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“It is a great advantage that Carleton is such a good squire.”

“Everything about Carleton is good.”

“You have your points … just as he has.”

“Oh, but he has two sound legs to go with his.”

The bitterness was there, always ready to come to the surface. I was sorry that I had allowed the conversation to get to this point.

“Everything goes right for Carleton,” he said.

“It always has done. Oh, don’t mistake me. I know it comes right because of his nature.”

“Lucas,” I said soberly, ‘you’ve had bad luck. But it’s done with.

Nothing can change it now. There is still a lot left. “

“You’re right. I often think of Player and wonder what happened to him. It shows my evil nature that I can get a modicum of comfort out of it. At least I’m free.”

“Yes,” I said.

“You’re free.”

“Oh look. You can see the house over there.”

The house? “

“Perrivale Court. Look straight ahead and turn a little to the right.

That’s it. “

At last I had seen it. It looked grand and imposing, built on a slight incline facing the sea.

“It’s quite impressive,” I said.

“Very ancient. Trecorn is modern in comparison.”

“Could we take a closer look?”

“We could.”

“Let’s go, then.”

“You’ll sacrifice Upbridge if you do, by the way.”

“I’d prefer it.”

“Getting a little tired, I believe.”

“Perhaps,” I admitted. And all the time I was thinking:

This was Simon’s home since he was brought here at the age of five.

We rode on. I could see the house clearly now. It was almost like a castle grey stone with a tower and castellations.

“It looks medieval,” I said.

“Part of it undoubtedly is … but these old places are restored down the ages and sometimes you get something of a mixture.”

“You went there once, didn’t you?”

“Yes, but I don’t remember much of it. It had completely slipped my memory until the murder. That brought it back, of course.”

I was hoping that someone would emerge. Perhaps the brother who had survived or the beautiful woman who might have been the cause of it all. I should like to have had a glimpse of her.

Lucas said suddenly: “I am sure the King’s Head is not far off.” And as the winding road took a turn away from the coast he cried: “Ah, there it is. Only it’s not the King’s Head. The right place but the wrong name. It’s The Sailor King. Same monarch but with a different soubriquet. Come on. We’re going to leave the horses in the stables.

They can do with a rest, I dare say. And while they’re refreshing themselves we’ll do the same. If there is time after . though I doubt it . we’ll look in on Upbridge. But you mustn’t be disappointed if we don’t. “

I assured him that I was having a thoroughly enjoyable day and should not be in the least disappointed.

I helped him dismount as unobtrusively as I could, and after seeing that the horses were in good hands we went into the parlour. There was no one else there and it was pleasant to have the room to ourselves.

The host came bustling in.

“Now what shall it be, sir … my lady.

It’s only cold, I’m afraid. But I can promise you some prime beef and ham. And there’s hot lentil soup. “

We said that sounded just what we needed and cider in pewter mugs was brought to us. Then we settled down to the meal.

A maid brought the food, which was excellent, and while we were eating, the host’s wife came over to see that we had all we needed.

She was clearly a garrulous woman who enjoyed chattering to her customers.

She wanted to know how far we had come.

We told her we came from Trecorn Manor.

“Oh, I know it well. A fine old place … not so old as Perrivale, of course.”

“Oh, Perrivale Court,” I said eagerly.

“We passed that. Is it occupied now?”

“Why, bless you, yes. The Perrivales have been there since time was.

Come over with the Conqueror, so they boast, and they liked it so much they’ve stayed ever since. “

“There are a lot like that,” said Lucas.

“They are pleased they got in at the start.”

“Oh, there’s been Perrivales round here forever. There’s only Sir Tristan now, Mr. Cosmo having been …”

“Didn’t I read something in the papers about that?” I said.

“Oh, it was some time ago.”

“That’s right, you did. And at the time people could talk of nothing else. They forget quick, like. People be fickle. You ask ‘em about the Perrivale murder now and some of these young ‘uns … they don’t seem to know anything. I say, it’s history, that’s what it is and people should know it.”

“Some might think you have a morbid mind to absorb and retain such knowledge,” said Lucas.

She looked at him as though she thought he was a little mad and I could see the mischief rising in him so that he wanted to convince her that he was entirely so.

“Well,” she said defensively, ‘when it did happen the place was swarming with people . reporters . detectives and such like. Two of them stayed . right under this roof. Making their investigations, they did say. So you do see, we be right on the spot.”

“Very conveniently placed,” put in Lucas.

“Well, I must go and see to things. Mustn’t stop chattering-‘ She went away and I said: ” It was getting interesting. I wanted to hear more.”

“Lookers on often get a distorted vision.”

“At least they are close to the scene.”

Trifle was brought by the maid. It was delicious and well laced with sherry. I was glad that the hostess found it difficult to resist further gossip and while we were finishing the trifle she came up for a little more.

“People don’t come here much,” she confided.

“Well, we get the locals, like … but visitors like yourselves … they don’t come this way much. It was different at the time … you know what happened at Perrivale.”

“Murder is good for business,” said Lucas.

She looked at him warily and I prompted: “You must have known a good deal about the family.”

“Well … being here all my life, could hardly help it, could I then? I was born in this inn. My father had it … and then when I married William he took over. My son another William he’ll do the same one day, I shouldn’t wonder.”

“A dynasty of innkeepers,” murmured Lucas.

I said quickly: “It’s very good to keep it in the family. It gives you a certain pride, doesn’t it?”

She beamed on me. I could see that she was thinking I was nice and normal enough to enjoy a bit of gossip in spite of my companion.

“Do you see much of the Perrivales?” I asked.

“Oh yes, they be always in and out. I can go back years. I remember when that Simon was brought here. That’s the one … you know.”

“Yes,” I said.

“I know.”

“It must have been all of twenty years ago when he came. Me and William was just married. There was a bit of a scene, I can tell ‘ee, when Sir Edward brought him into the house and said he’d be staying there. Well, it stands to reason there’d be fireworks. What woman’s going to stand for that, I ask you?”

“I quite agree,” I said.

“Now why does a man like that bring a strange child into his home?

Everyone said her ladyship was a saint to put up with it. And she wasn’t the sort either. A bit of a tartar by all accounts. But Sir Edward was the sort of man who didn’t say much . but he’d have his own way. He said the boy would stay and stay he did. “