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“Yes, yes, that’s right,” Lady Keisho-in said.

The priest had himself under control now, yet Sano could see fear behind his level gaze. “There is nothing in that letter to prove it was written to Harume,” Ryuko said. “You’ve made a mistake, sōsakan-sama.”

“There’s nothing to prove it was written to you, either,” Sano countered. “And I found it hidden in the sleeve of Harume’s kimono. How do you explain that?”

“She-she must have stolen it from my chambers,” Keisho-in blurted. She was less adept at concealing emotion than Ryuko, her panic obvious in her audible, rapid breaths. “Yes, that must be what happened.”

“Why would she do that?” Sano said, unconvinced. The couple stared at him in speechless confusion. The distinctive odor of fear- sweat laced with honey-permeated the room. Sano knew it came from himself and Hirata as well as Keisho-in and Ryuko. He delivered the final, damning piece of evidence. “We have a witness who overheard you conspiring to murder Harume and her unborn child so that His Excellency would remain shogun for the rest of his life and you would retain your influence over him.”

“That’s a lie!” Keisho-in exclaimed. “I could never do such a horrible thing, and neither could my dearest!”

“What witness?” demanded Ryuko. Then comprehension cleared the bewilderment from his face. Anger tightened his jaw. “It was Ichiteru, that scheming whore who seeks to replace my lady as the mother of Japan ’s dictator. She probably lied about us because she killed Harume herself.” Glaring at Sano, he said, “And you want to frame us for murder so that you can control the shogun. You forged the so-called diary, planted the letter, and paid Harume’s father to cast suspicion upon my lady.”

Despair stole over Sano. This, then, would be Keisho-in and Ryuko’s defense against his accusations. No doubt it would sound eminently reasonable to the undiscerning Tokugawa Tsunayoshi. “Granted, Harume had access to your quarters,” Sano said, “but you also had access to hers. Did you poison the ink, Lady Keisho-in?”

“No. No!” The words came out in a squeaky whisper; Keisho-in’s face blanched, and she clutched her chest.

“My lady, what’s wrong?” Ryuko said.

“Where were you today between the hour of the snake and noon?” Sano asked him.

“In my quarters, meditating.”

“Were you alone?”

Keisho-in emitted pained cries. The priest replied impatiently, “Yes, I was. What are you getting at now?”

“The peddler who supplied the poison that killed Harume was murdered today,” Sano said.

“And you have the audacity to suggest I did it?” Ryuko’s fury didn’t hide his panic. Great patches of sweat darkened his gown; his hands shook as he eased the moaning, writhing Keisho-in down onto the cushions.

“Is there anyone who can prove you weren’t at Daikon Quay this morning?”

“This is absurd. I don’t know any drug peddler.” Ryuko stroked his patroness’s forehead. “My lady, what is it?”

“An attack,” Lady Keisho-in shrilled. “Help-I’m having an attack!”

“Guards!” Priest Ryuko shouted to the men stationed outside the door. “Fetch Dr. Kitano.” Then he turned on Sano, his face livid with rage and terror. “If she dies, it will be your fault!”

Sano didn’t believe the old woman was really ill, and he wasn’t going to let her fakery prevent him from observing that Ryuko had no alibi for Choyei’s murder. The combined strength of motive and evidence forced Sano to step over a line he’d hoped never to cross. A feeling of doom resounded through him. “I’ve no choice but to charge you both with the murder of Harume and her unborn child,” he said, “and conspiracy to commit treason against the Tokugawa state.”

Then the shogun must decide what was truth or lies. Exchanging resigned glances, Sano and Hirata rose to leave.

“You’re the criminals!” Priest Ryuko shouted at them, while Lady Keisho-in heaved and sobbed upon the cushions. “You conspired against my lady to advance your own positions, and now you’ve endangered her health. But you’re not going to get away with it. When His Excellency hears about this, we shall see who retains his favor-and who dies traitors!”

The door opened, and Ryuko exclaimed gratefully, “At last, the doctor!”

However, it was one of Sano’s detectives, escorted by palace guards. He held out a folded paper. “Sorry to interrupt, sōsakan-sama, but I have an urgent message from your wife. She insists that you read it before you leave here.”

Surprised, Sano accepted the letter, wondering what Reiko had to say that couldn’t wait until he got home. While Ryuko frantically ministered to Lady Keisho-in, Sano read:

Honorable Husband,

Though you have ordered me to stay out of the murder investigation, I have disobeyed again. But please withhold your anger and heed my words.

I’ve learned from a trustworthy witness that the actor Shichisaburō sneaked into the Large Interior, disguised as a woman, on the day after Lady Harume’s death. He took something out of Lady Keisho-in’s chambers and put it in Harume’s room. I believe it was a letter implicating Lady Keisho-in in the murder. I also believe that Shichisaburō stole the letter on Chamberlain Yanagisawa’s orders and planted it at the murder scene for you to find. The chamberlain must be trying to frame Lady Keisho-in for murder and force you to accuse her.

For your sake and mine, I beg you not to fall into his trap!


Shock numbed Sano. Horror followed as he wordlessly passed Hirata the letter to read. Despite his earlier misgivings about Reiko’s detective abilities, he couldn’t refute her theory. He realized that Lady Keisho-in was even more of a rival to Chamberlain Yanagisawa than himself. And the ploy sounded just like Yanagisawa. It explained why he’d acted so pleasant lately: he anticipated being rid of Sano very soon, along with Lady Keisho-in, the other obstacle to his quest for power. His spies must have discovered the letter’s existence during a routine search of the Large Interior. He’d offered to help Sano and opposed Keisho-in’s move to obstruct the investigation because he wanted to be sure the letter was exposed. The news of Harume’s pregnancy had thrilled him because it elevated a simple murder to high treason-a crime whose consequences would destroy his rivals.

Now Sano realized that the hidden diary passage and Harume’s message to her father must refer to someone else besides Keisho-in. Lady Ichiteru must have lied. The whole case against Keisho-in and Ryuko fell apart without the letter. Sano beheld them through fresh eyes. He saw in Keisho-in’s suffering the genuine anguish of a woman falsely accused, and in Ryuko the desperation of an innocent man defending his life. Reiko’s message had arrived in time to prevent him from bringing official charges against them, but could he repair the damage already done?

“Sōsakan-sama, what are we going to do?” Hirata’s face mirrored Sano’s dismay.

Keisho-in was retching into a basin while Ryuko held her head. Kneeling before them, Sano bowed. “Honorable Lady Keisho-in, Priest Ryuko. I owe you an apology. I’ve made a terrible mistake.” Quickly he reported the contents of Reiko’s letter, adding his own supporting observations. “I humbly beg your forgiveness.”

Shocked out of her fit, Keisho-in sat up and gaped. Ryuko stared, shaking his head at this new outrage.

“Aiiya, such a handsome, charming man as Chamberlain Yanagisawa,” Keisho-in fretted. “I can’t believe he would do such a thing to us.”

“Believe it, my lady,” Ryuko said grimly. He, unlike his patroness, was cognizant of the realities of bakufu politics, and ready to accept Sano’s explanation.

“Dreadful! Of course I forgive you, Sōsakan Sano.”