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Niko Daun ran back, bent halfway over and flushing with excitement. “Okay, sir!” he said quickly. “Okay, whenever you want it.”

Coke keyed his helmet to channel one. “Go,” he said. “Out.”

“Roger,” said Johann Vierziger’s voice, a whisper like tendons rustling on dry bones. “Out.”

Coke checked all his weapons. “Niko,” he said, “why don’t you wait here. I’m going to wait by the door in case they open it when they hear the trucks.”

“No sir,” said the sensor tech. “I’m part of this team.” He closed the case holding his equipment and unslung his sub-machine gun.

“Glad to have you along,” Coke said with a quirked smile. He started around to the front of the warehouse, walking just inside the inner fenceline.

It wasn’t really true. Daun’s combat skills were coming along, but firefights wouldn’t ever be the boy’s strong suit. On the other hand, he was probably better than most of the guards they’d be facing in a moment. And anyway, Coke wasn’t about to tell the kid who’d performed splendidly that he’d be a fifth wheel in what came next.

Coke expected the first of the vehicles coming up the road to be a flatbed truck configured as a ram with a sloped steel bow and extra weight in back to add momentum. Instead he heard the hum of a jitney, one of those Sten Moden’s mechanic friend had supplied to the Frisians.

Coke frowned, but then he thought about it for a moment. Vierziger had kept the Astras on their leash. If the gunman wanted to arrive before the locals now, there was no real reason he shouldn’t.

Instead of coming to the first of the two gates on the approach road, the jitney bounced off the pavement and whined to the hole Coke had cut in the outer fence. Though the Astra convoy was running without lights, the twenty big flatbeds were audible by now.

Vierziger left the jitney at the gap in the fence. He jogged the rest of the way to Coke and Daun. He wore two bandoliers and a garrison belt hung with various munitions, but none of the equipment jingled or clattered as he moved.

“We were going to let the Astras take it from here,” Coke commented mildly.

“No, Matthew,” Vierziger said. “We were going to do it right.”

“We still have to wait for the ram,” Coke said.

“I can open the warehouse doors if you’d like, sir,” Niko Daun said. “So long as the power’s still on, like it is now.”

Coke blinked. “You can?” he said.

Johann Vierziger smiled at him. The harsh illumination from the roof floodlights made the little man look like a gnome, an incredibly vicious gnome.

“Sure,” Daun said.

He reslung his sub-machine gun and fumbled in the small tool pouch on his belt as he walked to the latch plate beside the sliding doors. The kit Daun had left back at the fence contained the special equipment he needed for the outer defenses, but he wore what he considered basic tools whenever he had his trousers on.

“I hope he remembered to put the curst gun on safe,” Coke grumbled.

“He did, Matthew,” Johann Vierziger said. He faced the door, but his eyes were far away. He flexed his empty hands twice, then readied his sub-machine gun. “He’s a very careful lad. A credit to you as his commander.”

“I’m ready,” the tech said. He’d pressed a flat disk held by a magnet or suction cup to the latch plate. A coil of thin flex ran from the disk to the squeezer in Daun’s hand.

“Just before the truck rams the first gate,” Vierziger said softly. “Then cut the power when the door’s half a meter open.”

Vierziger hadn’t said anything during the planning session when Coke proposed a battering ram to enter the warehouse after they’d shut off the building’s power supply. If the sergeant had made this suggestion, Coke would have vetoed it as needlessly dangerous to members of the survey team. Now, with adrenaline surging through his blood, Coke couldn’t imagine another way to have done it.

But Vierziger had known that all along.

The trucks were in sight, snorting and rumbling up the approach road. The ram plate on the lead vehicle was a V-shaped blade intended for a ground-clearing bulldozer.

“Don’t the guards hear them coming?” Niko asked in a combination of wonder and nervousness. He had nothing to do but wait until Coke gave him the order.

“They’re not guards,” Coke murmured. He switched his visor to thermal imaging, then through light amplification and straight visual mode back to thermal again. Just to be sure. “They’re employees who don’t really believe there’s need to guard anything. Drunken, stoned employees.”

“Are we really going to put all this gage in the Astras’ hands, Matthew?” Vierziger whispered.

The bastard had known all along!

“No,” said Matthew Coke. “We’re going to burn it here.”

Daun squeezed, then dropped his clacker and grabbed the separate control clipped to his breast pocket. The double doors rumbled back. The lead truck slammed into the gate with sparks and a tortured squeal—

The lights on the warehouse roof dimmed and vanished, the doors froze the width of a man’s shoulders apart—

And cyan hell broke loose as Johann dived into the building behind his blazing weapon.

Expanding echoes of Vierziger’s bolts glowed in Coke’s thermal optics. A man writhed on the floor, his face gone. Coke leaped the body, firing twice between his legs while he was in the air.

The warehouse offices were in three partitioned cubicles to the left of the doors. The remainder of the building’s volume was a single room, ten meters high and stacked with drums of gage on pallets.

The car of the overhead rail and hoist system jogged forward on the inertia of the laden pallet slung beneath it. Because the building’s power was off, circuitry hadn’t shorted when Vierziger hit the control cage with a long burst. The operator lay slumped in his saddle, his clothing afire.

There was motion from the middle cubicle. A man stepped out. He lurched backward, shot simultaneously by Coke and Vierziger.

Coke dropped his sub-machine gun and aimed the 2-cm shoulder weapon instead. Vierziger ran down the center aisle. He would take any L’Escorials at the back of the building before they realized what was happening in front.

Coke fired twice through the open doorway of the center office, then twice into the door to its left. The bolts of sun-hot copper ions ignited the desk and furnishings of the first, and blew the extruded plastic door of the second into the cubicle’s interior.

Coke loaded a fresh magazine. He was shifting his aim to the third office when a figure ran out of the burning center cubicle. He swung the heavy muzzle back as his finger took up slack on the powergun’s trigger.

A woman, stark naked and screaming. She held a bandeau top in her left hand. No threat, no danger.

Coke aimed past her at the remaining office. He stroked his trigger twice to flush out anyone hiding there.

Niko Daun stepped alongside his commander. He fired at least half his sub-machine gun’s magazine into the screaming woman. Gobbets of flesh and bone spewed away like wood chipped by the teeth of a router. She spun back into the flames of the office from which she’d fled.

“I got him!” Niko shouted. “I got him!”

The lead truck hit the opening hard enough to jounce the double doors nearly open. The driver managed not to stall his motor. He backed a few meters and accelerated again, cutting his wheels to slide the left door back against its stops.

Nobody else came out of the offices. A body lay in the corner away from the cubicles. As Vierziger entered the building, he’d dropped the fellow. Coke hadn’t noticed him before.

Sprinklers opened above the burning offices. They were fed by standpipes in the roof, even though the pumped water system went off when the power did. Coke surveyed the ceiling, then put a bolt into the end of each standpipe where it joined the front wall of the warehouse. He fired until he’d emptied the 2-cm weapon’s magazine, then reloaded again. Water gushed down the inner wall and splashed across the concrete floor. There it could do nothing to affect the flames.