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Kolbe had raised the seat so that he could sit with his head out of the vehicle. Huber dropped it because he wanted the compartment’s full-sized displays instead of the miniature versions his faceshield would provide. The slugs whipping around the hold would’ve been a consideration if he’d had time to think about it, but right now he had more important things on his mind than whether he was going to be alive in the next millisecond.

“All Fox elements!” he shouted, his helmet still cued to the unit push. Half a dozen troopers were talking at the same time; Huber didn’t know if anybody would hear the order, but they were mostly veterans and ought to react the right way without a lieutenant telling them what that was. “Bring your cars on line and engage the enemy!”

Arne Huber was F-3’s platoon leader, not a driver, but right now the most critical task the platoon faced was getting the damaged, crewless, combat car out of the way of the two vehicles behind it. With Fencing Master blocking the hatch, the attackers would wipe out the platoon like so many bugs in a killing bottle. Huber was the closest trooper to the job, so he was doing it.

The fusion bottle that powered the vehicle was on line. Eight powerful fans in nacelles under Fencing Master’s hull sucked in outside air and filled the steel-skirted plenum chamber at pressure sufficient to lift the car’s thirty tonnes. Kolbe had switched the fans on but left them spinning at idle, their blades set at zero incidence, while the spacers freed the turnbuckle.

Huber palmed the combined throttles forward while his thumb adjusted blade incidence in concert. As the fusion bottle fed more power to the nacelles, the blades tilted on their axes so that they drove the air rather than merely cutting it. Fan speed remained roughly constant, but Fencing Master shifted greasily as her skirts began to lift from the freighter’s deck.

A second buzzbomb hit the bow.

For an instant, Huber’s mind went as blank as the white glare of the blast. The shock curtains in the driver’s compartment expanded, and his helmet did as much as physics allowed to save his head. Despite that, his brain sloshed in his skull.

He came around as the shock curtains shrank back to their ready state. He didn’t know who or where he was. The display screen before him was a gray, roiling mass. He switched the control to thermal imaging by trained reflex and saw armed figures rising from the ground to rush the open hatch.

I’m Arne Huber. We’re being attacked.

His right hand was on the throttles; the fans were howling. He twisted the grip, angling the nacelles back so that their thrust pushed the combat car instead of just lifting it. Fencing Master’s bow skirt screeched on the deck, braking the vehicle’s forward motion beyond the ability of the fans to drive it.

The second warhead had opened the plenum chamber like a ration packet. The fan-driven air rushed out through the hole instead of raising the vehicle as it was meant to do.

The attackers had thrown themselves flat so that the missile wouldn’t scythe them down also. Three of them reached the base of the ramp, then paused and opened fire. Dazzling streaks crisscrossed the hold, and the whang of slugs hitting the Fencing Master’s iridium armor was loud even over the roar of the fans.

Huber decoupled the front four nacelles and tilted them vertical again. He shoved the throttle through the gate, feeding full emergency power to the fans. The windings would burn out in a few minutes under this overload, but right now Huber wouldn’t bet he or anybody in his platoon would be alive then to know.

Fencing Master’s ruined bow lifted on thrust alone. Not high, not even a finger’s breadth, but enough to free the skirt from the decking and allow the rear nacelles to shove her forward. Staggering like a drunken ox, the car lurched from the hold and onto the ramp. Her bow dragged again, but this time the fans had gravity to aid them. She accelerated toward the field, scraping up a fountain of red sparks from either side of her hull.

The attackers tried to jump out of the way. Huber didn’t know and didn’t much care what happened to them when they disappeared below the level of the sensor pickups feeding Fencing Master’s main screen. A few gunmen more or less didn’t matter; Huber’s problem was to get this car clear of the ramp so that Flame Farter and Floosie, still aboard the freighter, could deploy and deal with the enemy.

Fencing Master reached the bottom of the ramp and drove a trench through the gravel before shuddering to a halt. The shock curtains swathed Huber again; he’d have disengaged the system if he’d had time for nonessentials after the machine’s well-meant swaddling clothes freed him. Skewing the stern nacelles slightly to port, he pivoted Fencing Master around her bow and rocked free of the rut.

The air above him sizzled with ozone and cyan light: two of the tribarrels in the car’s fighting compartment had opened up on the enemy. Somebody’d managed to board while Huber was putting the vehicle in motion. Fencing Master was a combat unit again.

There must’ve been about forty of the attackers all told, ten to each of the shipping containers. Half were now bunched near Foghorn or between that car and the starship’s ramp. Huber switched Fencing Master’s Automatic Defense System live, then used the manual override to trigger three segments.

The ADS was a groove around the car’s hull, just above the skirts. It was packed with plastic explosive and faced with barrel-shaped osmium pellets. When the system was engaged, sensors triggered segments of the explosive to send blasts of pellets out to meet and disrupt an incoming missile.

Fired manually, each segment acted as a huge shotgun. The clanging explosions chopped into cat food everyone who stood within ten meters of Fencing Master. Huber got a whiff of sweetly poisonous explosive residues as his nose filters closed again. The screaming fans sucked away the smoke before he could switch back to thermal imaging.

An attacker aboard Foghorn had seen the danger in time to duck into the fighting compartment; the pellets scarred the car’s armor but didn’t penetrate it. The attacker rose, pointing his slugthrower down at the hatch Huber hadn’t had time to close. A tribarrel from Fencing Master decapitated the hostile.

A powergun converted a few precisely aligned copper atoms into energy which it directed down the weapon’s mirror-polished iridium bore. Each light-swift bolt continued in a straight line to its target, however distant, and released its energy as heat in a cyan flash. A 2-cm round like those the tribarrels fired could turn a man’s torso into steam and fire; the 20-cm bolt from a tank’s main gun could split a mountain.

One of the shipping containers was still jammed halfway open. Soldiers were climbing out like worms squirming up the sides of a bait can. Two raised their weapons when they saw a tribarrel slewing in their direction. Ravening light slashed across them, flinging their maimed bodies into the air. The steel container flashed into white fireballs every time a bolt hit it.

Huber’s ears were numb. It looked like the fighting was over, but he was afraid to shut down Fencing Master’s fans just in case he was wrong; it was easier to keep the car up than it’d be to raise her again from a dead halt. He did back off the throttles slightly to bring the fans down out of the red zone, though. The bow skirt tapped and rose repeatedly, like a chicken drinking.

Flame Farter pulled into the freighter’s hatchway and dipped to slide down the ramp under full control. Platoon Sergeant Jellicoe was behind the central tribarrel. She’d commandeered the leading car when the shooting started rather than wait for her own Floosie to follow out of the hold.

Jellicoe fired at something out of sight beyond the shipping containers. Huber touched the menu, importing the view from Jellicoe’s gunsight and expanding it to a quarter of his screen.