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Carefully she opened the bedroom door.

She and Tod gawked at the spectacle of tiff lying on the bed, surrounded by equally naked girls. They were the four cheerleaders from the high school, and one of them, Lisa, was sucking Biff's cock…

Vicky turned away. She was pale as a ghost.

"Get me out of here," she said dully to Tod. "Just get me out of here…"


Vicky sat stunned and silent beside Tod as he drove her car. For awhile she was so shocked, she couldn't even think, but gradually she was able to face the situation. No wonder Biff hadn't made love to her in so long. He was busy seducing girls young enough to be his daughters.

Fury swept over her. The damned fool! He was risking his career, everything he'd built up, just for a few lousy fucks. If he had to have other women, why couldn't he go to whores.

Vicky was deeply hurt by his infidelity. How ironic it was: she'd been torturing herself with guilt over her affair with Tod, while Biff was carrying on with FOUR other lovers. She laughed bitterly. Now she didn't owe him a thing…

"I'll take you to my place," Tod said. "My folks are gone for the weekend, and you can stay as long as you want."

Vicky nodded dumbly, not even hearing him. She was wondering what to do next. Divorce Biff? She didn't hate him that much. Yet how could she go on living with him? He was a pervert, a dirty old man…

"Here we are," Tod said gently. "Let me help you…

Vicky allowed Tod to lead her out of the car and into the modest white house. She still didn't have much idea of where she was, except that Tod was taking care of her, Tod was going to take her where she could rest and think, He led her to his own small bedroom and eased her down on the bed.

"You just rest," he said, taking off her shoes. "Just take it easy, Vicky. It'll be okay." Just then the doorbell rang. "Ah, shit," Tod said, what a time for company. Well, I'll keep them quiet. You just relax, Vicky.."

She heard him leave the room. She stared at the ceiling, her mind still a jumble of angry and painful thoughts. What was going to become of her now?

Tod hurried to the door. His visitors were his buddy Mike Krafsky and two other guys from the team, Kent and Jim. He grinned helplessly and ushered them into the living.

"Hey, man," said Mike, "you look really shook about something. What's up?"

Tod laughed. "You wouldn't believe what happened… aw, Christ, I can hardly believe it myself."

"Tell, tell," said Kent.

"Well…" Tod snickered softly. "Mike, knows this, and he can tell you it's true. In the first place, I been making it with the Coach's wife."

Jim laughed and slapped his knee, "You're fulla stilt."

"Naw, it's true," said big blond Mike. "Both of us made her once. Scout's honor.."

Kent whistled. "Shit, man, why didn't you let us in on the action?"

"We were gonna," said Tod. "We still can. But listen to what happened today. Man, oh, man, this'll blow your minds."

His pals leaned closer, grinning, to hear Tod's tale.

Tod grinned wickedly and said, "Well, today me an' Vicky-that's Coach's wife-we went over to her place to ball, 'cause she thought Coach wouldn't be back till way late. We heard this weird noise coming from the bedroom. Vicky goes and opens the door, and-wow! There's Coach making out with all four cheerleaders. All of 'em naked. Lisa was sucking his cock." He tittered insanely. "Man, you shoulda been there."

The boys collapsed in helpless laughter. "You sure you ain't shittin' us?" Kent howled.

"No, man, it's the truth," said Tod, wiping his eyes. "Boy, was Vicky upset. She told me to get her out of there. I bet she's gonna divorce him."

"Well, to hell with him," said Jim. "That's not where my mind's at. What about HER? Where is she? Any chance of us getting it on with her?"

Tod grinned. "Now that's a real good idea," he said.

A few minutes later Tod softly opened the door of his room. Vicky was lying on the bed, pale and silent and staring at the ceiling. For a moment he felt pity for her, but it quickly passed. He saw only her great jutting breasts, her lush figure, her possibilities as a source of amusement for himself and his friends.

"Hey, Vicky," he said, coming over and taking her hand, "this isn't gonna do you any good, just lying here. Some of my buddies just came over, and we're gonna have a drink, shoot the shit a little. Why don't you join us? It'll get your mind off things."

"I suppose it doesn't matter what I do," Vicky said dully. "A drink would be nice, though."

"Well, come on, then," Tod said eagerly. "I'll make you a drink that'll set you right up."

Vicky allowed him to lead her into the living room and seat her on the couch. She recognized the other boys, all stars of the football team-big Mike, Kent, and Jim.

The boys chatted while Vicky fairly gulped the bourbon and water. Tod made her another one, and she began to feel the dizzying warmth seeping through her body. She knew she was getting drunk fast, but she didn't care. On the contrary, she wanted to be drunk.

"Hey, Mrs. Benson," said big blond Mike, "let's be more friendly."

He moved closer to her on the couch and pulled her into his lap. Vicky felt she couldn't react properly to what was happening. She should have been indignant, but instead she sank softly against the huge boy and said nothing.

"That's nice," Mike purred, "real nice… we heard you got quite a shock today… you just relax, and we'll help take your mind off your troubles."

The other boys snickered softly, but Vicky hardly noticed. She just wanted another drink. She held out her glass to Tod.

"That's right, honey," said Kent, "have another drink.."

At some point Mike began fondling her breasts. Vicky wasn't even aware of it for a while, her thoughts were so cloudy and far away. She noticed that the other boys were grinning and gawking at her chest, and only then did she feel Mike's big hot hands gently cupping and squeezing the jutting mounds. She thought about protesting, but she didn't see what difference it would make. Nothing mattered now…

"Ain't she got the most beautiful boobs in the world?" Mike said.

"I dunno," Jim tittered. "She's still got her clothes on.

"Well, we can fix that in a hurry," said Tod.

While Mike held her, Tod moved over and began to unbutton Vicky's blouse. She looked at him vaguely, then sipped her drink. Tod drew off the filmy blouse and then unhooked her bra. As he was drawing it off, she felt the cool air of the room on her naked breasts-and only then did shack and alarm penetrate her alcohol fog.

"Tod," she said, slurring her words, "not in front of everybody."

"Why not?" said Tod. "Everybody wants to see."

Before she could reply to that, he whisked off her bra and tossed it aside. There was a collective gasp, and Vicky saw the boys straining forward to gawk at her naked tits. She blushed furiously and tried to cover herself, but Mike grabbed her hands and held them down at her sides.

"Holy sheee-it," Kent said, "I still can't believe it. They're like fuckin' watermelons."

"Bigger," said Jim, grinning lewdly. "And they ain't fake. Remember what some of the guys useta say about her?"

"Yeah, that they was padded," said. Mike. "Well, you can see for yourself that they ain't. These jugs is for real, man."

"I wanta make sure," Kent sniggered.

He came over and started to play with Vicky's jutting naked boobs.

"Please," she whimpered, "don't.."

"Aw, come off it, lady," he said contemptuously. "You let Tod an' Mike into your pants, so what's the big deal?"

Vicky blushed deeply and began to cry softly. So Tod had told everyone about her, in spite of his promise. She could imagine her reputation around the school now. Coach's horny wife, fucks anything in pants… She could have died of shame.