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They get a lot of brochures from places with climates similar to

London's so they can raise the rooks until the pollution problem is

finally licked. One place with a similar climate, but low pollution

count, turns to be Bangor, Maine. So they put an ad in the paper

soliciting bird fanciers and talk to a bunch of guys in the trade.

Finally, they engage this one guy at the rate of $50,000 a year to

raise rooks. They send an ornithologist over on the concord with

two cases of rook eggs packed in these shatterproof cases - they

keep the shipping compartment constantly heated and all that stuff.

So this guy has a new business - North American Rook Farms, Inc.

He goes to work right off incubating new rooks so London will not

become a rookless city. The only thing is, the London City Council

is really impatient, and every day they send him a telegram that

says: " Bred Any Good Rooks lately? "






Contraband #2

In fields and christless allies the psalter is handed

greedily around with purple bottles of cheap port

punctuated by the sodium lightness glare of freights

rising past hobo cinder gantries and pitless bramble


Dukane, Grand Rapids, Cedar Forks, Harlow, Dover-


names from the back platform of the A-train

so don't gimme that shit don't gimme that crap

I'll put the hoodoo on you, I can do it, it comes in a can

in 1954 in a back alley behind a bar they

found a lady cut in four pieces and written in her juice on

the bricks above


AGAIN in letters that leaned and

draggled so they called him The Cleveland Torso Murderer

and never caught him,

it figures

all these liberals are brainless

if you want to see jeans just peak into any alabaster

gravel pit in Mestalinas

all these liberals have hairy shirts

Real life is in the back row of a 2nd run movie house in

Utica, have you been


this guy with his hair greased back was drunk

and getting drunker when I sat down and his face kept

twisting; he cried I'm a

goddamn stupid sonofabitch but doan choo try to tell me

nothin I didn't he

might have come from Cleveland

if the stars are right I can witch you I can make your hair

fall out

You don't need hairy jeans to stand outside a Safeway

store in Smalls Falls and watch a cloud under the high

blue sky ripple the last shadows of summer over the asphalt

parking lot two

acres wide

A real hack believes blackboards are true

for myself I would turn them all soft like custard scoop

them feed them to blackbirds save corn for murderers

in huge and ancient Buicks sperm grows on seatcovers

and flows upstream toward the sound of Chuck Berry

once I saw a drunk in Redcliff and he had stuffed a

newspaper in his mouth he

jigged jubilantly

around a two shadowed light pole

I could gun you down with magic nose bullets

There are still drugstore saints

Still virgins pedalling bikes with playing cards affixed to

the rear spokes

with clothespins

The students have made things up

The liberals have shit themselves and produced a satchel-

load of smelly


Radicals scratch secret sores and pore over back numbers

bore a little hole in your head sez I insert a candle

light a light for Charlie Starkweather and let

your little light shine shine shine

play bebop

buy styrofoam dice on 42nd street

eat sno-cones and read Lois Lane

Learn to do magic like me and we will drive to Princeton

in an old Ford with four retread skins and a loose manifold

that boils up the

graphite stink of freshcooked

exhaust we will do hexes with Budweiser pentagrams and


Diamond matchboxes

chew some Red Man and let the juice down your chin when

you spit

sprinkle sawdust on weird messes

buy some plastic puke at Atlantic City

throw away your tape player and gobble Baby Ruths

Go now. I think you are ready.

Harrison State Park '68

Stephen King

Published in "Ubris", 1968

"All mental disorders are simply detective strategies

for handling difficult life situations.''

---Thomas Szasz

''And I feel like homemade shit.''

---Ed Sanders

- Can you do it ?

She asked shrewdly

From the grass where her nylon legs

in gartered splendor

made motions.

- Can you do it ?


What do I say?

What are the cools?

Jimmy Dean?

Robert Mitchum?

Soupy Sales?

Modern Screen Romances is a tent on the grass

Over a dozen condoms in a quiet box

and the lady used to say

(before she passed away)

- If you can't be an athlete,

be an athletic supporter.

The moon is set.

A cloud scum has covered the stars.

A man with a gun has passed

this way


we do not need your poets.

Progressed beyond them to



Cousin Brucie

the Doors

and do I dare

mention Sonny and Cher ?

I remember Mickey Rooney

as Pretty Boy Floyd

and he was the shortest Pretty Boy Floyd

on record

coughing his enthusiastic

guts out in the last


We have not spilt the blood.

They have spilt the blood.

A little girl lies dead

On the hopscotch grid

No matter

- Can you do it?

She asked shrewdly

With her Playtex living bra

cuddling breasts

softer than a handful of wet Fig Newtons.

Old enough to bleed

Old enough to slaughter

The old farmer said

And grinned at the white

Haystack sky

With sweaty teeth

(radiation radiation

your grandchildren will be monsters)

I remember a skeleton

In Death Valley

A cow in the sunbleached throes of antiseptic death

and someone said:

- Someday there will be skeletons

on the median strip of the Hollywood Freeway

staring up at exhaust-sooty pigeons

amidst the flapping ruins of

Botany 500

call me Ishmael.

I am a semen.

- Can you do it?

She asked shrewdly

When the worms begin

their midnight creep

and the dew has sunk white to

milk the grass...

And the bitter tears

Have no ducts

The eyes have fleshed in.

Only the nose knows that

A loser is always the same.

There is a sharp report.

It slices the night cleanly

And thumps home with a tincan spannnng!

Against the Speed Limit sign down the road.


The clean clear sound of a bolt levered back...



"Aileen, if poachers poached peaches, would the

poachers peel the peaches to eat with poached eggs

poached before peaches?"

oh don't


please touch me

but don't


and I reach for your hand

but touch only the radiating live pencils

of your bones:

-- Can you do it?



Stephen King

First appeared in

Stories Of Suspense, a.k.a.

I Was A Teenage Graverobber 1966

It was like a nightmare. Like some unreal dream that you wake up

from the next morning. Only this nightmare was happening. Ahead

of me I could see Rankin's flashlight; a large yellow eye in the

sultry summer darkness. I tripped over a gravestone and almost

went sprawling. Rankin whirled on me with a hissed oath.

"Do you want to wake up the caretaker, you fool?"