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"Lie back on the bed," he said breathlessly.

"Spread your legs."

Weeping softly, Vicky complied. She was still trying to think of a way to escape him, but her determination was dying. Tod's mocking words had reminded her bitterly of how Biff had failed to do his duty as a husband.

She lay on her back in the center of the big bed and slowly, blushing deeply, she spread her legs for Tod Mien.

"Get your knees up," he panted. "Show it all to me. Show me your pussy, Mrs. Benson."

"Oh, for God's sake," Vicky wept, "why torture me? If you're going to rape me, just do it."

"Aw, that wouldn't be any fun," said Tod. Then more gruffly, "Hurry up! Do what I said."

Vicky, feeling thoroughly ashamed and humiliated, bent her knees and spread her legs as wide as she could, giving the leering boy an uninhibited view of her slit. Even Biff had never seen her like that. He wasn't interested.

Tod stepped closer and peered at her mysterious female parts. He'd never had such a good view of a woman's pussy before. He really couldn't make sense of it, couldn't understand the function of all those pink fleshy folds. He recognized her anus, brown and puckered like, his own, and he recognized the mouth of her vagina. There was that funny little button of flesh, too, where she'd enjoyed being touched yesterday, but he didn't know the name of it.

Still she was pretty down there, all that glistening ripe pink flesh surrounded by fine coppery curls. He climbed onto the bed, knelt between her legs, and touched the tiny nub of her clit. He wondered if he could get her excited again by playing with it. He began to rub his finger gently back and forth over the soft rubbery shaft.

"Oh, please don't," Vicky wailed softly.

She didn't want him to get her aroused. She'd make a fool of herself again if he did that, behave like a whore. It felt good, too good, when he rubbed her there. In spite of her resistance, she felt gentle waves of pleasure moving through her loins as Tod softly stroked her clit. She clenched her teeth and held absolutely still, determined not to give way again.

Tod was disappointed. He'd failed to get her hot like yesterday. Well, to hell with her, then. He'd just ball her. He wasn't going to waste time on this frigid bitch. Angrily he crawled away from her and stood beside the bed.

"Get up," he commanded. "Come here and undress me."

Vicky quickly complied, realizing that this might offer her a chance of escape. She pulled his t-shirt off over his head, tousling his modishly long black hair, and in spite of herself she felt aroused by the sight of his strong tan young chest. He looked so clean and handsome in contrast to Biffs ape-like hairiness. She bent and helped him step out of his sneakers, then began to fumble with his belt. Tod was breathing hard again.

"Hurry it up," he panted. "Get my jeans off. I'm gonna do like you asked, cunt. I'm just gonna ball you."

Vicky got his belt unbuckled, his fly unzipped, and then she began easing down his tight jeans. He wasn't wearing shorts, and she was taken by surprise when his pale young cock, limp and dangling, came into view. She felt a rush of lust, of aching need, that made her pussy cream furiously. She remembered how stiff that young prick had been yesterday, how fantastically good it had felt inside her…

No, no, she told herself, don't think about it, don't let yourself be tempted…

She tried to ignore his droopy young cock as she tugged down his jeans. Once it brushed her face, warm and soft and silky, and again she felt a flood of horny juice spurting from her cunt. God, how she wanted him… But it was wrong. He was far too young, and he was not her husband.

Vicky suddenly wrenched his jeans down around his ankles, hobbling him, and dashed for the door. "Hey, goddammit, get back here!" Tod shouted.

He lurched after her, but his jeans tripped him, and Vicky made it out the door, down the hall, and into the bathroom, where she locked herself in. Tod would get discouraged and go away-at least that was best plan.

"Open up, dammit!" he shouted. "Open this fuckin' door, or I'll break it down!"

Vicky's stomach tightened with fear. How in God's name would she be able to explain a broken bathroom door to Biff? Even if she made up a story about being locked in, he'd never believe that she could break the door down.

"No, Tod!" she cried. "Don't damage the door!"

"Then come out," he growled. "That's your only other choice."

Sobbing, defeated, Vicky unlocked the door and came out. Tod stood there naked, an angry young giant. He seized her painfully by the arm and marched her back to the bedroom.

"Now I'm really pissed," he snapped. "I was just gonna ball you and leave, but I've changed my mind. I think I'll have a little more fun first."

He sat down heavily on the edge of the bed and forced her to her knees in front of him. "Play with my cock," he ordered.

Vicky stared at him. She'd never touched a cock in her whole life. Sometimes when she was very horny she'd wanted to play with Biff's prick, but he wouldn't allow it. He said it wasn't "right". So she had no idea what to do.

"Aw, get with it, will ya?" Tod said impatiently. "Hold it. Pump it. Like you were jacking me off, you know?"

With trembling hands Vicky reached for his drooping prick. She felt a strange excitement. Thirty-eight years old, and she was about to touch a penis for the first time. Secretly she'd been dying to do it for years. Her pussy began to moisten…

She curled her fingers gingerly around his limp meat. It was very pleasant to touch, soft and warm and silky. She began to pump the warm prick, slowly and clumsily at first, then with growing competence and enjoyment. She liked doing it, actually liked it.

"Hey, yeah," Tod gasped. "That feels peat. Pump that meat, baby, just like you do for ol'


Vicky suppressed a bitter laugh. If "ol' Coach" had ever let her indulge in foreplay, liven up their sex life, she wouldn't be with Tod now. This was something she'd wanted to do for years. As she pumped his pleasantly warm silky prick with one hand, she reached for his rosy nut-sacs with the other. She cupped -them gently, squeezed them, and Tod sighed blissfully. He was nice to touch there, too.

"Yeah, yeah, baby," he crooned, "play with my nuts.."

Vicky found herself getting hotly excited. Though she'd never played with a man before, she'd read a lot about it, articles in women's magazines which discreetly described such practices. Fellatio-stimulating a man's penis with mouth and tongue-how Would that feel? In her heart she admitted that she was excited by the idea. Why not try it?

She dipped her head, and her heavy gleaming mass of red hair fell around her like a curtain. She liked the privacy, for she was a little ashamed of her crazy urge to taste his cock. She held up the droopy pale organ in the palm of her hand, noting the knobby reddish head and its dark slit-mouth. She stuck out her tongue and gently applied the tip to the silky naked head of his prick. She began to lick it lightly.

"AHHHHHH, YEAH!" Tod gasped. "Far out! Yeah, lick my cock, baby, lick it! I like that!"

Vicky was surprised at the vigor of his response. She hadn't thought of how it would feel to him.

She began to lick rapidly, hungrily, all over his prick, exploring its texture and heat with her tongue. Tod shivered with keen pleasure and kept up a steady low moaning. She realized that his prick was just as sensitive as her clit. Biff had been a fool to deny himself this pleasure.

She licked the spongy red head of his dick, down the pale blue-veined shaft, and into the bristly bush of pubic curls, following the base of his cock, tracing it right to his balls. She was very excited now, carried away in her exploration. She ran her tongue over his rosy warm nuts, feeling the spongy flesh on the outside and the hard inner core.

"Like the taste of them nuts, baby?" Tod said eagerly.

She ignored his boyish taunts. She was having too much fun now to be disturbed by them. She tickled his bouncy red nut-sacs with her stiff tongue, making the wrinkled bags jump and quiver. She worked her way back up through his pubic nest, up the long silky shaft of his prick, till she was furiously tonguing the knobby red glans, digging her slick hot tongue tip into the slitted hole at the very head of his cock. Tod was writhing in horny enjoyment.