGEANT (advances gravely, and lays his hand on the

Recruit's tin cap).

The matter no doubt you have duly weighed,

And here a new man of yourself have made;

With hanger and helm, sir, you now belong

To a nobler and more distinguished throng.

Thus, a loftier spirit 'twere well to uphold-


And, specially, never be sparing of gold.


In Fortune's ship, with an onward gale,

My, friend, you have made up your mind to sail.

The earth-ball is open before you-yet there

Naught's to be gained, but by those who dare.

Stupid and sluggish your citizen's found,

Like a dyer's dull jade, in his ceaseless round,

While the soldier can be whatever he will,

For war o'er the earth is the watchword still.

Just look now at me, and the coat I wear,

You see that the emperor's baton I bear-

And all good government, over the earth,

You must know from the baton alone has birth;

For the sceptre that's swayed by the kingly hand

Is naught but a baton, we understand.

And he who has corporal's rank obtained,

Stands on the ladder where all's to be gained,

And you, like another, may mount to that height-


Provided you can but read and write.


Now, hark to an instance of this from me,

And one, which I've lived myself to see

There's Butler, the chief of dragoons, why he,

Whose rank was not higher a whit than mine,

Some thirty years since, at Cologne on Rhine,

Is a major-general now-because

He put himself forward and gained applause;

Filling the world with his martial fame,

While slept my merits without a name.

And even the Friedlander's self-I've heard-

Our general and all-commanding lord,

Who now can do what he will at a word,

Had at first but a private squire's degree;

In the goddess of war yet trusting free,

He reared the greatness which now you see,

And, after the emperor, next is he.

Who knows what more he may mean or get?


For all-day's evening isn't come yet.


He was little at first, though now so great-

For at Altorf, in student's gown he played

By your leave, the part of a roaring blade,

And rattled away at a queerish rate.

His fag he had well nigh killed by a blow,

And their Nur'mburg worships swore he should go

To jail for his pains-if he liked it or no.

'Twas a new-built nest to be christened by him