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My cupcakes, the white frosting sprinkled with crystal sugar and topped with a sugared grape, looked perfect. Emma Jane’s recipe for the wine cupcakes, and its corresponding spell, would work. If only I could get all the Hunters to cooperate.

I turned to my display.

“Do your work,” I whispered to the little cupcakes then repeated the spell that was on the recipe card once more:

Let all that’s frozen come to pass

And sugar thaw that heart at last

Where broken hearts have torn away

And shattered love one autumn’s day

Let butter enlighten and renew

And eggs rebirth a heart now true

The heart that’s frozen passing grim

And be like love born again.

I was ready.

A half an hour later, the doors opened, and the crowd entered the lobby. I lifted the tray on which I’d set three perfect cupcakes and three glasses of Frozen Kisses ice wine. Moving carefully, I made my way through the crowd toward Viola, Horatio, and Aaron.

“Hi, Julie,” Viola said sweetly, but I could see her eyes were red and puffy.

I was suddenly very sorry I’d missed Horatio’s speech.

I turned and smiled at him. His eyes too were wet with tears. How special their mom must have been to them. As the thought struck me, I considered my feelings toward my own mother, buried under the hurricane of events that currently surrounded me. Bittersweet, more than anything, described the lingering feelings I felt toward her. I took a deep breath and refocused on the Hunters before I got pulled too deeply down the well of my own thoughts.

“They’re serving Frozen Kisses,” I said, handing a wine flute to each of them. Without looking up, Mr. Hunter took the glass from me.

“Mom’s favorite,” Viola said softly.

“And, I made something special,” I added, pressing the silver platter forward. On the platter were the three perfect cupcakes. “I prepared these with the ice wine. I paired it with apricots. I think the marriage came out perfectly, but you’re the experts. Mind trying and let me know how I did?”

Horatio was the first to take a taste. A small bit of frosting clung to the corner of his mouth. I had to restrain myself from wanting to lick it off. Instead, I dabbed it quickly with my fingertips. From the look in his eyes, I could see Horatio’s mind had drifted to the same place mine had.

“Perfect,” he said. “It really does taste like the wine. Try it, Vi.”

“I just cut carbs this morning,” she said, but her eyes sparkled as she eyed the cupcake.

“Just one bite?” I said nicely. “Just a taste to see if I’ve got it right?”

Looking like all she wanted was someone to give her a good reason, Viola tasted the confection, sighing deeply as she did so. “God, Julie. You’re going to make everyone in Chancellor fat.”

I laughed. “Well, these are the first official Green Earth Apothecary and SerendipiTEA brand cupcakes. I’ve named this one the Eleonora.”

I was about to try to convince Mr. Hunter to take a bite when Viola turned to her dad and practically shoved the cupcake into his mouth.

“Try it,” she said.

He smiled politely as he chewed.

“No hard feelings, Mr. Hunter. You’re welcome to use my parking lot in the evening after I close the shop, by the way. So tell me, how did I do? Do you like the cupcake?”

Aaron Hunter stared at me with his steely blue eyes like he was considering whether or not I was trying to be an ass or if I was actually attempting to be nice. But then, I saw it. A kind of sparkle passed his gaze, a momentary iridescence glimmering over the eye and then it was gone. And a second later, his face softened. And his eyes…well, the color suddenly looked different. Warmer. Like the ice had, indeed, melted.

“It’s delicious, Julie. My wife would have loved it,” he said. He paused for a moment, sipped the wine, then said, “And thank you for the offer. I…I’m sorry for how I acted. I’m not myself these days,” he added, then his face twisted. “Horatio,” he said then, turning to his son. But he seemed at a loss for words.

Wordlessly, I took the wine flutes from their hands then stood and watched in delighted awe as father embraced his son.

“I’m sorry,” I heard Aaron whisper. “I’m so proud of you. I’m sorry. I love you.”

“I love you too,” Horatio replied.

Now my eyes were watering. It had worked. I closed my eyes. Thank you, Emma Jane.

Before I knew what had happened, I felt arms wrap around me, and I was drowned in Horatio’s heavenly cologne. I cast an eye at Viola and Aaron who were hugging, whispering softly to one another.

“You,” Horatio whispered, but that was all he said. He had no way to know what I had done, not really, but that you was both caring and appreciative all in one breath. “Thank you for coming here tonight.”

“There’s nowhere I’d rather be,” I replied softly.

After a moment, he let me go.

“I have to thank everyone for coming. Can I stop by tonight after the party?”

I nodded.

“Save me another one of those cupcakes,” he said, winking to me, then went to work the room.

The whole lobby shimmered with golden light, and I could feel love and joy emanating from everyone. It seemed, at least for the moment, that there was nothing a magical cupcake couldn’t set to right.

It was close to midnight when the Mercedes SUV pulled up outside. Soft music pulsed out from the speakers attached to my phone, and I had everything ready…candles, champagne, strawberries, and two more of the magical cupcakes.

I opened the door before he even knocked.

“Hi,” I said softly, closing the door behind him.

“Wow, look at this place,” Horatio breathed. The whole shop was bathed in candlelight, the warm glow making the place feel magical. “Julie,” he began, turning to me, but before he could say another word, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips against his. They were soft, warm, and held the lingering tastes of wine and sugar. I kissed him hard, my tongue roving inside his mouth, wanting to absorb his sweetness. We kissed for what felt like forever. Finally seeing stars, I pulled away and giggled, steadying myself.

“I have spots in front of my eyes. I don’t know if it is the wine, the cupcakes, or just…you. But something about this night has just seemed…”

“Magical?” I offered.

“That’s the perfect word.”

“How about I bewitch you just a little more,” I replied as I gazed into his eyes.

Pulling me close, Horatio kissed my neck. “You smell like vanilla,” he whispered, “and taste sweet,” he said, kissing me. “And salty,” he added after another kiss, “and…”


“And I can’t get enough,” he whispered in my ear.

“Then you’re not trying hard enough,” I said.

With that, Horatio gently lifted me. I wrapped my legs around his waist. Without another word, he carried me to the back where we fell into one another, at the very witching hour of night, in the sweetest of rapture.