"Christ's bones!" Beinn swore softly. Somehow the lack-wit had come upon him just as he was finishing refilling the grave and hit him with something hard. He was no fool. The bitch meant to use him, and then she would kill him as she had obviously been doing to all her lovers. He tested the strength of the chains attached to the manacles about his ankles and wrists. There was no weakness in them. He had to find a way to free himself so he might defend himself. As for pleasuring her, he thought grimly, he had refused her once. What made her believe he would change his mind now?
The door to the chamber opened, and Robena stepped into the room. "Ah, Beinn, how good of you to visit. You usually do not remain when you bring us our supplies." Walking to the bed, she knelt down and took his cock in her hand. "I have always wanted this," she said. "It is such a large weapon for a big man." She drew the foreskin down, and then, bending her head, licked the tip of it. "Ummm," she purred. "It is even tastier than I imagined, Beinn. And I see it is beginning to awaken from its slumbers even as you have. We shall have such fun together, darling."
"I'll not fuck you, you evil bitch!" he said angrily.
"Nay, but I will fuck you, Beinn. And you will come for me, and you will sob like a lad with his first whore. And you will keep pleasuring me until I grow tired of you, darling," Robena told him with a smile.
"The laird will come looking for me," he warned her.
Robena laughed. "I hope he does," she said. "And when he comes he will find us together in this bed. Whatever you choose to tell him, he will believe you betrayed him. My servants and I shall confirm it. I shall tell him you bedded me at Dunglais, and afterwards here each time you came. I shall swear you have been my lover for years." She laughed cruelly. "Do you think I have forgotten how you insulted me in that stable? I offered myself to you, and you refused me! Well, you shall not refuse me now, Beinn."
"I do refuse you!" he snarled at her.
"Nay, you will not," Robena told him. She bent her head, took his cock into her mouth, and began to suck lustily upon it. She licked him and nibbled upon the tender column of flesh. It began to thicken and lengthen without her mouth as she played with him. She heard him gasp with his surprise. He had no idea the water he had swilled so eagerly was well laced with aphrodisiacs that would keep him aroused for the next few hours in spite of himself. He would yield to her desires because he would have no other choice. But eventually he would come to her willingly. For now, however, it excited her greatly to force this big man to her will. She sucked him hard, and he finally came with a cry of anger as she eagerly drew every bit of his seed from his cock and swallowed it down. "That is a fine start," she said, licking her lips and smiling down into his face.
Beinn could not believe what had just happened. A woman did not assault a man and force his seed from him. Yet Robena had done just that, and his cock still stood tall. What sorcery was this? Was she a witch as well as a whore? "What have you done to me that you can use my body in such a lewd fashion?" he said to her.
"Oh, come, Beinn. Do men not force women?" Robena replied. Her delicate long fingers played with his stiff length thoughtfully.
"That is different," he replied.
"Not really," she told him. "When a man's cock is engaged by lust, he does not ask the women in his bed if she is also lustful. He just mounts her and has his way because he believes it is his right."
"Have you never loved?" Beinn asked her.
"Love is for fools, darling. Now I need a taste of that fine cock of yours, and I am not of a mind to wait," she said as she arose and then mounted him. Positioning herself over his great length, she lowered her body to take him in, sighing gustily as he filled her. "Ahh, God, that is good," she murmured as she sheathed him entirely. Then, leaning forward, she took his face in her two hands and kissed him hard. "Tell me it feels good," she purred at him, and then, leaning back, she began to ride him hard.
He fought with himself to deny her what she wanted, but he could not. Whatever had been in the water, and he was now certain something had been, his manly lusts were well aroused and beyond his own control. Unable to help himself he rose up and fastened his mouth about the nipple of one of her large breasts. He sucked on it hard, and then his teeth clamped down on the tender flesh. She spasmed around his throbbing cock and screamed with her own pleasure as she fell forward.
"Ah, you devil! That was very good," Robena praised him as she finally sat up again. "I can see we shall have a fine time together."
Beinn closed his eyes, ashamed. What had made him do that? And then he realized that she was still mounted and he was still hard as iron.
Robena leaned forward and rubbed a breast against his lips. "Open your mouth again, darling, and suck me sweetly," she ordered him.
Mutinously, he clamped his lips tightly together, and she laughed. "If you persist in being a bad boy, Beinn, I shall have to whip you into obedience. Yes, I think I shall have to give you just a little taste of punishment so you understand that I am the mistress here, my captain. It is your duty to serve me as I wish to be served. Rafe! To me!" she called to her serving man. Then she climbed off of him and, to his surprise, put the pointed tip of a dirk to his throat. "Rafe must move you, and while I know thoughts of escape are already in your mind, do not attempt to be foolish. My dirk's tip is poisoned. The slightest cut, and you will die a most painful and swift death, darling. So be a good boy, and let Rafe do what he must."
Go to the devil, bitch, Beinn thought as Rafe came to unfasten the manacles about his wrists. But as he sat up he was overwhelmed by a terrible wave of dizziness. Before he might consider a struggle, the wiry Rafe yanked him forward over the end of the bed and fastened his wrists into clamps that were set into the floor of the chamber. His ankles remained manacled to the bed's posts. Beinn had never in his life felt so helpless. Or so angry and frustrated. Sweet Jesu! What did she do in this place that it was so equipped for torture of this nature? The laird should have killed her when he had the chance, Beinn thought. It was his right to slay an adulterous wife. The Ramsays' pride could have been assuaged in some manner. Then her hand smoothed over his buttocks.
"Round and tight," she said softly. "And so ready for my strap and my switch. Leave us, Rafe! I will call you when I want you." Then she waited until her servant had departed the room before speaking to him. "I want you to understand, darling Beinn, that I am your mistress. You are a hard man. A difficult man. You lack discipline, but I shall teach you that fine art this day. First you will receive ten strokes of my rod. It will be painful, but pain can lead to pleasure. My leather tawse will warm your buttocks after the rod has punished them. Then your cheeks will be burnished to a fine glow with a bunch of switches. And finally…" She paused and laughed. "I shall let the last be a surprise. Now, are you ready for the rod, darling?"
"Got to hell, bitch!" he growled at her.
She laughed, and the first blow fell upon his helpless flesh. He sucked in his breath, but remained silent. By by the sixth blow he could no longer deny the pain, and he howled with it. Robena laughed again as she laid the last four blows upon him. "I have never had a man last so long before crying out," she told him in a delighted tone. "You obviously have a goodly capacity for punishment. I shall render you two more blows of the rod," and he yelped in pain as she did. Tossing the rod aside, she took up her tawse-a strip of leather several inches wide, its ends cut into narrow finger that had been knotted, "Now to heat up your bottom," she said as she began to flog him.
Oddly, the leather beating him hurt less than the hard rod had, but he was still, to his shame, unable to restrain his cries.