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Three figures sprinting through a relentless rain as if they were carving themselves through murky slate. Each of them wondering about a sniper out on his own.

* * *

“Let ’em know we’re seeing resistance, but nothing we can’t handle!” the man in charge yelled, pushing his voice over the ringing of lead.

Gun turrets, each of them beading down onto objects in the distant – slamming lead into extraterrestrial flesh.

“Sir, they’re charging us.” one of the soldiers responded loudly, his rifle scoped up.

Sure enough, nearly two-dozen of the demons sprinted wildly for the temporary base camp. Most falling shortly before reaching their destination as the turrets chewed them in piles of mush.

A handful made it however, and began to slice into anyone near them. Panic setting through the encampment for a moment, before the lieutenant recovered his most important attribute. Calm.

“We got them five to one, make ’em pay for this shit!” the man in charge yelled, joining several of his soldiers in controlled rifle bursts onto each of the demons.

Eventually, nearly a full minute later, the last succubus lay dying. Its rattle for breath as menacing as its appearance.

“Recover the perimeter and stay sharp. Don’t know how many more of these bastards are out there.” the lieutenant said firmly.

“How long do we gotta wait on these people to show up?” one of the soldiers asked.

“As long as it takes Barkley!” the lieutenant yelled, approaching the questioning soldier. “And the next time you throw a question my way, it damn well better have sir attached to it!”

“Yes sir.” the soldier replied.

As the lieutenant entered one of the choppers, using the vessel as a base station for their rescue mission, each of the soldiers looked ahead. Skimming the dense rainfall for any signs of movement.

Their gun turrets were ass-kicking in most situations, but as they’d found out, the laser targeting system which projected from them were cut down in range by the rain. Greatly reducing their range of contact.

* * *

“I’d say we’re about a half-mile away from that gunfire.” Jack suggested, the three survivors having stopped to rest.

“Ours?” Julia asked.

“Absolutely.” the general answered, his knowledge of marine weaponry deep.

“Good, then we’re saved.” Julia replied with relief.

“Not yet,” Jack warned. “Our gunfire ringing out means our guys are shooting at something, and I think we all know what that something is. What it’s capable of,” he added. “Just stay sharp and focused. There will be plenty of time to celebrate when we get there.”

Julia seemed a bit surprised, though the general nodded into her direction. Letting her know that Lieutenant Jack Strong was correct indeed. The soldier inside of him as strong as his last name.

“Best if we get moving.” Jack said.

“I agree lieutenant.” the general said.

As the three stood to their feet, preparing for what they all knew would be a sprint for their lives, Jack began to gasp for air. Strong arms of a succubus firmly gripped around his neck to blame.

“Jack!” Julia yelled.

“Get her out of here!” Jack cried out, though he did so in a very weak voice.

Grabbing Julia by the wrist, the general began to pull her from the immediate area, rushing her into a sprint.

“Mutha,” Jack said, arching down and swiftly pulling his head back, smashing the backside of his skull into the demon’s face. “Fucker!”

Turning to a reeling succubus, Jack gripped his own hands together, using a swipe of his own ripped arms to ax-handle the beast to the ground.

“We got something!” one of the soldiers yelled, prompting the rest to aim sights down onto the area in question.

“Hold!” the lieutenant yelled, quickly walking to the edge of their encampment.

Julia ran to them first with the general stumbling behind her. Both of them obviously shaken up.

“Get them aboard the chopper, I’ll be there shortly. Get ’em something warm and keep your eyes open until I say otherwise.” the lieutenant ordered.

“Yes sir.”

“General, sir, I’ve been ordered to bring you back to the fleet in orbit.” the lieutenant said.

“I can’t leave without the marines who showed up to save our asses.”

“Sir, I have my orders.” the lieutenant replied.

“Your orders? What about your oath?” the general questioned, scowling to the man in charge. “You are supposed to protect all human life, not just mine. We don’t leave men behind!”

The lieutenant looked affected by the general’s statement, as if he were mulling his options.

“Please,” Julia added. “They are good men.”

“Alright,” the lieutenant replied loudly. “I won’t send my men out there – but I’ll stall for a bit. Maybe forget that we’ve located you for an hour or so…but that’s it.” the lieutenant warned.

“That will do, thank you.” the general replied.

Shrugging his thank you off as though he’d just made a mistake, the lieutenant quickly exited the chopper. Preparing to inform his men that their stay had just been prolonged a bit.

“Will they be alright?” Julia asked.

“I would like to think so dear,” the general replied, turning to the young woman as they both sat, draped in blankets. “But the truth is I just don’t know.”

After hearing his admission, Julia glanced to the rainfall outside of the chopper. Wondering the fate of Lieutenant Jack Strong and his longtime sniper.

* * *

As he lay there, pellets of stinging cold rain hitting his face, Jack began to raise his head a bit.

The succubus had proven a tough adversary, but they could also be killed. Jack knew it as he turned to see one of their mighty warriors laying beside him, lifeless.

Jack remembered several flashes of memory. Their fight had been one of intensity – literally a fight for survival. Jack’s knuckles hurt from the swelling that had followed pounding the beast into demise. Likewise, his body ached from the fight he’d gotten back. Nearly killing him in the process.

As much as the hardened soldier had cursed the rain up to this moment, he’d considered it a Godsend. The flicking of water to his face the only reason he’d come back from a land of eternal sleep.

Though Jack did so slowly, he began to lift himself from the muddy ground beneath him. Eventually standing to his feet. Staggering for a moment, Jack located his combat pistol. His rifle had seemingly disappeared, the thick rainfall most likely to blame. Reaching down, Jack also felt his combat blade. It remained holstered, though it had been loose.

He remembered a struggle in which he’d reached down with desperation, unable to pull the blade completely from its holster fitting.

With the rush of urgency and a pounding inside of his head, Jack quickly began running once more. Trying his best to correctly follow the bearings of gunfire he’d heard earlier.

* * *

“Got something!” one of the soldier cried out, every one of them pressing eyes to scope as they waited.

Staggering into their range of vision, Jack fell to the ground. He’d gone as far as possible.

“Shut down the turrets, it’s one of our own!” the lieutenant yelled, rushing to the aid of Jack Strong, who lay motionless on the rain-drenched ground.

“Jack!” Julia cried out, quickly held by the general.

“Is he breathing?” the lieutenant asked, having reached the fallen warrior with haste. “Is he?”

“Yes…barely.” the soldier replied.

“Get him to the chopper, now!” the lieutenant demanded.

“Yes sir.”