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Allmand paused there for questions but he was met only with grim silence. Bosch could think of nothing to ask. Unchecked, Allmand finished up his report by pointing to two tire lines made in the gravel and asphalt.

“You’ve got a wheel base on the striking vehicle that is not very wide,” he said. “That will cut it down some. It’s probably going to be a little foreign job. I took measurements, and as soon as I consult my manufacturers’ catalogs I will be able to come up with a list of cars those treads could have come from. I’ll let you know.”

When no one said anything Allmand used his laser to circle a small oil spot on the asphalt.

“Additionally, the striking vehicle was leaking oil. Not a big deal, but if it becomes important for a prosecutor to be able to say how long the killer sat here and waited for the victim, then we can time the leak once the vehicle is recovered and come up with a rough estimate of how long it would have taken to make this little spot here.”

Pratt nodded.

“Good to know,” he said.

Pratt thanked Allmand and asked the assistant medical examiner, Ravi Patel, to report on his preliminary examination of the body. Patel began by listing the numerous broken bones and injuries that were obvious from external examination of the body. He said the impact had likely fractured Mackey’s skull, crushed the orbit of his left eye and dislocated his jaw. His hips were crushed along with the left side of his upper torso. His left arm and left thigh were broken as well.

“It is likely these injuries were sustained in one initial impact,” he said. “The victim was likely standing and the impact came from the right rear side.”

“Would he have been able to crawl under the truck?” Rick Jackson asked.

“It is possible,” Patel answered. “We have seen the instinct for survival allow people to do amazing things. I won’t know until I open him up, but what we often see in cases like this is that the compression perforates the lungs. The lungs fill with blood. This takes time. He could have crawled to what he thought was safety.”

And then drowned on the side of the freeway, Bosch thought.

Next to report was the lead SID investigator, who happened to be Ravi Patel’s brother, Raj. Bosch knew them both from previous cases and knew they were both among the best.

Raj Patel gave the basics of the crime scene investigation and reported that Mackey’s efforts to save his life by crawling under the truck could ultimately allow the investigators to catch his killer.

“The second impact on the truck was without the body as a buffer, you see. It was metal on metal. We have both metal and paint transference and we have collected several samples. If you find the vehicle that did this, we can match it with one hundred percent accuracy.”

That was one piece of light in all the darkness, Bosch thought.

After Patel finished his report the crime scene began to break up, with the investigators heading out to follow various assignments Pratt wanted completed before the entire unit was to meet at the Pacific Dining Car at 9 a.m. to discuss the case.

Marcia and Jackson were assigned to search Mackey’s home. This would entail rousting a judge from sleep and getting a search warrant signed, because Mackey shared the home with William Burkhart and Burkhart was a possible suspect in the killing. The home-with Burkhart presumed to be in it-was under surveillance at the time Mackey was cut down on the freeway. Nevertheless, Burkhart could have directed someone else to carry out the killing and was viewed as a suspect until cleared of involvement.

One of the first calls Bosch and Rider had made after finding Mackey beneath the tow truck was to Kehoe and Bradshaw, the two RHD detectives watching the home on Mariano Street. They immediately went to the house and took Burkhart and a woman identified as Belinda Messier into custody.

They were now waiting to be interviewed at Parker Center and Bosch and Rider drew that assignment from Pratt.

But as they turned to walk up the slope of the freeway exit to Rider’s car, Pratt asked them to hold up. He then huddled with them and spoke so no one else remaining at the scene could hear.

“I guess I don’t have to tell you two that we’re going to get some heat on this,” he said.

“We know,” Rider said.

“I don’t know what form the review will take but I think you can count on a review,” Pratt said.

“We’ll be ready,” Rider said.

“You might want to talk about that on the way downtown,” Pratt suggested. “Make sure everybody’s on the same page.”

Bosch knew Pratt was telling them to get their story straight so that it could be presented in unison and in the light that served them best, even if they were interviewed separately.

“We’ll be all right,” Rider said.

Pratt glanced at Bosch and then looked away, back at the tow truck.

“I know,” Bosch said. “I’m a boot. If somebody takes a fall for this it will be me. That’s okay. The whole thing was my idea.”

“Harry,” Rider said. “That’s not -”

“It was my plan,” Bosch said, cutting her off. “I’m the one.”

“Well, you might not have to be the one,” Pratt said. “The sooner we get this thing put together the better off we’ll be. Success makes a lot of bad shit go away. So let’s close this fucker by breakfast.”

“You got it, Boss,” Rider said.

As Bosch and Rider headed up the slope they didn’t speak.


PARKER CENTER WAS DESERTED when they arrived. Though several investigative units operated from the headquarters building, it was primarily filled each day with command staff and support services. It didn’t come alive until after sunup. In the elevator Bosch and Rider split up, Bosch going directly to the Robbery-Homicide Division on the third floor to relieve Kehoe and Bradshaw, while Rider made a stop by the Open-Unsolved office to pick up the file she had put together earlier on William Burkhart.

“See you in a few,” she said to Bosch as he stepped off. “I hope Kehoe and Bradshaw made some coffee.”

Bosch turned the corner out of the elevator alcove and headed down the hallway to the double doors of RHD. A voice from behind stopped him.

“What did I tell you about retreads?”

Bosch turned. It was Irving, coming from the opposite hallway. There was nothing down that way but computer services. Bosch guessed that he had been waiting in the hallway. He tried not to show surprise that Irving apparently already knew about what had happened on the freeway.

“What are you doing here?”

“Oh, I wanted to get an early start. It’s going to be a big day.”

“Is that right?”

“That’s right. And I’ll give you fair warning. In the morning the media will be alerted to this middle-of-the-night fuckup of yours. The reporters will be told how you used this man Mackey as bait, only to let him be killed in a most horrible way. They will ask questions about how a retired detective could have been allowed back into the department to do this. But don’t worry. These questions will most likely be addressed to the chief of police who set it all in motion.”

Bosch laughed and shook his head, acting as though he didn’t feel the threat.

“Is that all?” he asked.

“I will also be urging the commander of the Internal Affairs Division to open an investigation into how you conducted this investigation, Detective Bosch. I wouldn’t get too used to being back.”

Bosch took a step toward Irving, hoping to turn some of the threat back at him.

“Good, Chief, you do that. I hope you also prepare the commander for what I will be telling his investigators as well as the reporters about your own culpability in all of this.”

There was a long pause before Irving bit.

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

“This man you’re so worried about being used as bait was cut loose by you seventeen years ago, Chief. Cut loose so you could make your deal with Richard Ross. Mackey should’ve been in jail. Instead he used the gun from one of his little burglaries to kill an innocent sixteen-year-old girl.”