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1921 October 15: Note in diary that K. had given all his diaries to Milena.

[Kafka's son by Crete Bloch dies in Munich.]

Until September: Tatra Mountains sanatorium; then Prague; Milena.

1921-24 Stories written, collected in A Hunger Artist.

1922 January to September: The Castle written.

February: Prague.

Spring: "A Hunger Artist" written.

May: Last meeting with Milena.

End of June to September: In Planá on the Luschnitz with sister Ottla. Prague.

Summer: "Investigations of a Dog" written.

1923 Prague.

July: In Müritz (with sister Elli); in a vacation camp of the Berlin Jewish People's Home, meets Dora Dymant [Diamant].

Prague, Schelesen (Ottla).

End of September: With Dora Dymant in Berlin-Steglitz; later moves, with Dora, to Grunewaldstrasse.

Attends lectures at the Berlin Academy (Hochschule) for Jewish Studies.

Winter: "The Burrow" written.

K. and Dora move to Berlin-Zehlendorf.

A Hunger Artist sent to publisher.

1924 Spring: "Josephine the Singer, or the Mouse Folk" written.

Brought as a patient from Berlin to Prague.

April 10: To Wiener Wald Sanatorium, Professor Hajek's clinic in Vienna; then sanatorium in Kierling, near Vienna (with Dora Dymant and Robert Klopstock).

June 3: Death in Kierling; burial June 11, in the Jewish cemetery in Prague-Straschnitz.

Publication of A Hunger Artist.

1942 Death of K.'s sister Ottla in Auschwitz. The other two sisters also perished in German concentration camps.

1944 Death of Crete Bloch at the hands of a Nazi soldier.

Death of Milena in a German concentration camp.

1952 August: Death of Dora Dymant in London.

1960 Death of Felice Bauer.


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Fischel, V. "Or hadash al Kafka," Molad, 1954. In Hebrew.

Flores, Angel, ed. The Kafka Problem. New York, 1963.

Fowles, John. "My Recollections of Kafka," Mosaic (Manitoba), III, No. 4 (1970).

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Friedman, Maurice. Problematic Rebel, rev. ed. Chicago, 1970, passim.

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Fürst, Norbert. Die offenen Geheimtüren Franz Kafkas. Heidelberg, 1956.

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——-, ed. 'Kafka: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1962.

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