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But Martha had only been teasing the boy, getting him ready for the most important performance of his young life! When she thought he was ready… when her eager twat was trickling juices down along the insides of her… she rolled over onto her back beside him and took hold of his rigid cock. "Oh Donny… I'm so excited, honey… this is what I want! I want your big cock up inside my pussy!"

It took the teenager a minute to recover from the stupor he had drifted into under the effects of her mouth on his cock. He felt a jolt of fear shoot through him at the thought that the moment he had so long dreamed about was up-on him! He realized he had no idea how to go about it! He had read lots of books, but reading did not seem much help in a situation like his. With a naked panting woman stretched out next to hint the last thing Donny could do was try to remember what he had read in some book!

Yet determination has a way of muddling through. He managed to get onto his knees. He was stopped short by the spectacle of the beautiful woman lying there so close to him. He had to touch her!

His trembling fingers reached for the pink tips on her heaving white breasts. Her rubbery nipples managed to shoot electric sparks through his body. He was astounded by the contrast between her hard nipples and her so-soft breasts. "Wow… you sure are something…" He started to reach for her pussy, then halted. An unknown hairy creature possessed by dark passions and limitless responses. He would have felt safer with a hand grenade.

Martha smiled at his dilemma. His anxiety reminded her vividly of how new all this was for the blond boy. She saw the experience through his eyes and found herself experiencing the same eager awe. "Touch me, Donny… touch my pussy!"

He obeyed blindly at once. She parted her thighs to let him touch her down in the wet parts. She was very wet down there. Another sure sign of her arousal. He felt his cock sway with instinctual hunger. His cock knew better than his brain what to do with that steaming longing hole!

"Oh Donny. Your hand feels so good! I want you so bad, honey! I want your cock up inside my pussy!"

"… I want it too, Mrs. Roy!" Donny realized his desire was too intense to let fear stand in his way. He straddled awkwardly the woman's smooth writhing hips. He balanced himself on one elbow and grabbed hold of his cock. He was intensely aware of her naked clit rubbing against him as he guided his cock-head down into her slit.

She spread her thighs as wide as she could get them and swiveled her hips upward. Her aim was true. His cock slipped into her cunt. The energy of her movement ensured that she did not stop until his cock was buried to the hilt in clinging hot pussy.

"Uuuhh… Christ!" Donny had never used such strong language before. It slipped out of him. What he was feeling demanded strong language.

"Aaaaiiiieeeeee… oooooohhhh, Donnnnnyy-y!" Martha was ecstatic. Just the thought that she was being filled with cock turned the woman into a quavering mass of excitement. His cock was hard and long. It created a delicious tension on the sensitized walls of her pussy. The sensation was a match for her fantasy. Donny's cock made taunting reality put of a lewd dream.

He felt her wrap her legs around his back, and suddenly Donny was no longer a confused boy. Instinct told him what to do next and he did it. He had a wet pussy begging his cock for pleasure. He had a hard cock that was eager for the experience her cunt could give him. They were a perfect match. He devoted all his youthful energy to the satisfaction of her moist clinging desires.

A tense erotic smile remained permanently fixed on Martha's features as the boy worked his cock in and out of her cunt. She was impressed with how quickly the boy was learning to use the talents with which nature had endowed him. There did not seem to be much left for her to do but to lie back, grip his ass-cheeks and help him plough his cock into her waiting pussy over and over again.

"Uuuhh…" Each time her cunt spasmed around his cock, Donny feared he would lose his load to her greedy hole. But after weathering the shock a few times, he gained confidence. He learned that he was in charge. He could work his cock as hard or as easily as he liked. He could thrust it into hot deep, or tease her with a half-slide. No matter what he did, she moaned and shimmied and made him feel like the best lover since Don Juan.

Donny felt like nothing could stop him. Being on top of Mrs. Roy with his cock in her cunt was better than playing in the Rose Bowl! Donny knew he was on his way. Thanks to Mrs. Roy, becoming a man was as easy for him as doing what came naturally. She made him believe in his instincts. The hot grip of her cunt on his cock made him believe in himself.

Martha was proud of the boy, of how well he was facing his initiation into manhood. Though she knew the pleasure was intense for him, still he kept up his end with unflagging enthusiasm. When she could see his face getting tense with the strain of holding back, she felt him change his tempo. The boy was learning about his rhythms. He was learning how to control himself to please her.

She stroked his face and pulled his mouth down onto hers. They kissed hungrily, then he buried his face in her neck while his hard buttocks labored over her. "Ooooo… Donny, oh… you're such a wonderful lover, honey! I love the way you do it to me! Screw me, Donny! Screw meeeee!"

Language like that was as much of a challenge to the boy's control as was the hot grasp of her cunt. His chest swelled with pride at the thought that a beautiful older woman was begging him to screw her. He did his best to meet her expectations. As his passion grew more torrid, he forgot about changing rhythms, pacing himself. It felt so good just to shove it into her hard, again, again, again!

"Uuuuuuhhh… oh Donny, ooohhhh… you're making me cummmmmm!"

He could scarcely believe his ears! His hard cock was driving an orgasm from Mrs. Roy's well lubricated cunt! He could feel her pussy gripping him tighter. The heat from her cunt grew intense. Too intense for an excited boy to resist!

"Yi-i-i! Me too, Mrs. Roy! I'm cumming, too!"

She smiled and kissed him and held him close. Her cunt eagerly sucked up his hot juices… Martha had never felt so pleased with herself or with a lover. It was so good to have his wet juices flooding her cunt!

"Mmmm, lover… you're so good to mee!"

The boy kissed the excited woman and stroked her. For the first time, he felt like he was totally in charge. It was a great thing for his ego, to have a mewling woman in his arms, a woman he had just squirted full of his cum. The thought of what he had just done made him eager to do it again.

Yet he realized there was time. They had the whole day ahead of them. He'd take just a little while longer to let his cock recuperate from the most sensational feeling in the world. The sated memory of wet pussy!


Though Martha and Donny would have enjoyed being able to spend the entire weekend making love, Martha did not want to take a chance on complications. Frank never looked at her garden, but this just could be the time. She felt there had to be some substantial changes in the rock garden to justify the boy's long hours with her. Things were too wonderful to risk messing them up because of carelessness.

Sunday morning they started work early. They worked doubly hard to make up for lost time. By noon they had made noticeable progress. "Do you think it might be all right to take a break now, Mrs. Roy?"

It delighted her that despite all they had been through, he still addressed her with that same tone of shy respect. That was the thrill of having a boy lover. There remained enough mystique in the relationship to keep him from taking her for granted. Martha was sure that she could trust Donny not to cheat on her the way Steve had done.