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The dozer was armed with hypervelocity rockets which didn’t have explosive warheads. The rocket fuel deflagrated with what was only technically a fire rather than an explosion.

A ball of yellow light enveloped the front of Astra headquarters and the vehicles in the garage beneath the building. More fuel and munitions went off in a second blast a heartbeat after the first. The building’s protective facade lifted as a piece, then settled again in slabs and pieces that crumbled away.

A L’Escorial armored car raked the courtyard wall with fléchette rockets. Almost all the hundreds of osmium penetrators punched through the cast concrete, each drilling a finger-sized hole on entry and blowing a divot the size of a soup plate from the inner face as the projectile keyholed out. Backblast from the powerful rockets incinerated dozens of L’Escorials who had sheltered behind the launcher.

Wreathed in smoke from its rocket exhausts, the vehicle that fired the salvo drove into the weakened portion of concrete. Metal shrieked, but a ten-meter stretch of wall collapsed inward.

A cloud of white dust enveloped Astra headquarters. Scores of L’Escorial guns fired with no target beyond the silent building itself. Another armored car rumbled through the gap. Its sole functioning tribarrel ripped a rich cyan line across and through the building’s inner fabric. There was no return fire, but ricocheting projectiles spun several of the red-clad gunmen.

“About now, I’d say,” Mary Margulies prompted. She gripped the large hasp to open the unlocked front door.

“Not yet!” Coke ordered. His mind tried to fill the immediate future, encompassing every possible event and side effect. The task was beyond his conscious intellect, but instinct told him that the moment was not—

A white flag—a scrap of sheet—waved from a hole on the ground floor of Astra headquarters. Bob Barbour gestured minusculely to the keyboard of the console at which he sat.

The holographic screen split. The lower half showed the interior of the building. Audio was from one of the laminar bugs Daun set during the initial visit to Astra HQ. Visuals came through miniature cameras at roof level across the street, processed to an illusory slickness by the console’s artificial intelligence.

“Luria!” the Widow Guzman shouted through a bullhorn, toward a hole torn into the wall by powergun bolts. “We surrender! We’re coming out!”

Three Astra gunmen and Adolpho Peres crouched with the Widow in what had been her private office. In the outer area, another gunman stood behind the thickest remaining portion of the building’s facade, waving the white flag. There were dozens of bodies around him, most of them mangled beyond recognition of their species.

The fireflies, their magazines reloaded, curved toward the riddled building like swarming hornets.

“Bob, you’re control,” said Matthew Coke as he stepped to the door of Hathaway House. “The rest of us—now!”

Margulies put her weight against the inertia of the door, then stepped out behind her commander.

The Lurias had left a six-man guard at the gate to their headquarters. By this stage in the fighting the gunmen stood in the middle of the street to watch the battle in the near distance.

Coke didn’t make the mistake of using his sub-machine gun as an area weapon when he had individual targets. Three-round bursts spun two of the L’Escorials an instant before Margulies blew a third nearly in half with her 2-cm weapon. The last three syndicate gunmen went down in a ripple of cyan as all four Frisians fired simultaneously.

The brief fusillade didn’t arouse the attention of the fighters half a kilometer away, locked in the death throes of the Astra syndicate. Coke and his team sprinted across the street and through the open door into L’Escorial headquarters.

The smoldering body of Angel Tijuca lay faceup in the center of the entryway. He’d been shot in the chest, twenty or thirty times at close range. The 1-cm powergun bolts had burned most of his torso away. He still held the pistol he’d managed to draw in the last instants of his life.

“Fireflies,” Margulies said softly. “He wouldn’t have liked it when Pepe brought Johann in.”

“I’m sorry, Mary,” Coke said.

She looked at him. Her face was freckled by the overlay in one quadrant of her visor, echoing the image from Barbour’s console. “Don’t be,” she said. “We all die. He didn’t—die a bad way after all.”

Coke nodded. “Sten,” he said, “Niko—check the barracks upstairs and rejoin when it’s clear. Mary, Johann ought to be—”

Margulies had already swung herself into position beside the heavy door to the right of the anteroom. It was ajar, though it had a lock.

“Go,” said Coke. He had the automatic weapon, so he would be first through.

Margulies pulled the door open. The room beyond was the armory. Weapons lockers lined the walls, most of them emptied or nearly so for the sudden attack. The cases of Frisian equipment that Ramon’s men had taken from Hathaway House lay on the floor among the remains of the L’Escorial hardware.

A restraint cage stood against the far wall. Johann Vierziger was in it. The probes touched his nude body at a dozen points including his genitals, sending fluctuating currents through his nerve pathways.

A fat man, naked to the waist, sat on an ammunition case beside the prisoner. He was mopping sweat from his face with the red bandanna tied around his throat. He jumped halfway to his feet between the time the door opened and the moment Coke’s long burst disemboweled him.

Margulies fired into the control box at the top of the cage. The electronics disintegrated under the jolt of plasma. Droplets of metal and silicon shards sprayed a wide area. Some splashed on Vierziger as the cage released him to topple forward, but the prickles were nothing to the pain from which he’d been freed.

Coke started toward Vierziger. A young L’Escorial, scarcely a boy, stepped into the room behind the Frisians. He was buttoning his trousers. “Wha—” he cried as Margulies turned, bringing her heavy weapon to bear less than arm’s length from the gunman’s breastbone.

He didn’t have a gun. That wouldn’t matter, but as her finger took up slack on the trigger she recognized—

“Emilio!” she said. “Your name’s Emilio and you come from Silva Blanca.”

The muzzle of the 2-cm weapon shimmered yellow. The iridium was cooling slowly from the five rounds she’d put through it in the street a moment ago. Coke glanced back at the lieutenant, but his real attention was on Vierziger. Margulies’ situation was under control, though he wasn’t sure what she meant to do.

The young L’Escorial swallowed. He leaned back, afraid to move his feet and unable to take his eyes from the 2-cm mouth that would swallow his life with another millimeter of trigger travel. “How did you know?” he whispered. “How did you know me?”

An automatic carbine leaned against the wall by the doorway, probably Emilio’s weapon. Margulies doubted the boy would have been able to grip it if she picked it up and put it in his hands.

“Go home to your parents, Emilio,” Margulies said. The boy wore a red armband. She ripped it off while her right hand continued to steady her weapon on the youth’s chest. “Farming’s better than dying. You’ve got no talent for this business.”

“You’ll shoot me if I turn,” Emilio whimpered. Tears dribbled down his cheeks. “Oh, Mama, Mama …”

Margulies thrust the 2-cm weapon toward Emilio’s face. The heat of the muzzle made him flinch away. He turned and ran into the night, still crying.

Moden and Daun strode into the armory. “All clear,” Niko called. He was bright, spiky with hormones and eagerness.

The logistics officer lifted the triple rocket launcher and checked it with a critical eye. “Who was that?” he asked Margulies in a low voice.