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“Maybe I had it wrong,” I admitted. “Maybe he isn’t going to live the Havana high life. Easy enough for him to spend that money in the States, amigos, even if it wouldn’t go as far.”

But Saladar was shaking his head. “Unlikely, SeñorMorgan. Our people are diversified now. They have taken jobs in every state in the union. Key people have been alerted, and if Halaquez tries to spend our money here in the States? Well, then, we will have him.”

“Is that likely?”

“Unfortunately, no—he is smarter than that—it is like you say before, señor...to get the most out of that money, he must return to Cuba. As for now, he is...hiding out. Lying low.” He paused a second and watched me carefully. “That is why I ask if you have a suggestion.”

“For locating Halaquez?”


I grinned at him. “Tell me something, Luis. Did you guys use ESP or something, to lead me here?”

Saladar didn’t see the humor. “No, my friend. We are simply taking advantage of an opportunity. Naturally, I learned at once of your presence here. I am fully aware of your past history. That is why I ask you for the suggestion. In these matters, you are the expert, the professional.”

“Not in the political arena, amigo. Sorry to disappoint.”

Once again Saladar paused and leaned forward, his hands still clenched. “Know this, Señor Morgan, we do not seek repayment for aiding you. You need to banish any such thought from your mind.”


“We will make sure you escape from this place. We do so with gratitude. We are your true friends.”

“You’ve proved it, Luis.”

He smiled and it was a sly thing. “So...can not a friend ask another friend for a suggestion? Whatever you say, we will attempt to do. At this point, we are desperate for a solution.”

“I won’t suggest anything,” I said.

His eyes grew a little sad. “Very well. May I ask why?”

I held up a hand. “Because somebody might get hurt taking my advice. Like you said, I’m the pro. A generous definition for a hood, but apt enough.”

“We can try our best.”


He started to cover his disappointment with a shrug, then I added, “I’ll do it myself.”

His eyes widened abruptly and he unlocked his fingers and ran them through his hair. “No, señor, it will be enough for you merely to escape. You cannot jeopardize yourself on our account.”

I laughed, once. “Hell, it’ll keep me in practice.”

“Your suggestion would be enough, señor. Tell us what to do and—”

“My suggestion is you listen to the pro. You can conduct your own search in your own way, and if you’re smart, you’ll get one of the friendlier police agencies to help you. You want to go that route, fine.”

“We do not.”

“Then I have my own methods and my own contacts and I don’t want any amateurs screwing them up.”


I cocked my head. “That is, unless you’re afraid to let me loose on this thing.”

They glanced at each other, then back to me. “Why would that be, señor?”

“Maybe if I get my hands on that dough, I’ll just take off with it myself.”

Because I was grinning at them, they didn’t take it as an offense. Both of them smiled back and Maria’s smile was the biggest of all.

Finally Saladar said, “No, señor, we are not afraid of that at all. You are a man of honor.”

I was glad I wasn’t taking a swig of beer when he said that. “Say that in front of some people,” I said, “and you’ll get the biggest laugh of your life.”

There was silence for a moment, then Saladar reached in his inside suitcoat pocket and withdrew an envelope. He opened it on the table and bills spilled out.

“Jaimie Halaquez did not find everything, SeñorMorgan,” he said. “To do what you must do, you will need money. Here is the last of it—five thousand dollars. I trust it will be enough to serve the purpose.”

“You’re a trusting group.”

Saladar nodded. “That is our nature, señor. Our mistake before was not picking the right one to trust.”

“You could be making the same mistake now.”

“We don’t think so.”

“I tell you what.” I reached for the bills and tucked them back into the envelope. “We’ll call this a down payment. Toward fifteen percent of what I recover.”

“That is fair, señor,” Saladar said.

“If I don’t get your money back,” I said, “I reimburse you for everything but expenses. Okay?”

“You are too generous,” Pedro said.

“Not really. Got a picture of this character?”

They did. A snapshot taken a street festival right here in Little Havana—Jaimie Halaquez had an arm around Pedro and they were all smiles. Wearing a black leather vest over a purple shirt, his hair a long, perfect, shining black crown, Halaquez stood a head higher than Pedro, loomed above everyone around him. A handsome son of a bitch, but for a boxer’s pushed-in nose and a jagged scar on one cheek.

“Can you find him, señor?” Maria asked, wearing the same expression she no doubt wore to mass. “Can you return what he took from us?”

“Well, I can’t get back the betrayed loyalty. But the money I have a shot at.” I slipped the photo in a pocket, then gestured with the envelope of bills. “And tell you what—if I have to kill your amigo Jaimie Halaquez, along the way?”

Saladar said, “Yes, señor?”

“Well, I’ll just toss that in.”

And I pocketed the five thou.


Getting through the loosened cordon that still peppered the area wouldn’t be too hard—not when you had the back alley knowledge my escort did.

In the dim, soft light of the back room of the building where Pedro and Maria lived, I had been delivered to this lovely little chaperone with no ceremony, just quick, explicit instructions. The small dark-haired wench had a lithe, cuddly look, but when you touched her, there was no softness there at all.

She could have passed for one of those sudden-blooming Latin women who are mature at fifteen, at least until the light caught her face just right and illuminated her expression as she passed judgment on me, bringing her years into view.

She was thirty, easy.

Her eyes were black and challenging, framed under rounded V’s of brows that seemed like birds in startled flight. There was a natural high rise to her cheekbones and a mouth barren of lipstick, yet lush and blushed with a sensual red, courtesy of God, not Max Factor.

The clothes she wore were loose-fitting with a gypsy swirl to them, pastel greens and browns, though she was born to wear red. And those loose threads couldn’t hide the pert tilt of full breasts nor the tight, nipped-in waist that flared into miniature Madonna hips.

They called her Gaita, but I knew that wasn’t her name— kitten, it meant. But this was a sex kitten grown into fullscale cat, with the claws and purring intact—I hoped she had most of her nine lives left, for what lay ahead.

I was in greasy coveralls that had Farango Car Wash stitched across the back. I wore makeup and a spirit-gummedon gaucho mustache that wouldn’t work on Broadway but should do just fine in dark byways.