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Dr. Krupa (a Bohemian mathematician who had become a sort of permanent houseguest here) said, "Highness, some have proposed that at the world's poles are openings where one may descend into the earth's interior. Here is your opportunity personally to put that hypothesis to the test."

The Princess appeared to have forgotten that anyone else was in the room, and had not even said hello to Aunt Figgy or to Aunt Sophie. She stood for a moment at the base of the steps, the O of her mouth an echo of the big hole that was about to swallow her up. Even Frederick William shut up for a moment, sensing a frisson running through the assembled grownups, but not having the first idea why. That Princess Caroline of Ansbach had once been a little penniless orphan had been long forgot by most. But something about her pose there, below that hole in the Antarctic, unaware of all the people standing about, called to mind the orphan who had showed up on Sophie Charlotte's doorstep five years ago, escorted by two Natural Philosophers and a brace of Prussian dragoons.

Then she got a smile on her face and climbed up through the hole. The grownups resumed breathing and applauded—giving Frederick William the diversion he needed to loop round behind the crowd and slam George August over the head with a book. Leibniz, who had not spent much time around children, watched this dumbfounded. Then he noticed Sophie regarding him with amusement. "It begins," she said, "already the boys are vying for Caroline's attention."

"Is that what they're doing?" Leibniz asked incredulously as George August,


That Golden Sceptre which thou didst reject

Is now an Iron Rod to bruise and breake

Thy disobedience.

—MILTON, Paradise Lost

"C ARAMBA!" EXCLAIMED DIEGO DE FONSECA, "a cucaracha has fallen onto the tortillas of my wife!"

Moseh had seen it before de Fonseca had, and had jumped to his feet even before the initial Caramba! had echoed off the far wall of the prison's courtyard. As he reached over the table, the beads of his colossal rosary—walnut-shells strung on a cowhide thong—whacked the rim of a honey-filled serving-crock. His arm shot free of its sleeve, revealing a ladder of welts and scars, some fresher than others. His shoulder-joint rumbled and popped like a barrel rolling over cobblestones. Most of the men at the table felt twinges of sympathetic pain in their own shoulders, and inhaled sharply. Moseh's ingratiating smile hardened into a scary grimace, but he got a grip on Señora de Fonseca's tortilla-plate and pulled it clear. "Allow me to fetch some fresh ones…"

Diego de Fonseca glanced sidelong at his wife, who had tilted her head back, reducing her chin count to a mere three, and was glaring at the net-work of vines above the table, which was vibrant with six-legged life. The Director, who was not a thin specimen either, leaned slightly towards Moseh and said, "That is most Christian of you…but we prefer our tortillas made with rich lard, and in fact have never seen them made with olive oil before—"

"I could send out an Indian, Señor Director—"

"Don't bother, we are satiated. Besides—"

"I was just about to say it!" Jack put in. "Besides, you and the Señora get to go home tonight!"

Diego de Fonseca adjusted the set of his jaw slightly, and favored Jack with the same look his wife had aimed at the cockroach moments earlier. Fortunately, Señora de Fonseca's attention had been drifting: "Over there, you pay such attention to cleanliness," she observed, casting a look down an adjacent gallery, where several prisoners were sweeping the paving-stones with bundles of willow-branches. "Yet you lay out your feast with nothing to protect you from the sky, save this miserable thatching of infested vines."

"I gather from your tone that you are bemused by our ineptitude where a señora less imbued with Christian charity would be angry at our rudeness," Moseh said.

"Quite! Why, those fellows with the willow-branches are not so much sweeping the pavement as spanking it!"

"Those are from that batch of Jewish monks we arrested at the Dominican monastery three years ago," said Diego.

From any other Inquisition prison warden, this might have sounded judgmental—even condemnatory. But Diego de Fonseca presided over what was widely held to be the mellowest and most easy-going Inquisition prison in the whole Spanish Empire, and he said it in mild conversational tones. Then he popped a honey-dipped pastry into his mouth.

"That explains it!" said Moseh. "Those Dominicans are so rich, each monk hires half a dozen Indians as housekeepers, and consequently they know nothing of the domestick arts." He cupped his hands around his mouth. "Say, Brother Christopher! Brother Peter! Brother Diaz! There are ladies present! Try to move some dirt as long as you are sweeping the courtyard, will you?"

The three monks straightened up and glared at Moseh, then bent their backs again and began scraping dust across the stones. Clouds of volcanic ash built up and rose around their knees.

"As for this wretched covering, I can only beg you pardon, señora," continued Moseh. "We like to lie out in this place and recuperate after a question-and-answer session with the Inquisitor, and so we have been training the vines to grow thus, to shade us from the mid-afternoon sun."

"Then you need to give them manure, for I can clearly see stars coming out through the gaps."

To which the obvious response was Manure!? We get no shortage of that from the priests, and give all of it back to the Inquisitor, but before Jack could say it, Moseh silenced him with a look, and said: "Insofar as the vines cover us, we thank Lord Jesus, and insofar as they don't, we are reminded that in the end we are all dependent on the protection of God in Heaven."

The feast had been brought in by the prisoners' families and laid out on a long deal table at the edge of the prison courtyard, under a makeshift awning of bougainvilleas. It was a lot of harvest-time food: particularly squashes, baked with Caribbean sugar, cinnamon from Manila, and an infinity of beans. Jack had taken a liking to mushy food since losing most of his teeth crossing the Pacific. Up in Guanajuato he'd hired an Indian to make him a new set out of gold and carven boar's tusks, but this accessory had been mislaid, somewhere along the line, after he and Moseh had fallen into the hands of the Inquisition. He guessed that some familiar or alguacil was chewing his pork with Jack's teeth at this very moment, probably just over the wall in the dormitories of the Consejo de la Suprema y General Inquisición.

"Consider your apologies accepted, and your flattery disregarded," said Señora de Fonseca. "But a lady who attends a social function in a prison, organized by men—hereticks and infidels at that!—does not expect that the niceties will be observed. That is why every man seeks a wife, no?"

There followed a long silence, which quickly became embarrassing to those hereticks and infidels, and then stretched out to a point where it seemed likely to become fatal. Finally Jack kicked Salamón Ruiz under the table. Salamón had been rocking back and forth on his bench and muttering something. When Jack's boot impacted on his shin he opened his eyes and shouted, "Oy!"

Then, amid sharp inhalations from all around the table, stretched it out thus: "Oigo misa!"

"You are going to Mass!?" said Diego de Fonseca, perplexed.

"Misa de matrimonio," said Salamón, and then finally remembered to unclasp his hands and grope for the hand of his supposed novia, this evening's nominal guest of honor, Isabel Machado, who was seated on his right. He had never seen the girl before, and for a moment Jack was afraid he was going to grab the wrong woman's hand. "In my head, you know, I was going to Mass on my wedding day."

"Well, keep your hands out of your lap when you're doing it please!" Jack returned. The comment was not well received by the warden's wife, but Moseh plastered it over by rising to his feet and hoisting his chocolate-cup into the air: "To Isabel and Sanchez,