Thus it is that, as a result of Prime Ministers Question Time, a tornado may suddenly appear in what has been a cloudless blue sky Ed.]
Prime Ministers Question Time from Hansard
Oral Answers, 15 November, pp. 727-728
Friend the Secretary of State for Education and Science about the nature of the curriculum.
Q1. Mr. Tyler asked the Prime Minister if he will list his official engagements for Thursday 15 November.
The Prime Minister (Mr. James Hacker): This morning I had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others. In addition to my duties in this House, I shall be having further meetings today.
Mr. Tyler: Is the Prime Minister aware of the disgraceful shortage of prison officers caused by the Home Offices present policy?
The Prime Minister: I refer the hon. Gentleman to the speech I made in this House on 26 April last.
Q2. Sir Fred Broadhurst asked the Prime Minister if he will list his official engagements for Thursday 15 November.
The Prime Minister: I refer the hon. Gentleman to the reply that I gave some moments ago.
Sir Fred Broadhurst: Will the Prime Minister assure me that the Department of Employment does not periodically re-structure the base from which unemployment statistics are derived, without drawing public attention to the fact?
The Prime Minister: I am happy to assure the hon. Gentleman that I have found no significant evidence of it.
Q3. Mrs. Huxley asked the Prime Minister if he will list his official engagements for Thursday 15 November.
The Prime Minister: I refer the hon. Lady to the reply that I gave some moments ago.
Mrs. Huxley: Will the Prime Minister confirm that the Cabinet is unable to agree on the Department of Energys plans for the disposal of nuclear waste?
The Prime Minister: That is not so. My Cabinet took a unanimous decision. [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.]
Q4. Mr. Allgrove asked the Prime Minister if he will list his official engagements for Thursday 15 November.
The Prime Minister: I refer the hon. Gentleman to the reply that I gave some moments ago.
Mr. Allgrove: Will the Prime Minister find the time today to consider why, despite all the money spent on the new anti-missile missile, it was scrapped as obsolete the day before the first one came off the production line?
The Prime Minister: Our policy has not been as effective as wed hoped -- [Interruption.] -- as wed hoped, and clearly we got it wrong. [Laughter.]
The Leader of the Opposition (Mr. George Hedley): So when will the Prime Minister request the resignation of the Minister responsible?
The Prime Minister: The right hon. Gentleman well knows that I will ask for my right hon. Friends resignation when he makes a mistake that could have been seen at the time, not with the benefit of hindsight.
Many Hon. Members rose and cheered --
Mr. Speaker: Order.
Mr. Chapman: On a point of order, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker: I will take points of order in their usual place.
Q5. Mr. Gill asked the Prime Minister if he will list his official engagements for Thursday 15 November.
The Prime Minister: I refer my hon. Friend to the reply that I gave some moments ago.
Mr. Gilclass="underline" Will my right hon. Friend assure the House that the Government is not and has not been tapping hon. Members telephones?
The Prime Minister: Much as I respect and value the opinion of this House, I must confess to having no desire to listen to the words of hon. Members for any longer than I actually have to. [Laughter.]
The Leader of the Opposition: Is the Prime Minister really saying that the hon. Member for Aintree (Mr. Halifax) has not had his phone -- [Interruption.] -- has not had his
SIR BERNARD WOOLLEY RECALLS [in conversation with the Editors]:
Jim Hacker had been asked whether he had been tapping MPs telephones. He had given this excellent answer: Much as I respect and value the opinion of this House, I must confess to having no desire to listen to the words of honourable members for any longer than I actually have to, and he got a big laugh. [The MPs who laughed would have been largely from his own party, those hoping to be promoted or those afraid of being sacked. This amounts to virtually all of them Ed.]
But on our return to Number Ten later that afternoon Sir Humphrey buttonholed me in the narrow twisting corridor that led to the Cabinet Office. He asked me how our great statesman was that afternoon.
Very cheerful, I replied. He did very well at Question Time this afternoon.
Indeed? In whose opinion?
His, I said. In fact I was joking. Everyone had been really impressed with his answer on tapping MPs phones.
Everyone except Humphrey. Indeed, he seemed so very concerned that I began to fear that there was more to this than met the eye. He ticked me off for not warning him of the question -- as Cabinet Secretary, Humphrey co-ordinated all government security. I explained that it was an unforeseen supplementary, but he remarked disagreeably that it was a foreseeable unforeseen supplementary.
It was more than clear from Sir Humphreys demeanour and agitation that, although the Prime Minister denied that he ever authorised bugging an MPs phone, this answer was not the truth!
The idea of British Prime Minister deliberately lying to the House of Commons was deeply shocking to me. It was hard to believe. But Humphrey held a fat file under his arm, and informed me that it contained a mass of incriminating information -- including the transcripts.
Humphrey asked to see Hacker immediately. I wondered if we might not leave it a little longer, as the Prime Minister was basking in his success and didnt get many moments of unalloyed pleasure. But Humphrey took the view that Hacker got more pleasures than he deserved, and adamantly insisted on an immediate meeting.
[Hackers diary continues Ed.]
November 15th
I gave some brilliant answers in Question Time today. I was on absolutely top form. So I wasnt a bit surprised when Humphrey unexpectedly appeared in the Cabinet Room later that afternoon.
Prime Minister, I want to talk to you about Prime Ministers Question Time this afternoon.
Thank you, I said, with suitable and becoming modesty. I accept your congratulations. Wasnt I brilliant, Bernard?
Bernard replied without hesitation. I believe, Prime Minister, that your replies this afternoon will not be quickly forgotten.
Humphrey tried to speak but I wouldnt let him. From his manner I might have detected storm clouds on the horizon, but I didnt. Foolishly I insisted on recounting my triumphs. Let me tell you what happened, Humphrey, I crowed. The first question was about the Home Office cock-up over the shortage of prison officers. My reply was masterly. I refer the Honourable Member to the speech I made in this House on April the 26th.