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I knew all Dex was really looking for was a short article that described the event, and maybe a quote or two, and a photo to go with the feature. I was able to get what I needed from the bakery in less than twenty minutes, so I arrived at the craft fair ahead of schedule. The arts and crafts fair was actually more of a flea market since, in addition to the new and original crafts and works of art, some folks were selling used items as well. I wasn’t big on this sort of thing, but many of the crafters had interesting items on display.

“Is that Callie Collins?”

“Margo.” I turned and hugged the woman who had called out my name. We’d been fairly good friends in high school, but I hadn’t seen her since I left town shortly after graduation.

“I heard you were back. How’ve you been? You look fantastic as always.”

“I’ve been good,” I smiled. “I guess you heard that I was in an accident that ended my music career, but I’ve settled into my new job at the newspaper and find I’m quite enjoying this next phase of my life. How are Troy and the kids?”

“The kids are good. Troy and I split. I haven’t seen him in almost five years.”

“I’m so sorry. I hadn’t heard.” I glanced around the area. “Are you here shopping, or do you have crafts to sell?”

“Actually, I’m helping Hope Mansfield with the book sale for the library. We have a booth in the back near the stage.” She pointed to a location over her shoulder.

“I haven’t gotten that far yet, but I’ll be sure to stop and say hi before I go. It’s been really good running into you. I’d love to really catch up. Maybe we can do lunch sometime.”

“I’d love to do lunch. My kids make it hard to get away on the weekends, but I normally have a flexible workday during the week. I’m not sure about this next week, however. I work at the town offices, and with the death of the mayor, I’m anticipating a heavier than normal workload.”

“So, you worked for Mayor White?”

She nodded. “I work for the town as a clerk. Been there ten years, and while I won’t go so far as to say it’s my dream job, the hours are good, the pay is better than I can make as a waitress and the benefits are really appreciated having four kids to raise on my own.”

“Yes, I can see that a job with the town would be a good job to have. And I do understand that things might be busy for you for a while. I’ll leave you my number, and you can call me when things calm down a bit. I really would like to catch up when you’re ready. I guess you must be in shock after what happened to the man you worked so closely with.”

She shrugged. “I’m sorry the man is dead, but I’m not all that surprised. I’ll admit that since Frank has been in office, he’s brought about some needed change to what had been a pretty stagnant economy, but his methods tended to make him enemies. Frank seemed to care about the town, or at least what the town could do for him, but he didn’t seem to care about the people in the town. I know that sounds odd, but it’s true. When Lissa Nixon told me that someone had shot and killed the guy, I wasn’t even surprised. I’m afraid that finding the killer isn’t going to be so much about finding someone with motive, it’s going to be about trying to figure out who got to him first.”

“You know Lissa?”

She nodded. “Sure. She works at the market two doors down from the town offices. I go in there almost every day to buy a Pepsi or a bag of chips to snack on. We chat if she isn’t busy. Nice woman. Sort of obsessed with some guy she’s been dating, but nice all the same.”

“Did Lissa ever mention the name of the man she’d been dating?” It seemed odd to me that if she’d been seriously dating Dale, she wouldn’t have said as much.

She slowly moved her head from left to right. “No. I don’t think so. She always calls him Mr. Dreamy. I do find it odd that she refers to him exclusively in this manner. I’ll ask about her day, and she’ll say something like ‘Mr. Dreamy and I went out for a meal last night.’ I guess it is an odd way to refer to a guy you’re dating, but it isn’t like the woman and I are really close on a personal level. I never felt compelled to ask about the man’s given name. I guess I can ask her the next time I see her.”

“Did Lissa ever mention Ms. Cupid to you?” I wondered.

“Sure. The subject has come up. I guess lots of folks are getting matched by this mysterious woman. Lissa made a comment about the whole thing being a hoax. She didn’t seem to be a fan. I think she may have tried to get accepted as a client but never heard back. Of course, then she met Mr. Dreamy, and the whole thing was moot.”

It sounded as if Lissa and Dale hadn’t been Ms. Cupid matched, which I had begun to suspect even before now. But if Lissa hadn’t been matched by Ms. Cupid, why had she told me she had? And why had she arranged for me to speak to Dale, knowing that he would deny the link to the Ms. Cupid service unless Lissa actually did know that Dale wasn’t going to be around to contradict her?

I spoke to Margo a while longer and then continued my rounds, gathering quotes and cute anecdotes for my article. By the time I made it around to the booth run by the library, there was a long line of readers buying used books, so I waved at Hope and indicated that we’d catch up later. Then I headed toward Cass’s office. If he was in, maybe we could have an early lunch so I wouldn’t have to go home and then come back into town. I was more than just a little curious to see what he thought about the conversation I’d had with Margo.

Cass was on the phone when I arrived, but he indicated I should wait for him in the conference room. The large table in the room was covered in partially burnt documents, making it apparent that he was still working on patching things together the best he could. I wasn’t sure if he’d found anything that would help him to figure out who killed the man who’d penned the documents, but I had to give Cass credit for trying to do the seemingly impossible.

“How was the craft fair?” he asked after joining me.

“It was fine. Not really my thing, but I think I got what I needed for my story. I ran into Margo Johnson. I haven’t seen or spoken to her since high school. It was nice to catch up if only briefly. She said she works for the town.”

He nodded. “She’s been the town clerk for a while now. I need to visit the town offices from time to time and usually stop to chat with her. Can you believe she has four children?”

“So, she said. She also said she’s divorced and raising them alone.”

“Yes. It was too bad that her marriage to Troy didn’t work out, but she seems to be doing fine. She has a good job, friends, and quite a few volunteer activities that she participates in.”

“She mentioned that she knows Lissa,” I said, getting to the subject that had been on my mind since I’d spoken to the woman. “She said that, based on conversations she’d had with the woman, it seemed as if Lissa had applied to Ms. Cupid but that she’d never heard back. She also said that Lissa had been dating someone she referred to as Mr. Dreamy, but had never provided an actual name for.”


“Perhaps. If Mr. Dreamy and Dale are one and the same, according to what Lissa told Margo, it seems as if she met him on her own, and Ms. Cupid was never involved. I don’t know why someone would lie about something like that, but apparently, that’s what she did.” I paused and took a breath. “The thing I’ve been asking myself since I spoke to Margo is why Lissa would tell me she and Dale had been matched by Ms. Cupid and even invite me to speak to Dale about the match when she knew that wasn’t true.”

Cass’s eyes grew wide. “Unless she had reason to believe he would never have a chance to contradict her.”

“Exactly. Lissa took control of the interview from the beginning. I’d had a tip that Lissa was one of Ms. Cupid’s matches, but until she confirmed it, I had no way of knowing if that was fact or simply rumor. After confirming it with her, I asked to interview both her and Dale, and she was the one who suggested that I shouldn’t bother Dale and that she’d arrange everything. We previously discussed that if she’d planned to kill Dale all along, arranging for me to be there as some sort of an alibi wasn’t a bad move.”