When they asked him about the hurricane, he shrugged it off. "When you've seen one hurricane, you've seen "em all." He captivated them, however, with the tale of the missing lightkeepers.
Mildred said, "Why is everyone mystified? It's perfectly obvious that the men were plucked off the island by a UFO."
No one applauded, but Koko said "Yow-ow-ow" in what seemed to be an authoritative affirmative.
Glibly Qwilleran explained, "He smells the casserole in the oven."
"Okay, Qwill," said Riker. "What was your real reason for going to Breakfast Island? You didn't fool me for one minute, and you've filed only one piece of copy in two weeks."
"Well, you know, Nick Bamba was concerned about the series of accidents on the island, and he wanted me to go over there and poke around for evidence of foul play; but .. . there were three plainclothes detectives from the state police on the scene, so I told myself, Why get involved?"
"Now you're getting smart," the editor said. "I've always told you to mind your own business."
The Rikers left fairly early. Qwilleran drove Polly home and returned to the barn fairly late. He gave the Siamese their bedtime snack, and then the three of them enjoyed their half-hour of propinquity before retiring: Qwilleran sprawled in his big chair, Yum Yum curled on his lap with chin on paw, and Koko on the arm of the chair, condensing himself into an introspective bundle of fur. Satisfied with his treat and contemplating lights-out, Koko looked like anyone's pampered pet, and yet ...
Qwilleran asked himself the questions that would never be fully answered:
When Koko tore the month of June off the calendar, did he know that June Halliburton would lose her life next door?
When he ruined my good clothes and stopped me from visiting the merry widows, did he know what lay ahead on the nature trail? Otherwise, I would never have met the royal family or heard their daughter's story of royal intrigue. Or was it all coincidence?
When Koko threw his catfit and dislodged the tragedy mask, was it because it looked like the dissipated Jack Appelhardt?
And how about his raid on the nutbowl? Did he know that the French word for hazelnut is noisette?
And how about the dominoes? "Level with me, Koko," Qwilleran said to the sleepy cat at his elbow. "Do you get a kick out of swishing your tail and sending them flying off the table? Or do you know what you're doing?"
Koko squeezed his eyes and opened his mouth in a cavernous yawnshowing his fangs, exposing a pink gullet, and breathing a potent reminder of his bedtime snack.