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Gordon, Mary, 404

Gothic novels: early American, 21 -23; nineteenth century, 47, 87

Goyen, William, 461

Graft, Gerald, 692 -93

Graham, Sylvester, 137

Granich, Itzok. See Gold, Michael

Grass, Günter, 678

Grau, Shirley Ann: The Black Prince and Other Stories, 414; The Keepers of the House, 414

Graves, Michael, 516

Great American Novel, search for, 241

Great Britain: colonialism, 655; excolonial immigrants, 652 -53; literary culture, 47

Great Depression, 326; African Americans and, 348; in Canada, 570; ethnic novels, 392; and proletarian art, 331 -32; proletarian fiction and, 334- 46; pulp magazines, 359

Greenberg, Robert M., 347

Greene, Anna Katherine, That Affair Next Door, 373

Greenwich Village Bohemia, 337

Gregory, Horace, 353

Grenfell, Julian, 318

Grey, Francis, The Curé of St. Philippe, 562

Grey, Zane, 370- 71, 439 -40, 443, 781; The Call of the Canyon, 370, 371; The Last of the Plainsmen, 371; Riders of the Purple Sage, 368; The Shepard of Guadeloupe, 370; 30,000 on the Hoof, 370

Griffith, D. W.: The Birth of a Nation (film), 274, 363, 772; Ramona (film), 370

Griffiths, Linda, The Book of Jessica, 576 -77

Griggs, Sutton, 241, 781; Imperium in Imperio, 248

Grimké, Angelina, Letters to Catharine E. Beecher, 142

Grimké, Sarah, 142, 143

Griswold, Rufus, 287

Group culture, Native Americans and, 43–44

Group identity: late twentieth century, 494 -95; minority fiction and, 503 -5

Groups, social reform, 133

Grove, Frederick Philip, Settlers of the Marsh, 564

Guattari, Félix, 513

Guest, Judith, Ordinary People, 682 -83

Guillén, Nicolás, 524, 609

Guilt, Latin American writing and, 614

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Gulf and Western, 687

Gurr, Andrew, 650 -51

Guthrie, A. B., 781; The Big Skay, 443; The Way West, 443

Gutman, Herbert, 177

Guy, Rosa, 605; Bird at My Window, 603 -4

Guyana, fiction from, 596 -98

Habegger, Alfred, 271 -72

Habermas, Jürgen, 521

Habit, psychology of, 211

Hacker, Marilyn, 556

Hacking, Ian, "Making Up People," 191, 215

Hale, Sarah, 65, 91, 122; The Lecturess, 122; Northwood, 122

Haliburton, Thomas C., The Clockmaker; or, The Sayings and Doings of Samuel Slick of Slickville, 560, 561

Hall, G. Stanley, 255

Hall, Oakley, 455

Halper, Albert, 386; Union Square, 345

Hammett, Dashiell, 373, 781- 82; The Maltese Falcon, 374, 376, 450; Red Harvest, 373, 374- 76

Hansen, Marcus, 389

Hapgood, Hutchins, The Spirit of the Ghetto, 381

Hard-boiled detective fiction, 372 -78

Hating, Keith, 552

Harland, Henry (Sidney Luska): Mrs. Prexiada, 384; The Yoke of the Thorab, 384

Harlem Renaissance, 322, 421; Hurston and, 422

Harlequin Romances, 301, 378

Harlow, Robert, Scann, 565

Harmony Society, 133

Harper, Frances Ellen, 142, 273, 283; Iola Leroy, 228

Harper Bros., publishers, 53

Harper's Monthly Magazine, 27, 303

Harper's Weekly, 303

Harrigan, Edward, 395

Harris, Joel Chandler, Uncle Remus stories, 244

Harris, Mark: Bang the Drum Slowly, 492; The Southpaw, 492

Harris, Wilson, 587, 589, 593, 594, 596- 97

Harrison, Dick, Unnamed Country: The Struggle for a Prairie Fiction, 562

Harrison, James, 96

Harte, Bret, 438

Haslam, Gerald, 446

Hassan, Ihab, 319, 521, 739

Hawkes, John, 701 -2, 707, 709 -10, 728 -29, 736, 782; The Lime Twig, 728, 729; Second Skin, 706, 70910, 729; Travesty, 729

