Grieb said, "You're damn right it does."
Mason exhaled cigarette smoke as he slipped the compact cigarette case back into his pocket. "Just how does it make a difference?" he asked.
Grieb said, "I have some business to talk over with your client."
"You haven't anything to talk over with my client," Mason said. "My client, from now on, is deaf, dumb and blind."
"All right, then, I have some business to talk over with you."
"Right now," Mason said, crossing his long legs and blowing smoke at the ceiling, "I'm not in a mood to talk... Nice offices you have here, Grieb."
Grieb nodded casually. "I'd like to have you boys meet my partner," he said, and shifted his position slightly, raising one side of his body as though pressing with his right foot. A moment later an electric buzzer sounded, and Grieb, pushing back the swivel chair, said, "Excuse me a minute."
The lawyer and Drake exchanged glances as Grieb walked to the heavy mahogany door, slid back the peephole, then pulled back the lever which controlled the bolts, opened the door and said to the special officer who stood on the threshold, "Arthur, get hold of Charlie Duncan for me. Tell him I want him in here at once."
The guard glanced curiously at the two visitors. "Charlie went ashore to telephone," he said. "He's coming right back. I'll tell him as soon as he comes aboard."
Grieb pushed the door shut, slammed the bolts into position, and waddled back to the desk. "How about a drink, boys?"
Mason shook his head. "Any reason why we can't go ashore?" he asked.
"I'd prefer to have you wait a little while."
"Wait for what?"
Grieb said slowly, "You came out here to get some evidence."
Mason's face lost its smile as he said, "I don't think I care to discuss why we came out here. You're running a public place. It's open to anyone who wants to come aboard."
Grieb's voice was soothing. "Now wait a minute, Mr. Mason," he said. "Let's not argue."
"I'm not arguing, I'm telling you."
"All right," Grieb grinned, "then you're telling me, and that's that... How'd you boys like to look the ship over?"
Mason shook his head. Grieb said irritably, "Look here. My time's just as valuable as yours. I've got something to say to you, but I want to wait until Charlie gets here. Charlie Duncan's my partner."
Mason glanced at Paul Drake. The detective shook his head. Mason said, "I don't think we'd care to wait."
Grieb lowered his voice. "Suppose I could give you the evidence you were looking for?"
"You don't know what evidence we're after," Mason said.
Grieb laughed. "Don't play me for a damn fool, Mason. Your client is Frank Oxman. His wife is Sylvia Oxman. He wanted to find some evidence which would help him in a divorce action."
Mason, avoiding Drake's eyes, said, after a moment, "I'm not saying anything. You're talking. I'm listening..."
"I've said all I'm going to," Grieb went on, his pale eyes studying Mason.
"How long do you think it'll be before your partner gets here?"
"Not over fifteen minutes."
Mason shifted his position, making himself comfortable in the chair. "Fifteen minutes isn't long," he said. "Nice place you have here."
"I like it," Grieb admitted. "I designed it and picked out the furniture myself."
"That a vault over there?" Mason asked, jerking his head toward a steel door.
"Yes, we turned an adjoining cabin into a vault. It's lined with concrete. Like to take a look at it?"
Grieb crossed over to the steel door of the vault and flung it open, disclosing a commodious, lighted interior. In the back of the vault was a cannonball safe.
"Keep your cash in that safe?" Mason asked, following Grieb into the cold interior of the vault.
"Our cash," Grieb said, staring at him steadily, "and our evidences of indebtedness."
"Meaning IOU's?" Mason asked.
"Meaning IOU's," Grieb said, regarding the lawyer with steady eyes.
"I'm commencing to be interested," Mason said.
"I thought you would," Grieb told him. "Over here in these plush-lined receptacles, we keep the wheels, where no one can tamper with them. You see, we're out beyond the twelve-mile limit and that puts us beyond police protection. We're on the high seas."
"You must keep quite a bit of cash on hand, then."
"We do."
"What's to keep a mob from boarding the ship, taking possession of it and cleaning you out?"
"That'd be piracy," Grieb said.
"So what?" Mason asked, laughing.
Grieb said, "We've figured all that out, Mr. Mason."
"Well, in the first place, it's impossible to get into these offices except by coming down that corridor with the right-angle turn in it. When a man comes down that corridor, he has to walk over a wired section of flooring. His weight causes a contact and rings a buzzer here in the office. The door to this office is always kept locked. It's covered with wood on both sides, but the center is steel. It would take a long while to smash that door down. There are signals planted all over the office. I can sound an alarm from any part of the office, and without moving my hands.
"Moreover, there's an armed guard who's always somewhere around. He's as handy with his fists as he is with the .45 automatic he carries."
Mason nodded. "I saw him when we came in. I notice he has a badge which reads SPECIAL OFFICER. What does that mean? If you're out beyond the twelve-mile limit he can't be a deputy sheriff."
Grieb laughed. "The badge," he said, "is just for its psychological effect. The blue uniform the same way. The real authority comes from the gun. Remember, you're on the high seas now and I'm in supreme command."
"Suppose a mob dropped in some foggy night?" Mason asked.
"They wouldn't get anywhere."
"Your guard wouldn't last long."
"You think he wouldn't."
"You admit you keep a lot of cash here," Mason said.
"Banks keep cash. Banks have guards, and banks get stuck up regularly."
Grieb said, "Well, we don't get stuck up. It's not generally known, but in case you're interested, there's a balcony in back of that gambling casino. The front wall is of bullet-proof steel. There's an inch-and-a-half slit in the wall, and two guards are on duty up there. They have machine guns and tear gas bombs."
"That," Mason admitted, "is different."
"Don't ever worry about us," Grieb said. "We..."
He broke off as the electric buzzer sounded its warning.
"Someone's coming," he said. "It's probably Charlie. Let's go back into the office."
He led the way through the steel door of the vault, into the private office, walked to the communicating door and slid back the panel. As he did so, a speed launch pulled away from the side of the ship on its return trip to the shore, and the roar of its exhaust, sounding through the open portholes back of Grieb's desk, completely drowned out all other sounds, including a swift exchange of words between Grieb and the man on the other side of the door.