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After practice that day, Biff decided to make good his fantasy of seducing all four of the cheerleaders. After his smashing success with Bunny, he was a lot more confident, and he anticipated little or no trouble.

After getting rid of Vicky, he sauntered over to the girls' gym where the cheerleaders were just finishing their practice for the day. Bunny cast him a wistful glance, but Biff shook his head, meaning he couldn't see her today. He wondered which of the girls he should try next, golden-haired Lisa, red-haired Kim, or little Judy, a petite brunette with enormous brown eyes. The choice was made for him when the others skipped off, leaving him alone with Judy.

"Well, how's it going, kid?" Biff said gruffly. "It's your first year as a cheerleader, isn't it?"

Judy turned her huge eyes on him and blushed slightly. She was intimidated by his hulking presence.

"Yes, sir," she said politely, "it's my first year, and I'm really having to work hard to keep up with the others. They're so good. They were all cheerleaders last year, too. But I enjoy it."

"Good," said Biff, who was impatient with her girlish chatter. "Say, I don't know if you need money or not, but maybe you'd like to take over Bunny's job. You know, helping me with paperwork after school. She's too busy."

Judy smiled timidly. She really was a little mouse, Biff decided, and not his first choice among the girls. He liked a little more spirit. But she did have a swell figure-awfully big tits for a girl so small. She had a dark, Spanish type of beauty that intrigued him.

"Why, Mr. Benson," she said, "how nice of you to consider me. I'd love to have the job. I really could use the money."

Biff felt a prick of excitement. He'd accomplished step number one, getting the girl to his office. "Swell," he said. "You wanta start now?"

"Okay," said Judy. "Maybe I should phone my mother first, though, and tell her I'll be late."

"Uh, no," Biff said quickly, "that won't be necessary. We won't do that much today. I just wanta show you the ropes."

He really didn't want her mother to know she'd been with him. The fewer people who knew it, the better. As he walked little Judy over to his office, he glanced around nervously. No one in sight. Even the janitor didn't see them when they entered the building.

He let Judy into his office and closed the door, locking it when she wasn't looking. The big-eyed girl looked around his office, gawking at the trophies and photos.

"Wow," she said, hugging her books to her full ripe bosom. "You sure have won a lot of awards for our school, Mr. Benson. We're so lucky to have a coach like you."

"Yeah, we won a few times," Biff said casually, "but you have to remember, it wasn't just me. There was a whole football team helping out."

The girl gazed at him admiringly, and Buff wondered where to go from here. Three months ago he'd stood in this office wondering the same thing about Bunny, but there hadn't been any problem. Bunny had practically seduced him making sexy remarks, brushing against him, even sitting on his lap. When he'd made his pass at Bunny, he'd already been sure it'd be received. Judy was different-shy, proper, what you'd call a good girl".

"Well, have a seat," Buff said, indicating the sofa. "Sorry we got no more chairs. I'll just bring this stuff over, and we can look at it."

Judy obediently sat down on the couch where he'd been balling Bunny silly for the past few months. She was still hugging that load of books to her bosom. Biff wished she'd set them down. She had by far the biggest and prettiest tits of the four cheerleaders. It was a standing joke among the boys about how Judy's big ripe breasts flopped around when she jumped and danced during cheers. Kent, the big jovial center, said he got a hard-on everytime Judy led the school pep song. Yet she seemed completely oblivious of her exceptional endowments.

Biff grabbed a bunch of papers from a desk drawer and went to sit beside Judy on the couch. He sat so close that their legs touched, The girl blushed hotly but didn't move away. Up close she smelled like soap and jasmine and healthy girl-sweat.

"Now, what we gotta do," he said, rifling through the papers, "is get this stuff in order, by date and topic and so on, and get it filed. Think you can handle that?"

"Oh, yes," said Judy. "I've done that kind of work before."

Too bad-he was hoping he'd have, to explain things to her, that he could buy more time. She was so shy and proper, he just didn't know how to make an opening. Well, to hell with it, then. He'd just make his pan and hope to hell she'd respond.

He scooped Judy's books out of her arms and set them on the floor. "Now you'll be more comfortable," he said.

The girl looked up at him, blushing and timid-and Biff simply crushed her in his ox-like embrace and began kissing her wetly. She flinched violently, and then-nothing. She didn't cry out, didn't push him away, didn't even move.

"I didn't bring you over here to do no paperwork," he said gruffly.

Judy's brown eyes were enormous and frightened. They searched his face, trying to divine his intentions. She sat still beside him as if paralyzed. Damn it all, he wanted her to respond with glee and passion, like Bunny, like all the horny teenage girls of his fantasies. She was beginning to make him feel like Jack the Ripper.

Well, to hell with her, then. Women were good for only one thing, in Biff's opinion, and if they didn't like doing that one thing, they just weren't normal. He'd go ahead and have her, and if she didn't like it, that was her problem. He reached for her tight cheerleader shirt and began to pull it up.

"M-Mr. Benson," she said, her voice tight with fear. "You-you've made a mistake. I'm not that kind of girl."

"Listen, baby," Biff said, "you're ALL that kind of girl, whether you know it or not. Maybe you got your head full of this women's lib shit about broads having brains and careers and stuff-but that's all it is, just a crock of shit. Women are for balling and making babies and taking care of men, and that's it. It's time you found that out."

Judy's handsome olive-skinned face flamed with defiance, but she was too afraid of Coach Benson to contradict him. After all, he was the most important man in town practically, and he could get her kicked out of school, make all kinds of trouble for her-or so the naive girl imagined. She felt frightened and hostile, but she was afraid to anger him.

Biff impatiently pulled up her skirt, getting it over her head and off her limp arms. He tossed it into a crumpled heap on the floor and then gawked at her big ripe breasts straining in the confinement of her prim white cotton bra. Size 40-D, he decided. Awfully big boobs for such a young and petite girl.

"I thought none of YOU chicks wore bras any more," he said.

"Some of us do," Judy said primly. "Some of us don't like to make a spectacle of ourselves."

Biff chuckled. "Yeah, with boobs that big, you'd make a spectacle, all right. But let's get this thing off."

Again Judy's face flamed. "Please," she said, "please don't DO this. I don't want to. You have a wife-a beautiful Wife. If you need a woman, why don't you go to her?"

"I don't need a woman." said Biff, "I need variety. Now, quit hassling me, baby, or I'm gonna get mad."

Judy shut up, but the tear streamed down her face as Biff unhooked her bra and drew if off. Her lovely ripe young breasts tumbled out of the big cotton cups and stood pointed and firm. They were big olive-skinned breasts, like plump melons, tapped with large nipples. Biff gawked hungrily.

"Jeeee-SUS," he exclaimed, "what a pair you got, baby. I never seen such nice big tits on a little girl before."

Judy's big brown eyes rolled in helpless panic. It was clear to her now that Coach Benson, whom she'd long admired and idolized, was a lecherous old man who wanted to make filthy use of her body.

"Come here, baby," Biff said hoarsely. "Let me touch them sweet titties of yours."

Judy sobbed as his big hammy fists closed over her silky tender breasts. He pawed her like an animal, snorting and breathing hard. She felt defiled by his hot sweaty touch, his rough fumbling with her big naked breasts. He squeezed her ripe full tits in big greedy fistfuls.