Hawley, Cameron, Executive Suite, 507

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 5, 8, 52, 60 -62, 66 -69, 72 — , 465, 782- 83; "The Artist of the Beautiful," 75; "The Birthmark," 83–84; The Blithedale Romance, 63, 66, 75, 134 -36; and caricature, 83–84; "The CustomHouse," 75, 92 — ; and domestic novels, 112; "Ethan Brand," 83–84; "The Haunted Mind," 76–77; The House of the Seven Gables, 52, 59, 66, 73, 75, 87, 112, 135 -36; and imagination, 75–77; "The Man of Adamant," 83; The Marble Faun, 75, 87; and mesmerism, 135-36; "The Minister's Black Veil," 84; Mosses from an Old Manse, 53; "My Kinsman, Major Molineux," 84; "A Parable," 84; and realism, 162; and reform, 134-36; and romance, 73, 105; The Scarlet Letter, 50, 61, 63, 83–86, 112, 117; "The Snow-Image," 75; Twice-Told Tales, Poe's review, 105; and women writers, 62–63, 110, 117, 271

Haycox, Ernest, 367

Haymarket Riot, 158

Head, Bessie, 651; A Question of Power, 671 -72

Health reforms, nineteenth century, 137

Heap, Jane, 312

Hearn, Lafcadio, 783; Chita, 254

Hearne, John, 593, 594, 598; Autumn Equinox, 599; The Faces of Love, 599; Land of the Living, 599–600;

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Hearne, John (Continued) Stranger at the Gate, 599; The Sure Salvation, 600; Voices under the Window, 599

Heath, Stephen, 644

Hébert, Anne, Kamouraska, 580

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Phenomenology of Mind, 104

Heidegger, Martin, Being and Time, 487

Heller, Erich, Thomas Mann: The Ironic German, 750 -51

Heller, Joseph, 783 -84; Catch-22, 491

Helper, Hinton, 54 -55

Hemingway, Ernest, 249, 312, 314, 315, 318 -22, 408, 477 -78, 479, 784; Death in the Afternoon, 321; A Farewell to Arms, 319; For Whom the Bell Tolls, 321; Green Hills of Africa, 321; influences on, 324; In Our Time, 477; A Moveable Feast, 322; The Old Man and the Sea, 321; The Sun Also Rises, 319- 20, 477-78

Hémon, Louis, Maria Chapdelaine, 568

Henry, Will, From Where the Sun Now Stands, 440

Hentz, Caroline Lee, 64; Linda, 64, 110; The Planter's Northern Bride, 145

Herberg, Will, 402

Herbst, Josephine, 332, 339, 345, 353, 354 -55; The Executioner Waits, 354; Pity Is Not Enough, 354; Rope of Gold, 354-55

Hernández, Jaime and Gilbert, 539 -41; Chelo's Burden, 540; Heartbreak Soup, 540; House of Raging Women, 540; Locas, 540; Love and Rockets, 539- 40; Las Mujeres Peridas, 540; Music for Mechanics, 540; The Reticent Heart, 540

Heroes: in adventure fiction, 378 -79; in formula Westerns, 366; in frontier novels, 438

Heroic tales, dime novels, 294

Heroine, democratic, working girl as, 298

Hester Street (film), 385

Heyward, DuBose, 417, 418; Mamba's Daughters, 418; Porgy, 418

Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 132

High modernism, 318- 19, 326 -27; conservatism of, 316 -17; Davenport and, 744; lesbian fiction, 501; postmodernism and, 521

Highsmith, Patricia, The Price of Salt, 501- 2

Hijuelos, Oscar, 406

Hildreth, Richard, The Slave; or, Memoirs of Archy Moore, 141

Hillerman, Tony, 455 -56; The Blessing Way, 455; Coyote Waits, 455; Talking God, 455; A Thief of Time, 455

Himes, Chester, 495 -96; Cotton Comes to Harlem, 495; The Heat's On, 495; If He Hollers Let Him Go, 495; The Real Cool Killers, 495

Hirsch, David H., 72

Hirsch, E. D., Jr., Cultural Literacy, 666

Historical narrative: García Márquez and, 618; postmodern, 533

Historical novels, 15 -18, 252; Twain and, 256; West Indies, 598 -99

— romances: Cooper and, 58; Jamaican, 590 -91; nineteenth century, 112, 158, 257 -63; by women, 119 20, 123 -24

Historiographic metafiction: Canadian, 565; postmodernism and, 522, 705

History, xiii; collective sense, 514; Latin American, reevaluation of, 607 -9; postbellum fiction and, 157; postmodernism and, 538 -39, 714 -16, 718 -19, 721

Hobsbawm, Eric, 197

Hobson, Laura Z., Gentleman's Agreement, 490

Hodge, Merle, 605; Crick Crack Monkey, 595

Hodgin, Jack, Invention of the World, 565