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Together at last.

The hole was lined with military men.

Holding machine guns.

The men stared down at the Youngstown trash and fired.

Screams were heard.

Grenades were thrown in the hole.

Body parts flew everywhere.

The Youngstown trash could hear the military men laughing while they shot and threw grenades.

It took several hours but eventually everyone in the hole was either dead or badly wounded to the point of being unable to walk.

The military men stopped firing.

They sat on the edge of the hole smoking and drinking booze, picking off the remaining Youngstown trash one by one for target practice.

After about two days.

None were left.

Bulldozers came.

Perhaps the same ones that knocked down the city of Youngstown, pushed dirt over its citizens.


Two old white men wearing expensive suits were sitting in an office in Youngstown. One’s name was Bob, the other was Tony.

The year was 1876.

Tony said to Bob, “If we send some boats to Southern Europe and get some Italians and Greeks to work for us, we can pay them less than the Germans and British we have working for us now.”


The Code of Hammurabi: Written around 1740 B.C.E.

Eye for an Eye, laws to protect private property.

Written language exists to protect private property.

The Nile River: Egypt: 2050 to 1652 B.C.E.

The Pharaoh: The God King: At least the rulers didn’t lie about what they thought they were back then.

They used stone dishes. That must’ve sucked.

The Assyrians: 700 B.C.E. They kicked ass and took names later.

They won because they could create terror.

Harappan Culture: A peaceful culture: 3000 to 1800 B.C.E.

This brilliant culture thrived for 1300 years. And then it disappeared. None of it was left when the Aryans arrived.

Krishna says stupid shit: 200 B.C.E.

Krishna tells poor people to die for the rich because it is their duty, because rich people are gods.

Reincarnation: Created by Aryans: Outside invaders to India: Between 1500 and 1000 B.C.E.

A stroke of genius by the rich to keep poor people stupid and retarded.

Greeks: 750 to 500 B.C.E.: A lot of shit written down.

People were naked a lot, some good philosophy, some good plays, homosexuality. If you were a woman or a slave, your life sucked.

The Roman Empire: Founded by Romulus and Remus 753 B.C.E. The shit ends 50 °C.E. So for 1,253 years Rome thrived.

Wars, sex, and random insanity by their rulers.

Christianity: Gospels written between 50 and 150: Loser fan club.

No evidence of Jesus’ existence, a lot of wasted lives and dead people because of it.

Mayan Culture: 300 to 850: A really cool calendar.

Makes written language to record lives of rich people.

The Rise of Islam: 600s: Cruel stupidity.

Another stroke of genius by the rich, Islam told poor people they would go to heaven if they die for the economic interests of the rich. Some inventions here and there.

Islam still reigns in the middle east, meaning the people still hate themselves.


Looking back over history.

A lot of shit went down for a long time.

Harappan culture for over a thousand years. All those people working to keep that culture going.

All those hands that built and created that culture.

I look at the pictures of the ruins and imagine the millions of people who walked the streets of their cities.

The gossip they spoke, what they did in their spare time.

For over a thousand years humans living under the Harappan flag.

3,800 years before I even existed, their culture was gone.

All the people of the great Harappan culture dead before I even came into existence.

All the humans that have existed since then did not know one human from that culture.

All that history.

The history books say the decline and eventual disappearance of the Harappan culture is a mystery.

There is no mystery here in America.

The reasons can be seen on every TV channel.

Written on everybody’s face.

The people have given up.

They are too mentally deranged to even revolt.

They have to take drugs and drink booze to quiet all the American thoughts.


On a carrier in the Persian Gulf.

A man sits deep in the ship.

At 8pm it is his job to push a button to send missiles to an Iraqi village.

He sits there thinking, I hope I get sent to the Philippines soon. I would love to stick my dick into one of those nice little Philippine girls soon.

While he sits there he is eating a bag of chips.

Over his headset he gets the order.

He puts down his bag of chips.

Pushes the button.

Then thinks, I would really love some pussy right now.


An Arab man is sitting in his kitchen, sweating, eating a bag of chips.

He’s dead now.


Let’s get personal.

I am one human among six and a half billion.

Like if you had six and a half billion pieces of Pez, and you took out one piece and sat it next to the giant pile.

I would be that one piece.

I am one piece of Pez.

Yes I am.

I live on Earth, in America. Red, white, and blue MO FO!

Inside the state of Ohio.

In a city named Youngstown.

I live in a house.

Remember this all comes from my heart.

You know?

The other day my shit was so hard and big, I had to cut it in half with a coat hanger to get it down the toilet.

I think my ex-fiancée was an intersex baby.

The only time I smile is when I’m thinking about sex.

When I get drunk and I’m home alone, I download free scat porn.

I like to watch four huge black men pound the shit out of one tiny white girl.

I like calamari. That’s squid.

It turns me on when my girlfriend fucks other men.

I like it so much; I have her tell me about it.

I think Gone with the Wind sucks.

My boxers always have skid marks.

I beat children.

I once spent a year lodged in your mother’s asshole.

When I was in high school I punched a girl.

I killed forty-five babies and a water buffalo during the Vietnam War.

I drink a lot of bottled water.

Sometimes I think dirty thoughts about men, mostly sucking their dick. I got hemorrhoids, can’t take it up the ass. I would bleed like a stuck pig.

I got a broken-down car in my driveway.

I eat meat.

I like guns.

I eat candy.

When I’m depressed I eat ribs or go to the Asian buffet.

I rarely ever eat pussy.

I can go hours without cumming because of these anti-depressants I was on for six years straight. Momma aren’t you proud?

I have no interest in getting anally raped by a donkey, just like I have no interest in having children or getting married.

I do enjoy watching women suck horse cock though.

I view my existence as pointless. So what?

I view your existence as pointless, bitch! So let’s fuck and have a good time.

I get drunk almost every day. Those are the good days.

I don’t vote. Voting is for rich people.

Don’t have cable.

Don’t have money.

Don’t have an SUV.

Oh, I forgot one thing. I might be going bald.

Also, I had scabies.


Voice of the Republican Party: “We are correct, we are correct, we are correct, we are Gods, we make you suffer for your own good. We don’t kill our own ethnicity, we kill other ones.”