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“Couldn’t he stay? There’s plenty to do.”

“But he thought the place was his. He had complete control. It’s a difficult situation. Do you know, I think I might go back to Australia. I could get a big property out there . I could have people working for me. I wonder . what you’d think of the place? “

I thought: It’s coming. At last he is going to ask me. That thought was immediately followed by another: Australia? I should never see Lucas again.

He saw the look in my eyes. He said: “It was a dream of mine … all that time. I’d make a go of it and somehow I’d get a message to you.

I’d ask you to come out and join me. We forget. people change.

We’re apt to think they go on just the same . I always thought of you as you were on the island . and when I left you outside the Embassy You’re different. “

I said: “You’re different too, Simon. Life changes people. So much happened to me … after. So much happened to you.”

“You couldn’t leave England,” he said.

“You couldn’t now. Perhaps if we had gone together then, it might have been different. What you want is here. You will have to do what is best for yourself. We mustn’t either of us blind ourselves to our romantic and adventurous past.

Perhaps we both dreamed of a future . forgetting that life was going on . changing us . changing everything around us. We are not the same people who said goodbye to each other outside the Embassy. “

“You wanted to come back to England more than any thing then.”

He nodded.

“You see,” he said rather sadly, ‘we have to face the truth. “

“You’ve explained it,” I told him.

“We’re different.”

“We’ve come through dangerous times, Rosetta. We must make sure we are on the right course now. You will always be a very special person to me. I shall never forget you.”

“Nor I you, Simon.”

I felt as though a great weight had been lifted from me.

I rode over to Trecorn Manor. Lucas heard me and came out of the house.

“I wanted to talk to you, Lucas,” I said.

“Simon and I have discussed things. We understand each other perfectly.”

“Yes, of course,” said Lucas.

“Simon wants to go back to Australia.”

“Oh yes,” he said.

“I thought he might. And you are going with him.”

“No, Lucas, of course I couldn’t go. How could I leave you?”

He turned to me and I had never seen him look like that before.

“Are you sure?” he said.

“I am absolutely sure that it is the one thing I shall never do.”