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Leiber, Fritz, Gather Darkness, 365

Lemelin, Roger, Au pied de la pente douce (The Town Below), 569

Leonard, John, 661

Leprohon, Rosanna, Antoinette de Mirecourt; or, Secret Marrying and Secret Sorrowing, a Canadian Tale, 562

Lesbianism, 279, 545; Barnes and, 328

--- literature of, 501, 551 -52; Latin American, 629 -30; postwar, 505

Lesley, Craig, Winterkill, 461

Le Sueur, Meridel, 326, 332, 339, 350 53, 457; "Annunciation," 351; The Girl, 332, 350- 51; Harvest Song, 352; I Hear Men Talking, 332, 351, 352-53; "I Was Marching," 353; "Spring Story," 351; "What Happens in a Strike," 352; "Women on the Breadlines," 352

Levin, Meyer, The Old Bunch, 393

Levine, Robert, 72

Lewis, H. H., 344

Lewis, R. W. B., 395; The American Adam, 489

Lewis, Sinclair, 171, 335; Main Street, 283

Lewis, Wyndham, 317

Lewisohn, Ludwig, The Island Within, 387

Leyner, Mark, My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist, 484

Libbey, Laura Jean, 159, 293, 297–300; Leonie Locke; or, The Romance of a Beautiful New York Working-Girl, 299

Liberalism, 50

Liberal sociology, 197

Liberation, rhetoric of, 647

The Liberator, 141, 346

Liberty, gothic novels and, 22 -23

"Libraries," publishers' series, 53

Liebowitz, Herbert, Fabricating Lives: Explorations in American Autobiography, 29

Limitations, avant-garde and, 732, 751

Lincoln, Abraham, and Uncle Tom's Cabin, 144

Ling, Amy, 277

Linguistic alienation, Latin American, 613

Linguistic excess, in avant-garde fiction, 732

Linn, James Weber, 396

Lippard, George, 48, 51, 148, 288, 789; New York: Its Upper Ten and Lower Million, 148; The Quaker City; or, The Monks of Monk Hall, 47, 54, 138, 148

Lispector, Clarice, 624 -25, 636 -37, 790; Agua viva, 625, 636-37; Family Ties, 625; "The Fifth Story," 637; The Passion According to G.H., 625

Literacy, 49, 693

Literary canon, 56, 128 -29, 178; and financial success, 70

Literary criticism. See Criticism, literary

Literary culture: antebellum, 51; economy and, 49; regional, 407 -8

Literary fiction, publication of, 683 -84

Literary Guild, 685

Literary historians, and nineteenthcentury women, 111 -15

Literary reviews, West Indies, 592, 593

Literary Western novels, 437 -64

Literature: American, 6 -7; early American views, 12; mass marketing, nineteenth century, 53; mid-twentiethcentury views, 488; postmodern, 516; television and, 480 -84; Vargas Llosa's views, 623

Little magazines, 407, 414

Littlepage trilogy, Cooper, 143

Little Review, 312

Liveright, Horace, 393; and Yezierska, 388

Living gospel, women as, 124

Loaeza, Guadalupe, 632

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Local color, 250 -56; Cable and, 244; economic depression and, 392; Western, 438

Locke, Alain, 28; The New Negro, 421

Locklin, Gerald, The Case of the Missing Blue Volkswagen, 450

Lockwood, John, An Essay on Flogging, 149

Loeb, Harold, 320

London, Jack, 263, 335, 790; The Call of the Wild, 264 -65; The Iron Heel, 236 -37, 341; Martin Eden, 439; People of the Abyss, 236; and primordial violence, 264-65; The SeaWolf, 264, 439; White Fang, 264, 265 -66

Long, Edward, History of Jamaica, 89, 103

Long, Huey P., 415

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, Poems on Slavery, Poe's comments, 96

Lorde, Audre, 670

Los Angeles, novels of, 451, 454

Loss of control, fear of, Hawthorne and, 136

Lost generation novelists, 314 -25

Love, Glen A., 447

Love: between women, Cather and, 279 -80; possession and, 95; romantic, nineteenth-century ideas, 124 25; slavery and, Poe's views, 99 100; in Western fiction, 368 -69

Lovelace, Earl, 592, 600, 602 -3, 653; The Dragon Can't Dance, 603; The Wine of Astonishment, 603

Lovett, Robert Morss, 396

Lower classes: naturalist fiction, 202 -4; observation of, 197 -98; realist fiction, 197-99

