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Now—in addition to the eight hundred ax-men of the city guard, who had originally been mercenaries, but who Bow were resident civil servants, having acquired wives and families in Kehnooryohs Atheenahs over the years; and his personal guard of two hundred and fifty black-skinned spearmen—Demetrios had but two one-thousand-man squadrons to his name! The White Horse Squadron’s lot was irrevocably cast with that of Demetrios, like it or not. They had treacherously deserted Zenos of Karaleenos at the crucial point of the battle some ten years before, having been bribed to do so by the present High Lord’s father, and now they knew better than to seek employment elsewhere. They had not been paid in years and were, in effect, military slaves, who cursed the day that ever their greed had brought them into the clutches of the foresworn and dissolute House of Treeah-Pohtahmohs.

Though the Whites were trapped, the Grey Horse Squadron was more fortunate. When what was left of their Black Horse compatriots came straggling back to the capital, Demetrios—in the grip of one of the screaming, tooth-gnashing fits, which had possessed him since childhood whenever he was thwarted or disappointed—ordered the common troopers killed and the surviving noncoms thrown into his dungeon to await his pleasure. At that point, Sergeant-Major Djeen Mai, the actual commander of the Greys, once more presented a request for the back pay due for his men’s services for six months, some eighty thousand ounces of silver. When two more weeks went by without even a token payment, the entire squadron packed, armed, mounted, and, after freeing the Black Horse noncoms, rode out of Kehnooryohs Atheenahs unopposed.

Demetrios raged insanely for three days after the desertion of the Greys and the aided escapes of the men he had been looking forward to having slowly tortured to death. Then, swallowing his overweening pride, he dispatched pleas for assistance to the other three Ehleenoee High Lords of the mainland principalities.

If nothing else, the answers he received were prompt. Hamos, High Lord of the Northern Ehleenoee, profusely and abjectly apologized for being unable to send either monies or troops, reminding Demetrios how closely pressed was the northern realm by the warlike Black Kingdom to its south and west. Ulysses, High Lord of the huge and fabulously wealthy land of the Southern Ehleenoee, pled poverty. Zenos of Karaleenos did not deign to reply to his ancient enemy; he merely sent troops to seize and occupy all Demetrios’ south and southwestern border themes—from the mountains to the Great Swamp—and tentatively probed farther north.

Even with the harvest in, the spear-levy was responding very sluggishly to then: summons and, as for the supposedly loyal nobility, many were selfishly husbanding both resources and personal forces to defend their own cities. It was at that juncture that the harried High Lord realized that he had no option. He sent a message of appeal to the one remaining Ehleenoee who might render him aid—the pirate, Pardos, Lord of the Sea Islands.

Portions of the domain of Pardos were said to have existed in the time of the gods, and the presence of certain ruins on the three southern islands tended to substantiate this supposition. However, when first the Ehleenoee set foot on the Sea Islands—lying over one hundred sixty leagues due east of the Principality of Karaleenos—the only indigenous creatures were sea birds, seals, a few wild swine and goats, several varieties of lizards, and some rats and mice. It was obvious to all that the central island and seven of the ten major outer islands had not been long out of the sea, most being still but bare rock, splotched with the lime of the birds; and the archipelago-to-be was still rising, each year the winter tides’ point of furthest advance was a little lower on the beaches and the central, twenty by thirty-two mile lagoon now averaged nearly three feet shallower than it had in the time of Pardos’ great-grandfather.

Demetrios’ messenger had returned from the Sea Islands to say that Lord Pardos was willing to discuss the rendering of aid to Kehnooryohs Ehlahs; but that, since it was Demetrios’ plea Pardos thought it meet that the High Lord come to him. Demetrios raged! He screamed, swore, foamed, slew three slave-boys, and seriously injured a member of his court; he had the messenger sought out, savagely and purposelessly tortured and then crucified with an iron pot of starving mice bound to his abdomen. Shoutingly, he laid curses on all of Pardos’ ancestors and the man himself, gradually broadening his sphere to include the whole of the world and every living thing in it. Toward the end, he commenced to tear at himself with teeth and nails, roll on the floor, pulling out handfuls of beard and hair, beating fists and head upon floors and walls.

At the same time High Lord Demetrios was raging, a meeting was taking place in the haunted ruins of another of the god-cities, Lintchburk.

Four men were seated in a small stone chamber. Outside, it appeared but a tiny hillock with grass and trees. Within, it was presently lit by odiferous, smoky fat-lamps and their wavering luminesence flung huge, distorted shadows upon the ancient walls. Imperfect as was the light, nonetheless, it was enough to have driven out the small, scuttling creatures of darkness who were this chamber’s usual inhabitants, and who now crouched in crevices, voicing bitter complaints at this unwonted invasion of their territory.

Three of the chamber’s occupants were barbarian mercenaries: Sergeant-Major Djeen Mai, captain of what had formerly been the High Lord’s Grey Horse Squadron; his second-in-command, Normun Hwebstah; and a man that Milo and the other survivors of the hill fight would have recognized as he who had retrieved the standard of the Black Horse Squadron, former Sergeant-Major Sam Tchahrtuhz. Though they bore a racial similarity to the nomads, these men were bigger and heavier, and Hwebstah’s dark beard and hair proclaimed more than a tinge of Ehleenoee heritage.

Though the fourth man’s hair and beard were snow white, his features and his black eyes proclaimed him pure Ehleenoee stock. Aside from these and his dress, however, he bore as little resemblance to the mincing effetes of Demetrios’ court as would a boar-hound to a lap dog. His arms had not been depilated in all his life and they and every other visible portion of his body were crisscrossed with old scars. His gaze was piercing, his bearing dignified, and his voice firm.

“I am that touched, gentlemen. So you—all of you—knew precisely where to find me all these years, and you breathed no word of it. When last I’d word, Demetrios had placed a bounty of one hundred thousand ounces of silver on my head. Didn’t that even tempt you?”

Sam spoke for them. “We swore sword-oaths and blood-oaths and god-oaths to you, Lord Alexandras. Though I have lived and fought more than twenty years among the Ehleenoee, I have picked up precious few of their habits and customs. I have not the ability to swear falsely, to violate a trust, nor has Djeen or Normun. We are but crude, uncultured barbarians and, in our ignorance, were unable to acquire such sophisticated traits.”

The old Ehleen hung his head. “Would that I could throw the lie at you, my dear friend. But all you say is true. The old values are dead and their memory is mocked, as memories of childish stupidities, among my race. Our ancestors would never recognize us, what we have become.

“Four hundred years ago, when my race came to these shores, the Hellenoi were a strong, fierce, hard, resolute people. Though all of a definite type, we did not then consider ourselves a race, being, as we were, Greek and Turk and Albanian and Italian and Sicilian and French and Moor and Spaniard. We landed in successive waves and, though our numbers were small, our courage and perseverance enabled us either to slay your ancestors or drive them into the swamps and mountains, even though their far greater numbers were augmented by the fact that they had horses and we did not. Despite repeated and savage counter-attacks by your ancestors—whose reckless courage very nearly equaled our own—despite earthquake and tidal wave and famine and plague, we retained our hard-won lands, because we were one and one in our purpose.