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“Thank goodness,” she said then, looping her arm in mine. “I’d hate to think I ruined something that belonged to her. Okay, I think I’m ready. You?”

I smiled down at her, stroking her cheek with the back of my finger. “Beyond.”

With that, the woman I was completely mad about and I entered the ball.

Chapter 18: Viola

The scene inside the ballroom of Arden Estate was a feast for the senses. The room was full of Chancellor elites dressed in black tie and gowns of silk, jewels sparkling. Everywhere I looked, I saw pink and white cherry blossoms. Ornate arrangements illuminated by candlelight decorated the tables. There were stands of cherry blossom branches hung with paper lanterns all around the room. The room was alive with their pearly color and elements of twinkling gold. My nose was on fire with the smell of the beautiful, delicate flowers. I’d been to a few Cherry Blossom Balls, but by far, this was the most beautiful event I’d ever seen. Delegates from our Japanese sister city moved through the room sipping champagne as the orchestra played the dulcet tones of the Edelweiss waltz.

“Look,” Rayne said, motioning to a couple on the dance floor.

Alice and Luc moved gracefully around the room, lost in one another’s eyes. Alice’s blue dress seemed to float around her as they drifted around the center of the ballroom dance floor under the glimmering lights of the crystal chandelier overhead.

“She looks so beautiful,” I whispered. “I’m so happy for her.”

Rayne was smiling as he looked on. “Me too. Ah, there’s Julie and Horatio.”

My brother stood smiling with his arm around his girlfriend’s waist. They were near a craft table where, it seemed, Julie had prepared a cornucopia of cherry blossom inspired delights.

Rayne and I moved toward them.

“Not bad. Needs more tissue paper carnations and crepe paper though,” I told Horatio.

“Yeah, and the balloon animal clown is late. Event ruined,” he replied, then laughed.

“Viola, you look so beautiful,” Julie said, letting go of my brother to come hug me.

I hugged her tightly, knowing she had no idea what the night had in store for her. I had to choke back my tears.

“You too,” I said, pulling back to admire the pink, blue, and white kimono she was wearing. She’d pulled her red dreadlocks up into a neat pile on her head and adorned her hair with cherry blossoms.

“Thanks! I wanted to fit in and lucked across this.”

“Wow, Julie. Did you make all these?” Rayne asked, looking over the desserts.

At the center of the table was a tall cake made to look like a Japanese temple piped with cherry blossoms. On the table were tiered trays of cupcakes topped with crystalized blossoms, fondant blossoms, chocolate blossoms, and everything in between. She also had laid out delicate pink and white petit-fours topped with cherry blossoms and cookies shaped like the flowers.

“Totally inspired. Some are infused with the flower, some with cherry,” she said, pointing. “And the other ingredients are, of course, secret,” she added, winking at Rayne.

The gesture puzzled me, but I chalked it up to Julie’s playfulness. I knew she only had eyes for my brother.

“I know that dress,” Horatio said then, smiling at me. “I have to admit, my little sister looks beautiful. Good thing I know her date has manners.”

Rayne bowed toward him.

“Viola? Rayne?” a soft voice called from behind us.

We turned to find Genevieve Harper, the owner of Lavender Fields Bed and Breakfast. She shifted nervously then smiled. She was wearing a lovely dress befitting the name of her business, the soft, violet-colored material trimmed with shining beads.

“Genevieve. So good to see you. I wasn’t sure—” I began.

“Luc talked me into it,” she explained then turned to Horatio. “It’s a beautiful event, Mr. Hunter.”

“Mr. Hunter is my father. Genevieve, right? I’m Horatio,” he said, sticking out his hand. “I think we’ve seen one another at chamber meetings?”

She nodded. “Nice to meet you, Horatio.”

“I’m Julie,” Julie said, shaking the woman’s hand.

“Did someone mention me?” my father asked as he joined us. Like the rest of the assembled men, he was dressed nicely in a tuxedo, a grape leaf on his lapel.

“Not too shabby,” I told him, dusting off his shoulder.

He leaned in and kissed my cheek. “Your mom would love to see you in this, Viola,” he said, admiring my gown then turned to Julie. He grinned at her flair, shook his head, then leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Adorable,” he told her. “Now, what have you made today?” he asked, looking over her table.

“Try this,” she told him, handing him a bite-sized petit-four.

My dad popped the confection. “Perfect,” he said between chews.

Julie giggled. “Glad you like it. Mission accomplished.”

Rayne, I noticed, was grinning at Julie. I suddenly felt like I’d been left out on a joke.

“Mr. Hunter, have you met Genevieve Harper?” Rayne asked.

Dad turned and, I realized, noticed Genevieve for the first time. A strange expression crossed his face.

“N…no. Hello,” he said, reaching out for her hand. “Aaron Hunter.”

“Genevieve Harper,” she replied.

Miss Harper owns Lavender Fields Bed and Breakfast,” I added quickly. I had never, ever, seen my dad look at anyone like that…well, not since my mom. It so surprised me that I found myself grinning. “She lodges most of Blushing Grape’s out-of-town guests.”

“Do you? Then I guess I owe you a thanks.”

Genevieve smiled shyly. “My pleasure, Mr. Hunter.”

“You’re missing a drink, Miss Harper. I heard the champagne is flavored with cherry blossoms tonight. Might I get you one?” Dad said, extending his arm to her.

Genevieve blushed.

I shot a look at my brother. We exchanged a “what the hell” expression then tried not to stare. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Was Dad making a move?

“Okay,” Genevieve replied with an awkward smile then linked her arm in his.

With that, Dad left with the owner of the bed and breakfast, leaving me gawking in his wake.

Rayne and Julie were laughing lightly while Horatio and I continued to look from our dad to one another.

“What was that?” I asked.

“Magical night,” Rayne offered as an easy explanation. “Right, Julie?”

“One expects no less in Chancellor,” she answered.

“Well now,” Rayne said then, turning to me. “Do you waltz, Miss Hunter? We can’t let Alice and Luc think they are the only fine couple in the room.”

“I do,” I said, setting my hand in his. “Do you?”

“Of course.”

“Well, aren’t you full of surprises?”

“More than you could ever guess.”

I winked at Horatio who looked decidedly uncertain, and with that, Rayne and I joined the other dancing couples, falling into step with the ballroom dance.

“Rayne! Viola!” Alice called, finally seeing us.

I smiled and waved at her.

I turned back to Rayne, who moved fluidly around the room. “Now, where did a hippie beekeeper learn how to ballroom dance?” I asked. Both Horatio and I had been forced to take lessons, and, admittedly, I’d had a lot more fun learning than Horatio did. Rayne, however, seemed a master at it.