— white: social reformers and, 147 49; Stowe and, 146

Loyalty, individualism and, 195

Lugones, Leopoldo, 610 -11

Luhan, Mabel Dodge, 409

Lukacs, Georg, 157 -58

Lurie, Alison, 451, 505, 790- 91

Luska, Sidney. See Harland, Henry

Lyotard, Jean-Francois, 366, 516, 521, 691, 714

Lytle, Andrew, 416

Mabbott, Thomas O., 104

McCarthy, Joseph, 486

McCarthy, Mary, 793; The Group, 505

McClure's magazine, 386

McCorkle, Jill, The Cheer Leader, 481

McCoy, Horace, They Shoot Horses, Don't They? 450

McCullers, Carson, 429 -30, 505, 793; The Ballad of the Sad Cafe, 505; The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, 505; The Member of the Wedding, 429, 505

McCutcheon, George Barr, Graustark, 259

MacDermott, Thomas (Tom Redcam): Becka's Buckra Baby, 590; One Brown Girl and — : A Jamaican Story, 590

McDonald, Ian, The Hummingbird Tree, 595

McGregor, Gaile, The Wacousta Syndrome, 559

McGuane, Thomas, 449 -50, 793- 94; Keep the Change, 450

McHale, Brian, 703

Machine: symbolism of, 466 -67; technology, 465 -66

McKay, Claude, 332, 346, 383, 422, 591 -92, 794; Banana Bottom, 348, 591-92, 600; Banjo, 347 -48, 591; Home to Harlem, 346- 47, 591; The Negroes in America, 346; Trial by Lynching, 346

McLean, Kathryn Anderson. See Forbes, Kathryn

McLennan, Hugh: "Boy Meets Girl in Winnipeg: Who Cares?" 560; The Watch That Ends the Night, 578

McLennan, J. F., Primitive Marriage, 200

McLuhan, Marshall, The Gutenberg Galaxy, 485

McMurtry, Larry: All My Friends Are Going to Be Strangers, 460; Cadillac Jack, 460; The Desert Rose, 460; Horseman, Pass By, 460; The Last Picture Show, 460; Leaving Chey-

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McMurtry, Larry (Continued) enne, 460; Lonesome Dove, 460 61; Moving On, 460; Somebody's Darling, 460; Terms of Endearment, 460

McNally, William, Evils and Abuses in the Naval Merchant Service, 149

McNickle, D'Arcy, 455

McPartland, John, No Down Payment, 507

McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, 280 -82

Madison, Charles, 359

Magazines: communist, 343 -44; late nineteenth century, 158; limitedcirculation, 682; literary, 407; middle-brow, 303

Magdalene Societies, 137

Magic realism, 457, 522 -28; Canadian, 565; Garcia Marquez and, 618

Mahan, A. T., 258

Mailer, Norman, 403, 792; Advertisements for Myself, 493; An American Dream, 493; The Armies of the Night, 493; The Executioner's Song, 449; The Naked and the Dead, 493; "The White Negro," 493; Why Are We in Vietnam? 449

Maillet, Antonine, 791; Pdlagie-LaCharrett, 572

Mail-order book clubs, 359

Mais, Roger, 592, 593, 594, 598; Black Lightning, 599; Brother Man, 599, 600; The Hills Were Joyful Together, 599

Major, Andre, 579

Majors, Charles, When Knighthood Was in Flower, 259

Makhoere, Caeserina Kona, 651

Malamud, Bernard, 498, 674, 792; The Assistant, 403; "Fidelman" stories, 403; The Fixer, 498; The Natural, 492; A New Life, 449; The Tenants, 498

Male novels: antebellum, 51; environment literature, 507- 9

Male writers, 689 -90, 694, 695, 696; Canadian, 580; domestic fiction by, 52; postmodern, 698; and women, 277, 283; working-class, fiction by, 336

— nineteenth century, 46, 56 -59, 114, 117 -18; motivation for writing, 66 -67; quality of work, 128; and women, 69 -70, 113 -15

Manfred, Frederick, 792; The Golden Bowl, 443, 458; The Manly-Hearted Woman, 455; Riders of Judgment, 443

Mangione, Jerre, 398 -401; Mount Allegro, 400–401, 404

Manhood in battle, views of, 249 -50

Manifest Destiny doctrine, 288

Mann, Horace, 148

Mann, Thomas, 750; Buddenbrooks, 314