It was pathetic. Janice said so.
He called her again. She disdained cancer talk. She talked about Ward.
He's guilt-wracked. He's paranoid. He's confused. He's talking crazy. He says the Feds are on me. He says the Boys might be out for Bobby.
He plays Bobby tapes. He plays them late at night. He thinks I'm asleep. He sleeps fitful. He prays for Bobby. He prays for Martin Luther King. He split ten days ago. He hasn't called. I think he wigged out.
I miss him. I might burn his stash pile. It might drive some sense home. It might wake him up.
Wayne said don't do it. Janice laughed. Janice said it was just talk. Wayne proposed a date. He said I'll pass through Vegas soon. We'll meet at Ward's suite.
Janice said yes.
He wanted her. Dying or not. He knew it. Janice got him thinking. _Everything_ did.
He got an urge. It was time-travel stuff. It reached back fourteen years. He called his mother in Peru, Indiana.
The call shocked her. He let her calm down. They broke some ice. They bridged some pauses. They talked. He lied his life off. She said all good things.
You were a tender child. You loved animals. You set trapped coyotes free. You were a brilliant child. You learned complex math. You excelled at chemistry. You carried no hate. You played with colored children. You loved righteously.
I was pregnant once. It was '32-two years before you. Wayne Senior had a dream. He saw the baby as a girl. He wanted a boy.
He beat my stomach in. He used brass knuckles. The baby died. Wayne Senior was right. It was a girl. The doctor told me.
Wayne said goodbye then. His mother said God bless.
Wayne thought it through. Wayne called Janice. Wayne set up their date.
(Long Beach, 6/3/68)
Bobby! Bobby! Bobby!
The crowd chanted it. The crowd went nuts. Speak Bobby speak!
Bobby climbed a flatbed truck. Bobby grabbed a microphone. Bobby rolled up his sleeves.
The Southglen Mall. Three thousand fans-Speak Bobby Speak! Parking-lot frenzy. Kids on daddies' shoulders. Sound speakers on stilts.
The fans loved Bobby. The fans fucked up their vocal cords. The fans fucking shrieked. Watch Bobby smile! Watch Bobby toss his hair! Hear Bobby speak!
Pete watched. Likewise Fred O.
They watched Bobby. They watched his bodyguards. They watched the cop crew. The numbers were low. Bobby loved contact. Bobby shined on security.
Fred watched cops move. Fred watched cops scan. Fred watched cops flank. Fred nailed details. Fred memorized.
Fred met Sirhan. They "met" at the track. They "met" six weeks back. Fred staged a play for Sirhan. Fred beat up a Jew.
He was a big man. He had a big beak. He wore a big beanie. He was a _very_ big Jew.
Fred kicked his ass. Sirhan watched. Sirhan dug the show. Fred dished rapport-I'm Bill Habib-I'm Arab too.
Courtship/subornment/recruitment/sheep dip.
Fred palled with Sirhan. Fred bought him booze. Fred ragged the Jews. They met every day. They worked up a mojo. They ragged Bobby K. They met semi-private. Fred stayed skinny. Fred stayed camouflaged.
Fred tweaked Sirhan. Fred studied Sirhan. Fred learned:
How far to push him. How much booze to pour him. How much hate to stoke. How to get him talking. How to get him fuming: Kill RFK!
How to get him blackout drunk. How to get him fucked-up blotto. How to push him to memory loss. How to get him stalking rallies. How to get him talking death. How to get him talking fate. How to get him target shooting out in the hills-blasting at mock-Bobby K.'s.
Fred gauged Sirhan. Fred said:
He's drinking hard. He's drinking every night. He's drinking with and without me. He's hitting rallies. He's rally-hopping countywide. He always packs his piece. I've tailed him. I've seen it. I _know_.
He hates Bobby. His logic's warped. It's misdirected and rationalized. He hates the Jews. He hates Israel. He hates Zionist Bobby. He hates Bobby because Bobby's a fucking _Kennedy_.
He's primed now. He's ready now. He's psycho. He's blackout-prone. He's booze-atrophied.
Fred picked the spot. Fred told Sirhan. Fred made Sirhan drink. Sirhan _picked_ the spot. Sirhan picked it two bottles later. Sirhan usurped the idea. Sirhan thinks it's _his_ idea. It's his booze epiphany.
Tomorrow night. The Ambassador Hotel. Bobby's victory gala. Bobby to shout victory
Bobby will be fried. Bobby will be torched and zorched-cumulatively. The kitchen's the way out. It's short and fast-serendipity. Sirhan's there. Sirhan's primed-tenaciously.
Fred knew the kitchen. Fred checked it out. Fred pumped rent-a-cops. Said cops pledged this:
Tight spaces/armed guards/tight security. That meant potential combustion/potential confusion. That meant potential insanity.
Fred's suggested drama/Fred's _predicted_ lunacy:
Men draw their guns. Men shoot Sirhan. Shots bounce and hit Bobby K. Fred said he _will_ shoot. Fred knew the nut turf. Fred-"Raul" ran James Earl Ray
Pete looked around. The crowd yelled. The crowd went nuts. The crowd out-yelled Bobby.
The speakers backfired. Reverb blew wide. Bobby spoke bassofalsetto. Pete heard platitudes. Pete heard "end the war." Pete heard "King's legacy."
Barb dug Bobby. Barb dug his antiwar shit. He hadn't called her. She hadn't called him. She never wrote. No contact since Sparta. No contact post-boat trip. No contact post-coronary.
The crowd yelled. Pete looked around. Pete saw a pay phone. It was streetside. It was away from the noise. It was away from Bobby.
He pushed over. People stepped aside. People saw his cane. He made the booth. He caught his breath. He fed quarters in.
He got an operator. She patched the Cavern. He got the switchboard. He shagged his messages.
No message from Barb. One message from Wayne: Call me/Lake Tahoe/_urgent_/this number direct.
Pete dropped quarters. Pete got an operator. She patched Tahoe direct. Pete heard two rings. Pete heard Wayne:
"It's me. Where the hell have-"
"Littell's on to the hit. Grab him and bring him here. And tell Barb go someplace safe."
(San Diego, 6/3/68)
Bobby soared.
He jabbed the air. He tossed his hair. He praised Dr. King. He co-opted him. He out-orated him. He made his praise sing.
It all worked. It all sang-the sunburn/the bray/the rolled sleeves.
The crowd soared. The crowd roared. The crowd cheered in sync. Two thousand people/crowd ropes up/parking-lot streams.
Littell watched. Littell willed Bobby: _Please look at me_.
See me. Don't fear me. I won't hurt you again. I'm a pilgrim. I fear _for_ you. My fear's justified.
Bobby stood on a flatbed. The tailgate shook and dipped. Aides stood below him. Aides steadied him.
_Look over. Look down. See me_.
His fear boiled over. It popped two weeks back. His fear stretched and peaked. He linked fear dots. He plumbed fear lines. He read fear hieroglyphs.
The news pic/the El Encanto/suite 301. The Sam line: "Box of goodies." The Carlos line: Pete's "small favor." Fear connections/hieroglyphs/puzzle chips.
It got bad. It ate him up. It ruined his sleep. He split Vegas. He flew to D.C. He called Paul Horvitz.
Paul hung up. He called Mr. Hoover. He called Dwight Holly. They hung up. He drove to the Bureau. Door guards ejected him.
He flew to Oregon. He approached campaign staffers. Staff guards restrained him. He saw his name on a list-all "Known Enemies."
He told the guards I _sense_ things. He said _please_ talk to me. They said no. They manhandled him. They ejected him.