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Suddenly they heard Zal call out: "Hunter! Over here!"

They rushed to his side and saw that he had found yet another door, this one smaller and apparently installed fairly recently. A computerized combination lock held the folding door shut.

Hunter made short work, of the combination, finally getting the computer to show three red indicator lights in a row. With the entire force standing around him, he pushed one final button and the door slowly began to rise.

"Well, Jesus Christ!" Zal was the first one to speak.

"Ditto," said Wack, pointing his flashlight beam onto the object inside. The rest of the group could utter no more than a chorus of "Oohs" and "Aahs."

For the first time in a long time, Hunter was speechless. So this is what all the fuss was about, he thought. He had had a clue even before the door opened, detecting a whiff of aviation fuel. Now he knew why.

It was an airplane hidden in the secret room. But not just any airplane. In fact, it was probably the only one of its kind.

"What the hell kind of jet is that, Hawk?" Zal, the experienced F-105

Thunderchief pilot, asked. "Those curves, that material, that design. It looks more like a kid's toy."

Hunter ran his flashlight beam the length of the small aircraft. Ah, yes.

Those curves. That material. That design. He couldn't contain his smile.

"That, ladies and gentlemen, is called 'Stealth.' "

Chapter Twenty-eight

The Stealth airplane was probably the most closely guarded secret the U.S.

Government ever had, before the lid came off when one of its models crashed in the California highlands back in the early 1980s. Oddly enough, just like the Ghost Rider Project, the object of Stealth was radar avoidance. Ghost Rider deflected radar waves through an ultra-complicated, electronic jamming system.'Stealth was invisible to radar primarily because of its design and what it was made of.

Even Hunter wasn't entirely sure how it worked — not yet anyway. It looked like a flattened-out teardrop with French curve wings and tail section. It was about two thirds the size of an F-16, small for a military jet. It was painted dull black. But it was because of this small, curving design and the use of mostly non-metallic building materials and paint, that U.S. aeronautical engineers were able to get the Stealth airplane's radar signature down to nothing. Unlike the five Ghost Rider B-1 bombers, this airplane was designed as a fighter. It sported two .20 mm cannons and also hardpoints on its wings to carry missiles or bombs. Hunter instantly knew that if he could get this airplane back to the Badlands, along with the fifth Ghost Rider black box, then the Western Forces would be nearly invincible against the Russian SAMs.

No wonder Viktor wanted it so much.

"We've got to get it out of here," Hunter said. With that, the group took positions around the wing and fuselage and started to push. The airplane was lightweight by design so it was fairly easy to get it rolling. Once it was out on the field, Wack produced a length of chain and worked on setting up a makeshift towing line.

Meanwhile, Hunter had popped the airplane's canopy and had climbed inside. How the airplane got into Calypso's hands and into Yankee Stadium, he would never know. But he could tell by one sniff that at some point recently, the airplane had been expertly maintained, right down to clean oil in the engine, and fresh fuel in the tanks. Its battery was still charged, and Hunter was glad to see that like his F-16, the Stealth was equipped with a self-starter.

By this time, they had towed the airplane out into the stadium's enormous parking lot. Hunter had everyone stand clear as he flipped a barrage of preliminary switches. Then, he crossed his fingers and hit the start button…

Without an instant's hesitation, the engine sprang to life.

He quickly adjusted the fuel mixture and activated the computer. Then he climbed out.

Zal met him. "Jesus, Hawk," the ADF pilot said. "If that thing can penetrate their radar net, their aircover will be zilch. Once the word gets out and you show up over the battlefield in that, and you'll have half of them turning tail and running back home."

Just then an idea flashed through Hunter's mind.

"Wack," Hunter yelled to the House leader. "You got film in that camera?"

Five minutes and 20 high-power strobelight flashes later, Wack was removing a roll of film from the camera and handing it to Hunter. "I'll be sure to send, you prints," Hunter said, jokingly.

But it was the last laugh he'd have for a long time. For now it was decision time. The others wisely stood off to the side as Dominique stood by him. He turned to her and opened his mouth to speak. But no words would come out.

She did all the talking necessary. "Oh, Hawk," she sighed as she held him. "I know what you have to do." She was crying. He felt a heaviness in his chest.

Before they had departed House of David territory, Wack had made arrangements for two of his fighters to meet the Free Canadian sub at its rendezvous point and direct it up the Hudson River to a point off the Hunter's group's position. The plan had been for the sub to carry the commandos out, head for JFK where only Hunter would be dropped off to pick up his F-16, and bring the rest of the group — Dominique included — back to the safety of Free Canada.

Wack and his guys would then make their way back to safer ground.

Now there was a slight change in plans. Hunter was determined to fly the Stealth back to the war zone. This would mean leaving behind two of his greatest loves — Dominique and his F-16.

"Come for me darling," she said, kissing him hard. "Come for me when the war is over. I'll be waiting, like I always have."

He looked at her. She was beautiful. "1 love you, honey," he said, hugging her tightly. He didn't want to let go. "Someday…"

He could say no more.

Suddenly, he saw a muzzle flash off in the distance. Wack and Zal saw it to. A shell came crashing into the parking lot, landing nearby. A check of Zal's NightScope confirmed their worst fears.

"Christ!" Zal yelled. "It looks like an armored column coming our way."

Hunter took a look through the scope. He counted at least twenty vehicles, all gunwagons of some sort, including several tanks.

"Who the hell are they?" Simons, the Canadian commander asked, taking the scope from Hunter.

"Probably some 'instant allies,' " Wack told them. "If Viktor is still alive, he could have rounded up some heavy metal from the other groups. Either that or word got around real quick as to what we found here."

"Whoever they are, they're coming to claim this package," Hunter said referring to the Stealth. Suddenly a tank round landed even closer to them, causing the group to hit the pavement. "And they ain't going to be friendly about it," he finished.

Another round came in, and landed dangerously close to the Stealth. The column was about a half-mile away, traveling quickly up the Hudson Parkway. At this rate, Hunter's tiny army would soon be overwhelmed.

Suddenly they saw another muzzle flash — this one coming from the blackness of the nearby Hudson. A shell landed right in front of the column hitting squarely on the lead gun wagon.

Hunter took the NightScope and peered in the direction of the latest gunfire.

"It's the sub!" he yelled.

Hunter could see the definite outline of the submarine as it sat in the middle of the river. Several figures were scurrying around its deck, working the gun installed there.

"Come on!" Hunter yelled. "They're giving us the cover we need…"

He turned to look at the parking lot. It was only about 1800 feet long and he, calculated the Stealth would need at least 2500 to take off. Still he had to try it.